Event Espresso 4.1+ Documentation

Event Espresso 4.0



Event Espresso 4.0. 1

Events Section. 2

Events. 2

Overview.. 2

Import. 3

Default Settings. 3

Add New Event. 4

Venue Details. 5

Notifications. 5

Event Registration Options. 6

Questions for Primary Attendee. 7

Questions for Additional Attendees. 7

Event Category. 7

Event Categories. 7

Overview.. 7

Import. 7

Registrations. 8

Overview.. 8

Contact List. 9

Reports. 9

Transactions. 9

Overview.. 9

Reports. 10

View Transaction page. 10

Management Section. 10

Messages. 10

Overview.. 11

Settings. 11

Edit Message Template. 11

Registration Form.. 12

Settings Section. 13

General 13

Critical Pages. 13

Templates. 13

Event Listings: 13

Registration Pages: 13

Themes & Styles: 13

Google Maps. 14

Your Organization. 15

Admin Options. 15

Payment Methods. 15

Payment Methods. 15

Settings. 15

Affiliate Settings. 15

Extras Section. 15

Help/Support. 15



A note to existing users of Event Espresso 3.1.X

When installing/upgrading to 4.X, the whole dashboard area has undergone a transformation, so it is recommended to have a browse through the documentation to familiarise yourself with the new layout and features.


There are four main areas in the new menu: Events, Management, Settings and Extras, each one containing a variety of options and settings.

Events Section


This area contains the overview of your currently, future and past events. From here you can create and edit events as well as fine tune site wide event settings.


Add New Event button – Found at the top of the page, this button will take you to the new event page. LINK TO NEW EVENT

Filters – Here you can select to view All Events, Events occurring today, or Events occurring this month. You can also filter events by month/year and by the event status LINK TO GLOSSARY

The event lists itself shows lots of information at a glance:

  • Event ID
  • Event Name
  • Venue Name
  • Event Start Date
  • Event Start Time
  • Reg Begins (Registration start date and time)
  • Status
  • Attendees – shows a split figure: attendees registered/max. attendee limit
  • Actions

The Actions icons allow quick access to important features

  • View event
  • Edit Event
  • View Registrations for that event
  • View reports
  • Copy short URL
  • Export event details to CSV file

Also, when you hover your mouse over the individual event names, a sub menu appears

  • View – view the event on the front end of your site
  • Edit – edit the event
  • Delete – delete the event. Note that events are not truly deleted and remain in your database and are acce4ssiable via the Deleted filter.
  • Attendees – displays the attendee list for that event
  • Export – exports the event data to CSV


This tab displays the built in import tool for events. It allows you to upload a CSV file containing event data which will be added to your database.

Please note

Accepts .csv file types only. Maximum file name length (minus extension) is 15 characters. Anything over that will be truncated to 15 characters. Please note that you may have to experiment with the import/export settings in your particular spreadsheet program before you find ones that work the best for you.

Default Settings

These options are site wide, so all events are affected, unless otherwise over ruled in an individual event.

Events Expire on Reg End Date – If set to “Yes”, then as soon as an event’s registration end date has passed, the event will become inactive, and will no longer appear in your event listings.

Default Registration Status – This value will be automatically filled in for each person’s registration status, until payment is made, for each event.

Pending Registrations Count Towards Registration Limits – If set to “Yes”, then attendee’s whose registration status is set to “Pending” will still count towards an Event’s registration limit, and therefore also affect the number of spaces available, tickets left, and seating options (if applicable).


Add New Event

In order to add a new event you need to click the Add New Event button in the Events menu.

This will take you to the Add New Event page.

This page contains 4 tabs: Add Event, Overview, Import and Default settings.

Please note that if you click anything other than the Add Event tab, you will be taken away from that page and any data entered will be lost.

Event Title – add a title for the event, this is visible on the front end

Permalink – add a custom permalink for the event, if nothing is entered, it will use the event title.

Event Description – this is a standard WordPress editor and you can add a description and format it as well as add images etc.

Dates & Times – add in the start and end dates for the event and the registration period.

Event Pricing – add one or more prices for the event; click the Add New Event Price button to get started.

