Posted: March 31, 2014 at 9:00 am
1. WordPress 3.6.1 Hello – We currently run training classes and create WordPress logins for our instructors to log in and see which events they are registered for. It worked fine for almost a year. Now, when I add a new staff in EE, I get their ID number, create a new user in WP and update their ID number in the profile. I then assign them to events and test it. When I log in as this new staff member and go to “see my scheduled courses” there is nothing – even though I just assigned them to 5 courses. Any help would be much appreciated as we rely heavily on this! Thank you! |
Anyone have any insight on this? |
Hi there, Short of the Roles and Permissions add-on where an event manager can create their own events and have access to only those events, I’m not aware of a feature that Event Espresso has that assigns staff to events where a staff member can log in and only view their events. Was this something that was customized for your installation? |
Hi Josh, I guess that it was. The process is to go into the EE staff manager: which assigns them a number. Then make them a user login to the wordpress site and there is a field in the wordpress users profile that says “Event Espresso Staff ID” and you put in that number that you just assigned them. This used to work fine, but for some reason it has stopped working – or is sporadic and only works for certain events. |
Hi there, I can confirm from reading your description about how this worked that this isn’t something Event Espresso includes as a staff manager feature. Can you check with the developers that worked on this site who may have added this? |
We don’t have a relationship with our first developers anymore unfortunately. So you’re saying that the shortcode: [ESPRESSO_STAFF id=”1″] is completely custom and EE doesn’t have any feature to assign staff to events? |
Hi there, To be clear I did not say that. The ESPRESSO_STAFF shortcode is a standard feature that displays staff information on a page, and Event Espresso includes a staff manager feature where you can assign staff to events. The parts that you described as “there is a field in the wordpress users profile that says “Event Espresso Staff ID” and you put in that number that you just assigned them.” and “go to “see my scheduled courses” are what’s not included Event Espresso features. While we cannot support 3rd party customizations, we can point to existing features that we do support that you might be able to use instead. One example is the [EVENT_LIST staff_id=”1″] shortcode that can be placed on a page to show a list of all the events a staff member is assigned to. |
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