
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Multiple Attendee Registration form -does not send user to payment page

Multiple Attendee Registration form -does not send user to payment page

Posted: December 6, 2013 at 4:13 am

Viewing 29 reply threads

Matt Paul

    December 6, 2013 at 4:13 am

    1) click on event
    2)Click on To register multiple players, View Cart. (before register details section)
    3)Fill in the for for more than 1 person
    4)CLick “Confirm & Go TO Payment Page”
    It does not go to payment page

    NOtes: 1)Multiple attendee for has an action attribute of action=””

    2) Single attendee has an action attribute of

    final notes:
    I am stepping in for the person who’s site it is to help – bc I have programming/dev experience. I noticed a couple of things.

    1. When you use the default registration page template. The additional attendees are added on the same page on the bottom.
    2. On now – it takes you to a shopping cart page. Then to the check_out page (where incidentally is the page where you fill in attendees info and it has the CONFIRM AND GO TO PAYMENT PAGE link mentioned above.

    How to get this fixed – where is the source code for the “checkout page”?




      December 6, 2013 at 4:39 am

      Hi Jamie,

      “checkout page” is actually the template file multi_registration_page_display.php

      When I run through the steps above I get

      Sorry, there was a security error and your registration was not saved.

      That error is displayed when a nonce check fails.

      This is most likely due to the modifications made to multi_registration_page_display.php within wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/

      I would start by checking it contains:

      multi_wp_nonce_field('reg_nonce', 'reg_form_nonce');

      It may also be outdated templates, I notice the site currently runs (current version is if those templates are from a previous version they will need to be updated to match the latest ones within event-espresso/templates/

      A quick an easy way to tes tthe above is to rename the wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates folder, for example templates-temp.

      As long as the default templates (event-espresso/templates/) have not been modified you should be able to run through a registration with no problems.

      Matt Paul

        December 6, 2013 at 5:56 am

        Thanks for the reply.

        1. changed the templates folder and it acts like point 1 in “final notes”. That submits to a payment page – but it does not have the same features as the current set up – meaning a)shopping cart page b)amount of input fields is limited.

        The key question – on this so I can understand – the EE default setup for multi attendee. Is the feature to add more attendees – at the bottom of the standard registration page? BC – how it is now – it goes to a shopping cart page. What is the out of the box feature or set up? If it is supported by EE to be at the bottom on the main registration page then that may be the base of the issue. I was told it never actually worked for them. Is how they have it now – something that is a normal/supported modification or is this a custom set up ? going to a cart, and then going to a attendee info page, etc.

        2. THat error you speak about “Sorry, there was a security error and your registration was not saved.” – well that is the same page – but that error just started showing – not sure what that is about

        3. I searched both the multi_registration_page_display.php filed – a)the one in uploads/espresso/templates and b)the one in the plugins folder and neither had that line of code.

        4. As far as upgrading – gotcha. Just want to understand Question 1 before I do that.

        Matt Paul

          December 6, 2013 at 6:12 am

          Question – i updated the EE – that also updates the templates folder I am assuming?


            December 6, 2013 at 6:29 am

            The default setup for Event Espresso (EE) is the single registration form with no option for multiple attendees. Although they are included within Event Espresso. For example:

            A single event not allow multiple registrations:

            Same event allowing multiple attendees without the need for personal information for all attendees:
            (Same as above with a drop down for the amount of tickets)

            Finally same event with multiple attendees plus Personal information required:

            That is enabled/disabled through the event settings. Within the event, in the side bar you can see

            The other option you mentioned (shopping cart then attendee info) is also a part of EE. Using the Multi Event Registration Add-on (MER) which basically involves adding a Cart button to the event description (or using the default one in the event list) to send the event/s to the cart. Allow multiple events, with multiple different ticket types/quantities to be selected.

            2/3 are one and the same. The error is due a to a nonce error. By the looks of it, the default templates have been modified then copied to the uploads folder. So the nonce generation has been removed from those templates. Then when EE checks for it it fails.

            (EE check wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/ for modified version of the templates first, if any are found it uses those, if not it will use event-espresso/templates/)

            4) Theres multiple ways to achieve what is happening on the site but it would appear that whoever set it up used the templates for the cart link and input fields (although unsure how). Both the shopping cart feature & the amount of input fields can be adjusted within EE itself.

            Personally I would recommend downloading EE locally and viewing the default configuration. Then see the different with MER. All without the modifications that have been made to the templates currently.


