Extending Event Espresso

Extending Event Espresso

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EE4 Theme Templates and Tags

Wondering how to customize templates in Event Espresso 4? Well, let’s put on our developer hats and get started! Each EE4 CPT has a corresponding…
Last updated a week ago

How To Prevent Users From Double Booking Events

Have you ever had events that run at the same time, and then had customers book for both events, even though they can’t split themselves…
Last updated a week ago

How to Setup A Table List of Events

In this how to I will show you how to set up a tabular list of events that a customer can use to add multiple…
Last updated a week ago

How to Setup the Event Espresso Arabica Theme

In this guide we will cover how to setup the Event Espresso Arabica theme. For this guide, you’ll need to have an SFTP or FTP…
Last updated a week ago

Setting up partial payments in EE

This is not an officially supported feature in Event Espresso 3.1, but through working with some of our customers we have worked out how to…
Last updated a week ago

Custom Templates Addon – Create a Template

This is a really basic way of creating a new template file for the Custom Template add on. It does require some HTML/CSS, PHP and…
Last updated a week ago

Custom Templates (add-on)

The Custom Template add-on provides you with an easy to use way to change the look and function of your event lists. It comes bundled…
Last updated a week ago

Standard ticket size tickets

This requires modifying 2 files: in core EE tpc/dompdf/include/cpdf_adapter.cls.php on line 139, add a line so that it then reads: "11x17" => array(0,0,792.00, 1224.00), "ticket"…
Last updated a week ago

S2Member Integration

S2Member Integration is an addon to allow you to choose which level of members gets the membership discount. It is currently in Beta and available…
Last updated a week ago

Event Espresso 3.1 Filters

Filter list for Event Espresso version 3.1.X. Please note that whilst we have tried to document all the available filters, some may not be listed…
Last updated a week ago

  • The Sidebar

    Nothing to see here but a sample sidebar for staging.

Event Espresso - Staging Server