How To

How To

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How to Show a Ticket with a Price of Zero as Free

In this post we’ll learn how to show tickets that have a cost of zero as free. Lets begin by taking a look at the…
Last updated a week ago

How to Setup No-Cache/Exclusion Rules for Event Espresso

Caching plugins have become a popular way to increase the load speed of WordPress sites. While they work well for static content such as pages…
Last updated a week ago

EE4 Theme Templates and Tags

Wondering how to customize templates in Event Espresso 4? Well, let’s put on our developer hats and get started! Each EE4 CPT has a corresponding…
Last updated a week ago

How To Prevent Users From Double Booking Events

Have you ever had events that run at the same time, and then had customers book for both events, even though they can’t split themselves…
Last updated a week ago

How To Sell Multiple Ticket Types Simultaneously

Not all events are equal. In fact it is rare when an event simply sells one type of ticket. There are often varying ticket prices…
Last updated a week ago

How to Setup A Table List of Events

In this how to I will show you how to set up a tabular list of events that a customer can use to add multiple…
Last updated a week ago

Registration Status in EE4

Event Espresso 4.0 and beyond has streamlined the payment status for attendees, but has also separated Payment Statuses and Registration Statuses. There are now 5…
Last updated a week ago

How to Get a List of Attendees for my Event

In this post we’ll learn how to retrieve a list of people (attendees) who are attending a specific event. Let’s get started! Begin by logging…
Last updated a week ago

How to Setup the Event Espresso Arabica Theme

In this guide we will cover how to setup the Event Espresso Arabica theme. For this guide, you’ll need to have an SFTP or FTP…
Last updated a week ago

How to Setup Event Espresso and Publish Your First Event

In this guide, we will learn how to setup Event Espresso and publish your very first event. It is recommended that you work through the…
Last updated a week ago

  • The Sidebar

    Nothing to see here but a sample sidebar for staging.

Event Espresso - Staging Server