              December 6, 2013 at 6:30 am

              Updating EE updates the templates in event-espresso/templates/

              It will leave the ones in uploads/espresso/template.

              The uploads folder is a safe place to store modified templates so they aren’t removed with each update. Although those templates need to be merged with the latest versions from time to time to add the new features we add into the default ones.

              Matt Paul

                December 6, 2013 at 7:30 am

                1) “The default setup for Event Espresso (EE) is the single registration” —-sorry – By default features i did mean Multi Event Registration Add-on – so it uses the steps shopping cart; then attendee info; the payment page.

                2. Just to be clarify- All custom templates are disabled – except event list and event list display – which should not effect what is happening.

                3. He has a 3rd option on the event creation page – called “full registration information” is that not standard?

                3. So right now if you go to a registration page – with all custom templates disabled – you’ll see 2 options:
                the link to the cart; then it takes you to full registration information
                this is the one in your image and the one i have been asking about if this is the out of the box -“adding additional attendee” interface

                4. Additional note – there is code in the custom_functions.php that adds the link in a in the above point (#3)

                function matt_custom_registration_message($event_id) {
                <div class="custom-message">
                <span style="color:red;">10% Family discount on the total price</span><br />
                To register mutliple players, <span style="text-decoration:underline;">
                <?php echo do_shortcode('[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id="'.$event_id.'" anchor="click here" direct_to_cart=1]'); ?>
                </span>.<br />
                Otherwise, to register one player, complete the form below.

                <?php } ?>

                * But other than add the link – it does nothing else.

                So my question – multi event registration set up/page flow – 1)full registration info option 2)the link i showed you leading to the shopping cart before additional attendees info is added 3) additional attendee info page leading to a payment page.

                Is this something that multi event registration add on supports? Your images that you included do not reference this – but you also seemed to indicate that it was normal in the first response.

                If it is normal flow/set up – and all of the custom templates are disabled – where could the issue lie?

                thanks again for your help.



                  December 6, 2013 at 8:03 am

                  Before going through each question, currently the templates are active, you can see this within the page source code

                  Event Espresso Template Files:

                  File: /multi_registration_page-hold.php
                  File: /event_list_display.php
                  File: /registration_page_display-hold.php
                  File: /espresso_table.php
                  File: /multi_registration_page_display-hold.php
                  File: /espresso_tablegb.php
                  File: /registration_page-hold.php
                  File: /espresso_tableold.php
                  File: /event_list.php

                  Those are the template files located in wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates

                  If you have FTP access you can rename that folder to disabled them or go to Event Espresso -> Template Settings.
                  Click the ‘Rename Templates Directory’ button

                  I’ll go through your questions now, I just wanted to make you aware that the templates are still active.

                  Matt Paul

                    December 6, 2013 at 8:37 am

                    templates folder in uploads/espresso have been changed to templates-current


                      December 6, 2013 at 9:30 am

                      1) “The default setup for Event Espresso (EE) is the single registration” —-sorry – By default features i did mean Multi Event Registration Add-on – so it uses the steps shopping cart; then attendee info; the payment page.

                      Yes that’s correct.

                      3. He has a 3rd option on the event creation page – called “full registration information” is that not standard?

                      Full registration information is also standard. Personal information is the minimum required information for an attendee, when creating the event you can also add more questions, ‘Full registration information’ also requires this info for the additional attendees and not just the Primary.

                      3a) That image is MER. It is also what that custom function is outputting. The shortcode for using MER is ESPRESSO_CART.

                      b) Yes that is standard multiple registration used when ‘Personal’ or ‘Full registration information’ is required, and when NOT using MER.

                      The default flow when not using MER for multiple attendees.

                      Registration -> Add multiple attendees to registration using the method linked here
                      Confirm registration
                      Then payment.

                      When using MER,
                      Add the event to the cart. (multiple events can be added)
                      Then View Cart.
                      Select the quantity of tickets you would like for each event and or ticket type.
                      Enter registration info.

                      Regarding our current issue.

                      The nonce error has now gone (which is good)

                      Can you go to Event Espresso -> System Status and look under ‘Registration Pages’. Are all the links green?


                        December 6, 2013 at 9:51 am

                        Hi Jamie,

                        What is the mechanism in place that automatically discounts 10% for a family discount? It doesn’t look like the Volume Discounts add-on is active, so what I’m wondering is if there is a custom script added somewhere that is trying to apply a 10% discount to the cart.

