Posted: June 12, 2013 at 12:10 pm
My client runs a dance studio that hosts 6 different classes, each with 6 sessions, once per week, that run over and over and over again. I’ve got a very convoluted solution for this, but she wants to maintain everything herself when I sign the site over, and I feel like there must be a better solution.
I have created each class series as a recuring event, with each individual class appearing in the list and in the calendar. Then I have used the alternate registration URL to send each individual session back to the first one for each class. However, then the entire thing has to be recreated with new dates every six weeks (for all six classes, and all six sessions of each class). What I want to do is to have one “Event” to register for for each class, and have each of the sessions appear on the calendar during that time frame. Then I want the entire class (all six sessions) to automatically populate each six week period, with a single class that can be registered for and all six sessions of each class appearing on the calendar. I know it sounds convoluted, but that’s how most classes run. A recurring series of sessions and you register for all sessions in a single series, a single class, as one single registration. I need each session broken out as it’s own event as well so that my client can schedule staff and so it will appear in the calendar. I presume there’s a simple solution I’m overlooking? |
Hi, Well you pretty much have it nailed there. The only thing I could advise to speed up the process is to use the recurring event update system. So, first off get a copy of the event url structure, so for example With that I know I only need to change that last 9 to go to a different event. Create your recurring events. If you know the ID of the first event in the series great, otherwise head back to the event overview, find it, note it and edit that event. In the Alternate Registration Page option add the url but change the last number to the ID of the event (the first in the series) Make sure the red Recurring Events option box is set to All events in the series Update the event. Whilst stilla little work it saves having to go into every event and updating them. |
Thanks. I guess I was hoping there was a really slick way to schedule “sessions” that are part of a single recurring event that I didn’t know about. I will complete this for now. May I recommend that as a future add-on? I’m sure there’s a tremendous market for it. |
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