Type – Four options are available for the type of pricing

Event Price – a basic price

Member % Discount – a discounted price for members (logged in users)

Early Bird % Discount – a discounted price that is triggered by dates

Surcharge – a tax or additional fee

Name – The name that site visitors will see for this Price.

Description – An internal description for your benefit

Amount – The monetary or percentage amount

Triggered by Date – If set to yes, then the pricing will be subject to dates

Start Date – If the Triggered by Date option has been set, this is the date that pricing will become active

End Date – If the Triggered by Date option has been set this is the date that the price will expire. Please note, if you set the date to January 31st for example, the price will expire at 00:01 January 31st, so the beginning of that day.

Active – is this price in use? If so it will be displayed on the site, if not it will not be displayed.

When a price has been saved, its basic details will be shown. Next to those are two icons: The Cog icon will allow you to edit the price; the Trashcan/Bin icon will delete the price.

Venue Details

The Venue Manager is not available in the “decaffeinated” version of Event Espresso 4.X

Here you can add details of where the event will be held, which will be displayed on the event registration page, and you can even add a Google Map to help visitors find the location.

Venue Information

  • Title – name of the location
  • Website – website for the location if it differs from your own
  • Phone – locations telephone number
  • Image – add a URL to an image to add a logo, picture of the building, staff etc.

Physical Location

This is the address details of the location

Virtual Location

If the location isn’t actually a building or physical place, you can still show information regarding it.

Phone – your contact telephone number

URL of Event – the website, hangout, chat room location

Call in number – a specific number to be used to contact you during the event.

Google Map Link (for email) – details coming soon

Enable event address in Google Maps?

If this is set to Yes, then a Google map is also shown on the registration page. Click here to see documentation about the different options for Google Maps. LINK


This area controls how emails are dealt with on an event specific basis. If you don’t need to control the individual events emails, and are happy to use the same ones across all your events, you can happily ignore this section.

There are 3 main emails for the event:

Payment Email

this is sent when payment has been made

Registration Email

This is sent after the user registers regardless of payment status (see the Settings section for an override option) LINK

Resend Registration Email

This is sent via the Attendee Overview section LINK

By default the event will use the emails created in the Messages area LINK, but you can swap these to a custom email by clicking the Switch to Custom Templates button.

When you do this, a pop up will appear and you can create the custom email. This email will only be useable by this particular event and cannot be allocated to another event.


Event Registration Options

These control important aspects of the event.

Event is Active

Yes/No. If set to no, the event will display a message that it is not yet open.

Event Status

The status of the event, the default is Public. See here for a definition of the event status (LINK TO GLOSSARY)

Attendee Limit

The maximum number of people that can register for the event.

Allow group registrations?

Allow more than one person to be registered simultaneously.

Max Group Registrants

the maximum group size that can be registered in one go.

Additional Attendee Registration info?

Three options available here:

  • No info required – the additional attendees are not set up, they are just anonymous tickets attached to the Primary Attendees account.
  • Personal Information Only – Just the attendees first and last name as well as email address are required. This is separate to what questions the Primary Attendee is asked.
  • Full Registration Information – Every question that is selected in the Questions for Additional Attendees box is asked for each additional attendee.


Default Payment Status

There are three options here, with No Change being the default:

  • No Change – uses the default site settings, typically this is incomplete if payment doesn’t go through or completed if it does
  • Pending – force all registrations (for this event) to be set as pending regardless of payment success/failure.
  • Approved – force all registrations (for this event) to be set as approved regardless of payment status


Display Description

Show the event description or not.

Display Registration Form

Show the registration form or not. This can be useful to set to no in certain situations, such as when using the Add to Cart shortcode (LINK).

Alternate Registration Page

Takes a URL to a different event. If this is set when the user clicks the link to go to this events registration page, they will be redirected to the alternative URL.

Questions for Primary Attendee

Here you can select which question groups LINK are shown to the Primary Attendee upon registration. The default Personal Information question group is always selected.

If you have any other question groups created they will show here, and you can select them as necessary.

Questions for Additional Attendees

Just like the questions for the Primary Attendee, here you can select question groups to be shown to the Additional Attendees. These questions are over ruled by the Additional Attendee Registration info? Option above, so even if you select all the question groups here, if the Additional Attendee Registration info? Option is set not to show them, then the will not appear in the registration form.