                        It may have worked at one time before when an older version of Event Espresso was installed, but now it’s discounting the cart 100% (instead of 10%), so the cart doesn’t go to the payment page because the registration is now free. I think if you can find a script that is set up to discount the cart, that may be what’s causing this.

                        As an aside, if you go to the event list here:


                        and click add to cart, then go through the cart registration it also doesn’t take you to a payment page. Just like if you click on the custom link from the single registration page.

                        Matt Paul

                          December 6, 2013 at 10:23 am

                          thanks yes the nonce error went away after I updated the EE (with the templates)

                          These are all green
                          Event Page #1192 –
                          Payment/Thank You Page #4525 –
                          Transaction Notification Page #2627 –

                          This one is red
                          Cancel Return Page Page does not contain the shortcode: [ESPRESSO_CANCELLED]


                            December 6, 2013 at 10:40 am

                            Hi Jamie,

                            You will need to set up a cancellation page so the cancellation feature will work as expected.

                            Do you have any thoughts on this above reply:


                            Matt Paul

                              December 6, 2013 at 11:23 am

                              1.cancellation page- okay – will look to do that thanks.
                              Priority right now is to get this fixed for multiple account reg 1st.

                              2. The add to cart on the event list – is not needed at this point -thanks. With the custom template it is hidden.

                              3. Where would any custom discount code go – I don’t see any in the custom_functions.php? All of the custom templates are off.

                              On a side note – is this something you guys can fix with the $70 token? need to get this fixed. thx


                                December 6, 2013 at 12:08 pm

                                3. Where would any custom discount code go – I don’t see any in the custom_functions.php? All of the custom templates are off.

                                It could be anywhere on the server. The theme, another plugin. Hacked directly into WordPress core. My point is, there’s a note that is advertising a 10% discount. This indicates something is in place to discount tickets when they go through the cart. There may or may not be code in place that does this, but that’s what it’s advertising.

                                On a side note – is this something you guys can fix with the $70 token? need to get this fixed. thx

                                While we can look into it, we can make no guarantees that we can fix something like this within the 30 minutes that a support token buys. Have you tried going in and deactivating all non-EE plugins and temporarily switching to the default theme? This may help narrow down what is causing the issue.

                                Matt Paul

                                  December 6, 2013 at 12:20 pm

                                  man this is a nightmare- thought it would be more straight forward. Disable all the modules sorry plugins seems like overkill

                                  I don’t think it is the theme – the theme was changed recently and apparently it did not work before the theme was changed. And there was nothing put in functions.php or the theme regarding discounts.

                                  Seth Shoultes is the author the code that i think . Does he work for the company?

                                  Okay how do we get started with you guys checking it out. Do i go buy a token and reference this thread?


                                    December 6, 2013 at 1:18 pm

                                    Yes, Seth works here, he’s listed as the author in most of our software.

                                    If you buy a support token, the first thing that we will typically try is disable all the non-ee plugins in order to narrow things down. So you may want to try that first.

                                    Support tokens can be purchased here:


                                    Matt Paul

                                      December 6, 2013 at 1:30 pm

                                      purchased a support token – let me know what the next step is thx
                                      host gator credentials

                                      Matt Paul

                                        December 6, 2013 at 2:25 pm

                                        as far as the support token – do you guys use this thread or contact me through email?

                                        thank you.


                                          December 6, 2013 at 2:57 pm

                                          Hi there,

                                          If you go to your account page, you’ll see a link that takes you to a form you can fill out to initiate priority support. We can follow up here with what we find.


                                            December 6, 2013 at 4:02 pm

                                            I think I found why this is happening:

                                            If you look in the site’s error_log there is this error, repeated throughout the log:

                                            [06-Dec-2013 11:24:10] WordPress database error Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' for query SELECT a.*, AS event_id, ed.event_name, dc.coupon_code_price, dc.use_percentage FROM wp_events_attendee a JOIN wp_events_detail ed ON LEFT JOIN wp_events_discount_codes dc ON a.coupon_code=dc.coupon_code WHERE attendee_session='13b9987066aaab5e645e429f4562cae2-52a1f9c9797c27.24785086' ORDER BY ASC made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), call_user_func_array, event_espresso_run, event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db_multi

                                            That last part indicates the error is thrown when the attendee is added to the database when the registration is going through the cart. Which is where you’re seeing the issues.

