
Home Forums Seating Chart Registration Process Issues

Registration Process Issues

Posted: December 6, 2012 at 2:21 pm

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Dennis Massimo

    December 6, 2012 at 2:21 pm

    You can see my registration page here:

    My customers all pay for two tables at one time. With seating chart plugin, how do I allow them to select two seats or pay for multiple seats at once?

    How do I change the name “seats” to “tables” throughout the site?

    How do I allow them to pay for multiple events in one checkout?

    This is a flea market and sometimes people go in and want to buy multiple tables for a few months in a row. It could be 20 events that they want to register for at once, and they almost ALWAYS want two or more “tables” (seats).

    It also seems a little buddy or unintuitive as you move through the registration process. Any ideas on how to streamline or clean this up?




      December 10, 2012 at 11:19 am

      Hi justin,

      I’ll follow up with each of your questions below:

      My customers all pay for two tables at one time. With seating chart plugin, how do I allow them to select two seats or pay for multiple seats at once?

      The seating chart add-on allows you to select/pay for multiple seats if you have group registrations enabled. I checked your site, and the event I looked at already had this set up:


      In this case, it would be better to re-label this to say something like “Add more tables?” Which is related to your next question, which I’ll cover next. Please note that the Seating chart alpha requires full attendee info entered for each seat/table that gets reserved.

      How do I change the name “seats” to “tables” throughout the site?

      Most text strings in Event Espresso are translatable. While you could go through multiple template and function files to reword these, it’s a lot cleaner and easier to maintain if you create your own “English” translation file. Here’s a brief outline on how to do this:

      1) We recommend poedit for working on translation files:

      2) After you install poedit, you can download a copy of event-espresso and open the /languages/event_espresso-en_US.po file in poedit.

      3) Use the Find tool to pull up the text string you need to modify.

      4) Enter your text string modification in the lower text area.

      5) Repeat, save, then upload the .po and newly generated .mo files to the wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/languages/ directory on your server.

      How do I allow them to pay for multiple events in one checkout?
      This is a flea market and sometimes people go in and want to buy multiple tables for a few months in a row. It could be 20 events that they want to register for at once, and they almost ALWAYS want two or more “tables” (seats).

      While it’s possible to register for additional seats/tables within a single event, the Multi Event Registration add-on checkout does not include the seating chart functionality. This is currently a limitation of the Seating Chart and Multi Event Registration add-ons.

      It also seems a little buddy or unintuitive as you move through the registration process. Any ideas on how to streamline or clean this up?

      In addition to changing the text strings where applicable, there are a few options you may be able to use to make it so the user has fewer screens to click through:

      1) You can skip the confirmation page by going to Event Espresso>General settings and under Advanced Features, set “Skip Confirmation page during registration process” to yes.

      2) If you are offering only one payment option and it’s an offsite option (eg. PayPal) you can set the “Bypass Payment Overview Page” option to yes in the gateway settings. This will redirect them to the payment site after they submit their registration.

      Dennis Massimo

        December 11, 2012 at 4:12 pm

        I followed all your instructions above, however now on each event page I get this message: Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /moderated/wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/registration_page.php on line 81 and defined in /moderated/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990 As seen here: I’m also still having the problem as I click the submit button at the bottom to add more table rentals. It auto redirects me to paypal to pay for the first table without letting me add the second, third, or fourth table before I pay. This is a huge problem as I imagine a lot of people think they will be done after one table rental paying for both. Please advise. Thanks!

        Dennis Massimo

          December 11, 2012 at 4:17 pm

          Oh yeah, by the way, it’s passing a cost of 0.00 to pay pal with a box to fill in amount below for some reason. Any ideas on that?


            December 11, 2012 at 5:00 pm

            Hi there,

            The error message indicates that the templates in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates are out of sync with the current version of Event Espresso. The current version’s registration_page.php line 81 should read:

            $data->event = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, NULL ), OBJECT);

            If you had customized some templates from an earlier version of Event Espresso, then the templates will need to be updated to be in sync with the current version. It’s likely that the price of $0.00 being sent to PayPal is also caused by out of sync templates.

            As an aside, the errors shouldn’t display unless the server is incorrectly configured to display errors on the front end. Errors like these should be logged and not set to display on a production site.

            Usually error_display is set to ON for a server that is set up for development, with the understanding that when the site goes live, error_display will be disabled.

            It’s not recommended or secure to display errors on a live site. Otherwise server info will display on public facing pages if any errors get thrown. So it’s recommend to log errors on a live site, not display them.

            It may be possible to override the error display setting in php.ini by adding this line to the wp-config.php file above any require_once or include commands:



            Dennis Massimo

              December 12, 2012 at 10:32 am

              I updated all the template files and updated the php.ini file as you instructed. The template files were all exactly the same size which leads me to believe that it wasn’t an issue with the template files. I recently changed some of the language in the .po and .mo files to fit our flea market model, could this be the issue. I did replace the word attendee with “table renter” or “table rental” in almost every place it occurred.

              There is still and error displayed on the page and it is still passing an amount of $0.00 to paypal.