Event Category

Event categories LINK help you to split up your events into manageable groups. If you have any event categories created you can select them here.



Event Categories

The Event Categories section is separated into two tabs: Overview and Import.


From here you can see all your created categories, create new ones, and edit and delete existing ones.

The Add New Category button at the top allows the creation of new event categories.

After clicking the button you can add the following:

Category Name (required)

The name of the category, used in both the front and back end of your site.

Unique ID

You can set the category ID here, if left blank it will be automatically set for you.

Display Category Description in Event Listing?

Choose whether the category description is displayed in the event listing or not.

Category Description

A rich text editor that allows you to create a description with images, html etc.


This tab allows you to upload a correctly formatted CSV file to bulk import event categories

FURTHER INFO – need more instructions on the file structure.


The registrations section of Event Espresso provides all the attendee information you need. It is separated into 3 tabbed areas: Overview, Contact List & Reports.

This needs to be a notification box

Differences between Event Espresso 3.1.X and 4.X

Whilst in 3.1.X attendees were created individually in some cases and not at all in other cases.

4.X creates  a unique attendee only once, and attaches the event and transaction details to that attendee. So whilst the overview may show an attendee multiple times, it is smart enough to recognize the attendee name and email address and attach events to that user.


If the username and emails do not match exactly, a new attendee with a new attendee id will be created


Here you will find the details of all attendees registered to events.

Above the list you will find various filters to help narrow down your attendee list.

The overview consists of the following:

ID – this is the registration ID, and is different to the Attendee and Event ID.

Registration Date – The date and time when the customer signed up to the event.

Event title – The name of the event that the user signed up to.

Event Date & Time – The event start date and time.

Att # – This denotes if the registration is part of a group booking or not. If it says 1 of 1, then it is a single booking, if it says 1 of X where X is a number higher than 1, it is a group booking.

Attendee Name – the name of the attendee. If the person bought more than one ticket and the additional attendee data was either not required or the primary attendee copied all their data to the other forms, then the attendee name may be the same.

Registration code – a unique ID for that registration. If it is a group booking the id will still be unique for each ticket.

Reg Status – the current status of the registration. See here for a definition of each status. LINK TO GLOSSARY

Price – The ticket price.

Actions – 4 icons to provide more functionality:

View Registration Details

Edit Attendee Details

Resend registration details to attendee

View Transaction details.


This indicates that the Attendee is the Primary Attendee


If you hover your mouse over the Registration Date or Event Title, a submenu will appear with the following options:

View Attendee Check In List  – this will display a complete list of attendees for that event, including any cancelled or incomplete attendees.

Only Show Registrations For This Event – this will display a list of all pending and complete registrations.


Contact List




The transactions section covers the payments each registrant has made. It consists of two tabbed areas: Overview and Reports.


This lists every transaction made.

ID – This is the transaction ID used by the plugin.

Transaction Date –  The date the transaction was first made. Clicking this will open up the transactions details page.

Status –  The current transaction status, please see the glossary for more details on each status.

Total – The total cost of all the tickets purchased in that registration transaction.

Paid – How much has been paid.

Primary Registrant – The name of the primary attendee (LINK TO GLOSSARY) Clicking this will open up the attendee details page.

Email Address – The primary attendees email address. Clicking this will open up your default email program.

Event – The event registered for which is also a link to that events editor screen.


View Transaction Details – Clicking this will open up the transactions details page.

Download Invoice for Transaction – Clicking this will open up an HTML version of the invoice which can be printed. There is an option on that page to convert it to a PDF file, which can be printed or downloaded.

View Registration Details – Clicking this will send you to the Registration Details page for that particular attendee.

Send Payment Reminder – Resend an email to the primary attendee, requesting payment.


This tab provides visual data on registrations and transactions over time.

View Transaction page

By clicking either the Transaction Date or the View Transaction Details icon in the actions menu, you can open up the View Transaction page.

This page outlines everything you need to know about that singular transaction.

It covers the event and ticket options, the transaction status and the current payment status and details.

It also provides quick reference to the primary attendees contact details, and billing information and links to the additional attendee pages.



Management Section


IMPORTANT  – this needs to be in a warning box

If you were previously using Event Espresso 3.1.X and had modified your email content, then you will need to recreate the emails in 4.X as they will not be transferred over when upgrading.

It is recommended to back up the email html to a text document before converting your site over to 4.X, to allow for easier transposing of the email content.

In 4.X the messaging and notification system has been completely overhauled, and is much more flexible and powerful.

One of the main ways of looking at the messaging system, is to consider the messages as groups of emails that are sent at a particular point.

For example, the Payment Reminder message, will send 2 emails, one to the admin and one to the Primary attendee. Whereas the Registration message will send 3+ emails, one to the admin, one to the primary attendee and one to each of the additional attendees.

NOTE: Custom message types cannot currently be created.

The Messages section consists of two tabbed areas: Overview and Settings.


Here you can see all the messages LINKTO GLOSSARY that are available for use and editing. The default messages consist of:

Resend Registration – a reminder email regarding the registration.

Payment Reminder – a reminder email regarding payment.

Registration – the initial registration email.

Payment – the initial payment confirmation email.

The overview list shows various bits of information about the messages:

Event – the type of event that this message is triggered on FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS MEANING

Message Type – The name of the message

Messenger – This is important and is where you access the various emails attached to the message type.  Clicking the Email link, will always show the default admin email. Clicking the Event Admin, Primary Attendee or Attendee links will show the appropriate emails for those people.

The Edit Message Template page is discussed below (LINK)


The On/Off button on the right turns toggles whether the emails are sent via the WP-Mail function of WordPress. If turned off, you will need to have another service available to deal with sending emails.

WARN: If set to Off, absolutely NO email messages will be sent out.

Each grey box contains further information and settings for those particular messages, hover you mouse and click the arrow image to expand the boxes.


Edit Message Template

This is the heart of the individual emails. From here you can customise the email to be perfect for your recipient.

In the top left of the page is a drop down box where you can easily swap between the different emails within this message group. Remember to save any changes before swapping!

There is also a Preview button to show you a mock-up of how the email will appear to most people (note this will never be 100% due to some people not allowing images, etc. in their emails).

Messages Shortcodes can be used in all the fields on the edit message template page.

To – Required. Who the email will be sent to, you can use the shortcodes here or enter a direct email address.

From – Required. Who the email is coming from, you can use the shortcodes here or enter a direct email address.

Subject – The subject line of the email, shortcodes can also be used here.

Attendee List – Currently only available on Admin related emails. Here you can style how the attendee data is shown to the admin. Shortcodes can be used here.

Event List – This section creates the content for the [EVENT_LIST] message shortcode, which is normally added to the Main Content section.

Main Content – This section is where you can add the non-event information, such as company branding, contact information etc. The event related data can be inserted vie the messaging [EVENT_LIST] shortcode.

Update Actions:

Override all custom – WHAT DOES THIS DO???

Save and Close – save your changes and return to the Messages Overview

Save – save your changes and stay on the same page.

Extra Actions:


Reset Templates – reset the message template back to the default settings and content.

Test Send – sends a test email to the email address in the To field.

Valid Shortcodes – these shortcodes insert various information into the emails. Only usable in messages, not in events.




Registration Form

Here you will find all the questions available to use.

Note: In Event Espresso 4.0 custom questions will not be available initially.


Settings Section


The general settings page covers most of the site wide settings that you will need. It is split up into 6 tabbed areas.

Critical Pages

This section lists the pages that Event Espresso needs in order to function. Should you wish to change a page that is used you will need to move the shortcode to the new page and then allocate it here. Otherwise your registrations will not work correctly.

This section also provides a status of the page to show you at a glance if something is not right.


This section deals with the general front end settings.

Event Listings:

These settings affect the main event listings and any listings provided by the [EVENT_LIST] shortcode

Display Descriptions – toggle the event descriptions on or off

Use SHORT Descriptions – if your event description contains a MORE tag, setting this to yes will cut off the event description at that point. Otherwise the full description is shown.

Display Addresses – toggles the address on or off.

Registration Pages:

These settings affect individual event registration pages.

Display Addresses – toggles the address on or off.

Use the Custom Post Types feature – If set to yes, posts will be created with your event details as well as the event itself. Useful for adding into your blog feed.

Themes & Styles:

These settings affect the overall look of the events.