              You also didn’t address this issue, please try and go through the process yourself of trying to hold multiple “tables” and let me know how to fix it.:

              “I’m also still having the problem as I click the submit button at the bottom to add more table rentals. It auto redirects me to paypal to pay for the first table without letting me add the second, third, or fourth table before I pay. This is a huge problem as I imagine a lot of people think they will be done after one table rental paying for both. Please advise. Thanks!”

              Dennis Massimo

                December 12, 2012 at 10:45 am

                I also can’t seem to get the Add to Calendar and Featured Image features to work.

                Please advise.

                Thanks again for all your help.



                  December 12, 2012 at 11:48 am

                  Hi there,

                  Please note my replies below:

                  I updated all the template files and updated the php.ini file as you
                  instructed. The template files were all exactly the same size which
                  leads me to believe that it wasn’t an issue with the template files.

                  A few changes to a few lines of code will not make much of a difference in files sizes.

                  It appears that you are still using the old templates in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates, because the error message continues to display.

                  In Event Espresso 3.1.28, it read:
                  $data->event = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $sql ), OBJECT);

                  In Event Espresso 3.1.29, it reads:
                  $data->event = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, NULL ), OBJECT);

                  I recently changed some of the language in the .po and .mo files to fit our flea market model, could this be the issue. I did replace the word attendee with “table renter” or “table rental” in almost every place it occurred.

                  Changing the wording of the text strings in language files will have not effect on the functionality of the plugin.

                  There is still and error displayed on the page and it is still passing an amount of $0.00 to paypal.
                  You also didn’t address this issue, please try and go through the process yourself of trying to hold multiple “tables” and let me know how to fix it.:
                  “I’m also still having the problem as I click the submit button at the bottom to add more table rentals. It auto redirects me to paypal to pay for the first table without letting me add the second, third, or fourth table before I pay. This is a huge problem as I imagine a lot of people think they will be done after one table rental paying for both. Please advise. Thanks!”

                  Let’s verify that the old templates are not overriding the core templates first. Many times issues like these are resolved by using the core templates instead of the modified templates. Please note that the calendar and featured image code was also added to the new versions templates.

                  You can also download a fresh copy of Event Espresso and do a diff comparison between the templates in the plugin and in your /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates directory. An application like Diffmerge will highlight the differences, and other text editors like TextMate have similar features.

                  Dennis Massimo

                    December 12, 2012 at 12:28 pm

                    That seems like it did it. Featured Image and iCal is working.

                    I have all the other EE plugins installed, do I need to update any other template files due to this update and WP 3.5?

                    The Add to Cart seems to be appearing as well, but when you add the event to the cart it won’t allow you to select your seat. Does this mean I should disable the add to cart function and how do I do that?

                    I am still having this problem:

                    …it is still passing an amount of $0.00 to paypal.
                    You also didn’t address this issue, please try and go through the process yourself of trying to hold multiple “tables” and let me know how to fix it.:
                    “I’m also still having the problem as I click the submit button at the bottom to add more table rentals. It auto redirects me to paypal to pay for the first table without letting me add the second, third, or fourth table before I pay. This is a huge problem as I imagine a lot of people think they will be done after one table rental paying for both. Please advise. Thanks!”
                    Let’s verify that the old templates are not overriding the core templates first. Many times issues like these are resolved by using the core templates instead of the modified templates. Please note that the calendar and featured image code was also added to the new versions templates.

                    Dennis Massimo

                      December 13, 2012 at 9:05 am


                      Should I start a new support topic for these last two issues?




                        December 13, 2012 at 11:14 am

                        We typically recommend posting a new thread for each issue. I will do my best to reply to each of the outstanding issues you’ve reported here:

                        Oh yeah, by the way, it’s passing a cost of 0.00 to pay pal with a box to fill in amount below for some reason. Any ideas on that?

                        In order to investigate this, I will ask if you can disable the “ByPass payment page option”. It may be another template modification, or a theme conflict, or the way that you have Event Espresso installed on Multi-site. On that last note, is Event Espresso network activated or activated on a per site basis? It will not work as expected if it is network activated.

                        I have all the other EE plugins installed, do I need to update any other template files due to this update and WP 3.5?

                        Usually this is the case. The best way to find out what needs to be updated is by doing a diff between the template file you’ve customized and the new version’s template file to compare the changes. We recommend using DiffMerge for this.

                        The Add to Cart seems to be appearing as well, but when you add the event to the cart it won’t allow you to select your seat. Does this mean I should disable the add to cart function and how do I do that?

                        I addressed this issue in the above reply, but it bears repeating: The seating chart add-on is not compatible with the Multi Event Registration add-on. You can disable the add to cart feature by deactivating the Multi Event Registration add-on.

                        Dennis Massimo

                          December 13, 2012 at 12:24 pm

                          > In order to investigate this, I will ask if you can disable the “ByPass payment page option”. It may be another template modification, or a theme conflict, or the way that you have Event Espresso installed on Multi-site. On that last note, is Event Espresso network activated or activated on a per site basis? It will not work as expected if it is network activated.

                          The plugin is activated at the site level, and “Bypass Payment Page” option is now set to “no”

                          > Usually this is the case. The best way to find out what needs to be updated is by doing a diff between the template file you’ve customized and the new version’s template file to compare the changes. We recommend using DiffMerge for this.

                          Which EE specific plugins require template uploads? Which Dir are EE specific plugin templates uploaded to?

                          > I addressed this issue in the above reply, but it bears repeating: The seating chart add-on is not compatible with the Multi Event Registration add-on. You can disable the add to cart feature by deactivating the Multi Event Registration add-on.

                          Thank you for addressing this again, is this something EE is looking at? How about reoccurring registration? As in, the attendee wants to sign up for every Wednesday event of a certain type for the next year in the same seat?

                          Thank you again for all your help. I’ll try and ask different questions in different posts from now on.



                            December 13, 2012 at 3:46 pm

                            Hi Justin,

                            So for the price getting sent as 0.00, it may help to reset the main registration page. You can do this by going to Event Espresso>General Settings and under page settings change the main registration page to use a different page, then save, then change it back and save.

                            Another thing to rule out is the Facebook comment block at the bottom of the page, you could try removing that. The problem with pulling in Facebook content is it can use oAuth and will silently refresh the page, which can mess up the variables that get passed from one registration page to another.

                            Which EE specific plugins require template uploads? Which Dir are EE specific plugin templates uploaded to?

                            None require template uploads. It’s only an option, and templates should only be copied over to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates only when necessary. If a template requires customization, it can be copied over to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates, but you’ll need to update that template if the original gets changed on a software update. None of the Event Espresso add-ons have templates that can be modified. The core Event Espresso templates in event-espresso/templates/ can be individually copied over to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates if your require this.

                            Thank you for addressing this again, is this something EE is looking at?

                            Not presently. It may be possible to add this functionality after Multi Event Registration 2.0 is released. It’s not something that we are going to add to the current version of Multi Event Registration.

                            How about reoccurring registration? As in, the attendee wants to sign up for every Wednesday event of a certain type for the next year in the same seat?

                            Recurring registration for the same seat isn’t an idea that we’ve had presented to us before, at least I’m not aware of a request like this one. I can add that to our feature request list.

                            Dennis Massimo

                              December 13, 2012 at 4:09 pm

                              General Settings and under page settings change the main registration
                              page to use a different page, then save, then change it back and save.
                              Another thing to rule out is the Facebook comment block at the bottom
                              of the page, you could try removing that. The problem with pulling in
                              Facebook content is it can use oAuth and will silently refresh the
                              page, which can mess up the variables that get passed from one
                              registration page to another.

                              I have deactivated all facebook instances and I reset the main registration page. Still the same issues. There are two as I stated above.
                              1. EE is passing 0 as the amount to paypal that is due.
                              2. It won’t allow you to register another attendee or for my purposes another “table” This is driving me out of my mind. It must be making you nuts as well. I have another issue now but I will start a new topic. Thank you. Justin

                              Seth Shoultes

                              • Support Staff

                              December 13, 2012 at 11:43 pm

                              Is the price getting set to 0 when registering for an event with a seating chart assigned to it?

                              Dennis Massimo

                                December 17, 2012 at 9:32 am

                                Yes Seth, the price is getting set to 0 in paypal in events with seating charts.

                                The BIGGEST issue I have been having that NOBODY has been able to help me with yet is that EE won’t allow me to allow people to register for another “table,” or “attendee” in EE terms. You click submit to register another attendee and it takes you to PayPal not to register another “table.”




                                  December 17, 2012 at 10:42 am

                                  Hi Justin,

                                  It might help to explain that once the registration is submitted, additional tables/attendees cannot be added. So in the case of your site, you would click the Add More Table Rentals? (click to toggle, limit 4) which appears above the recaptcha box. This will add additional fields to the screen that allows another table selection and an additional form to be filled out.

                                  Dennis Massimo

                                    December 17, 2012 at 1:26 pm


                                    You the man. Sorry for being such an idiot. It isn’t very obvious what you need to click to add more attendees from that text. Maybe it should underline or something to indicate that is is clickable. One of those little plus or minus icons could help too.

                                    It still says “Additional Attendee #1” even though I changed all the .po files to reflect “additional tables.”

                                    Last, I’m still having the problem with it passing 0 as the value to PayPal.

                                    Thank you again for all yoru help!

                                    Dennis Massimo

                                      December 17, 2012 at 2:01 pm

                                      Got the first issue fixed.

                                      Last issue is the passing $0 to paypal.




                                        December 17, 2012 at 2:31 pm

                                        Hi Justin,

                                        Have you tried installing the updated files that Chris sent?

                                        Dennis Massimo

                                          December 17, 2012 at 3:07 pm

                                          Chris sent me an update for the seating chart. That’s it. I did install that update.

                                          Could that be the issue?


                                            December 17, 2012 at 3:21 pm

                                            Hi Justin,

                                            You will also need to update to version of Event Espresso that is compatible with the update for the seating chart add-on update that Chris sent. I’ll email you a copy.

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