Use Built-in Style Sheets – turns on Themeroller and the default stylesheet. If you want to use your own custom styles or let the theme style the events, set this option to no.

Themeroller Style – choose a Themeroller style to change the looks of your events. This will only work if Use Built-in Style Sheets is set to yes.

Add a custom style sheet – upload a custom stylesheet.  This will only work if Use Built-in Style Sheets is set to yes.


Google Maps

This section provides numerous options for the Google maps that can be added to events.

Reg Page Map Settings

Options for maps displayed on single event registration pages.

Set Map Width – the map width in pixels. Please just use a number and no additional information like px

Set Map Height – the map height in pixels.

Set Map Zoom level: Range 1 – 19 – this is the default zoom level for the map.

Set Map Navigation Overlay

Keep Map Navigation Small

Set Map Type Control    Default    Horizontal    Dropdown

Set Map Alignment         None    Align Left    Align Center    Align Right

Events List Options

Set Map Width

Set Map Height

Set Map Zoom level: Range: 1 – 19

Set Map Navigation Overlay

Keep Map Navigation Small

Set Map Type Control    Default    Horizontal    Dropdown

Set Map Alignment         None    Align Left    Align Center    Align Right

Use map in template files ( No Shortcodes )



Your Organization

This whole settings tab is about you and your organsation, as well as some core Event Espresso details.


This section also contains an area to add your Event Espresso licence key to allow you to get one click updates whilst you have a currently valid licence.

Contact Information and Company Logo

The contact details that you add here, including the logo, will be used in various places most prominently invoices.

Event Espresso User eXperience Improvement Program

This is an optional system to help us to improve your Event Espresso experience.

By opting to send us anonymous secure data, we will be able to tell general patterns about the plugins usage meaning we know what areas of the plugin most of our customers are using and we can put focus on improving those areas.

Admin Options

WordPress Dashboard

Upcoming Events Widget
Activates/de-activates the Upcoming Events Widget in the WordPress Dashboard so that you can see a list of upcoming events as soon as you log in.

How many days into the future?
Defines how far in the future the Upcoming Events Widget will show, in days.

Date and Time Settings

Clarification of the current date/time settings and a link the the WordPress settings.

Please note that the date and time settings are, for the most part, controlled by the WordPress settings.

Debug/Logging Options

Enable full logging
This will turn on/off the logging system to help with debugging. Th file is available at: /wp-content/uploads/espresso/logs/

Please use caution when using this feature. These files may be publicly available.
Also, please remember to turn this off after use, otherwise the file may grow very large.

Enable Remote Logging
Enables the logging file to be sent to another location.

Remote Logging URL
If the above is set to yes, this is the url where the file will be sent to, it must be a write enabled location.

Promote Event Espresso

You can help Promote Event Espresso by displaying a link to our site on each of your events. You can even generate commissions on every sale that comes from one of your links.

Link to Event Espresso in your Registration Page
This turns the link to Event Espresso on or off.

Event Espresso Affiliate ID
If you have the above on and you enter your affiliate ID here, then any sales that resulted from someone visiting Event Espresso via your affiliate enabled link will gain you a commission.

Payment Methods

This section allows you to set which forms of payments will be displayed to a user if the event has a price other than zero.

Payment Methods

This tab shows the core payment gateways and there settings.

Clicking one of the gateways listed at the top shows the individual gateways activation option, and then the settings.

A gateway must be activated before it can be used. A grey cog icon means the gateway is not active, a green coloured cog means the gateway is active.

You can find out more about each gateways settings here INSERT LINK.


This tab controls site wide gateway settings that span across different gateways.

Allow Payment-retry for Pending and Deferred Payments
If a payment is marked as ‘Pending Payment’, or if payment is deferred (ie, an offline gateway like Check, Bank, or Invoice is used), then give registrants the option to retry payment.

Extras Section


This whole section provides different resources and links to guides, how to’s, basic shortcodes and support to help you if you ever get stuck.

Need more help?

  • Browse or search for more information on this topic in our support forums. Customers with an active support license can open a support topic and get help from Event Espresso staff.
  • Have an emergency? Purchase a support token and get expedited one-on-one help!
  • Go back to documentation for Event Espresso
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