                                            If you go into cpanel and go to Database>PHPmyadmin you’ll see one database labeled _matt2013, and _matt. _matt looks like the older of the two, and _matt2013 is currently the one being used. It looks like the _events_attendee table was copied over from _matt to _matt2013. There are a few more tables that look like they were copied over too.

                                            The trouble is, the collation doesn’t match, and this will cause mySQL errors.

                                            What you can try to fix this is:

                                            1) Put the site into maintenance mode. Disable all the ee plugins.

                                            2) Log in to cpanel and go to phpmyadmin. Backup/export the _matt2013 database

                                            3) create a new database. You could name it _matt2014 to keep it simple and clear.

                                            4) import the database you just exported into the new _matt2014 database

                                            5) change the table collations for the _events_ tables so they match. It looks like the older tables are unicode and the newer tables are general.

                                            6) go in to edit your wp-config.php file and change the MySQL settings (lines 17-28) so they point to your new table. Be sure to note the old database settings so you can change them back if needed.

                                            7) reactivate Event Espresso plugins and test.

                                            If you run into any trouble after doing this, you can easily switch back to the _matt2013 database. There are some more detailed instructions on how to backup/restore a database that can be followed here:


                                            The step by step instructions outlined here are different in that you’ll be creating a new database to restore to and work on. So the original one stays intact and can be easily switched to if need be.

                                            Matt Paul

                                              December 8, 2013 at 4:04 am

                                              Thank you. I did the above steps and seemed to get everything to work. But – (unfortunately there is a but:(

                                              – testing it out and trying to make a payment – was unable to make a payment for credit cards
                                              – paypal is working fine

                                              – error indicates (14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid.
                                              – i looked in the payment settings and the Relay Response URL is accurate

                                              which when i put that into the browser it goes to payment page

                                              – the payment page has the [ESPRESSO_PAYMENTS] in the content
                                              – i am not sure the issue – i checked forums and they all seem to be related to the correct response url which is there.

                                              Thanks jamie

                                              Matt Paul

                                                December 8, 2013 at 4:06 am

                                                Also Josh or anyone answering this – where is that error log – on hostgator(the webhost?) thanks


                                                Matt Paul

                                                  December 8, 2013 at 11:08 pm

                                                  Last couple of points to clarify where i am with this.

                                                  I did the steps in the above the Josh mentioned. I made all the collation all unicode.

                                                  My initial concern with doing that – what happens to all the data that was stored in originally in general? Will it a affect the site in some way. So far I don’t se any ill affects – other than the issue I am having.

                                                  Steps taken
                                                  troubleshoot process 1
                                                  -Confirmed the page was correct and the it had the proper shortcode in it [ESPRESSO_PAYMENTS].
                                                  -Went to and deleted the url and rentered – like a reboot type of process. But did not work

                                                  troubleshoot process 2
                                                  -went to and created a new payments page and put the short code in there; went to general settings and pointed Auto Return URL (Thank You and Return Payment page): to the newly created page.
                                                  -deleted old url -in Response/Receipt URLs in and added new url that I confirmed was showing in the Payments set up page Relay Response url yellow box in EE
                                                  -tried the Credit Card Payments and – got the same error as above.

                                                  So for now I just deleted the url in and do not have a relay response back to site for time being.


                                                    December 9, 2013 at 9:17 am

                                                    With the Authnet error you are seeing: Are the Payment settings set in Event Espresso>Payment settings set to test mode on a live server or test mode on the development server, or on live mode?

                                                    The error_log is a file on your server. It’s in the same directory where the core WordPress files are installed.

                                                    Matt Paul

                                                      December 9, 2013 at 10:16 am

                                                      No, None of those options are checked. It has got me really stumped.

                                                      Here is a pic


                                                        December 9, 2013 at 10:35 am

                                                        Hi there,

                                                        In the future, please obfuscate things like Log in ID’s and Transaction keys before posting them in a public forum.

                                                        It looks like the Relay Response URL is set to be:


                                                        you could also try setting it in the Authnet account settings to:


                                                        since that is what it’s redirecting to.

                                                        Matt Paul

                                                          December 9, 2013 at 11:03 am

                                                          “In the future, please obfuscate things like Log in ID’s and Transaction keys before posting them in a public forum.”

                                                          Good point – will do – i keep thinking it is a private support ticket.

                                                          As far as the alternate url – i tried that last night – but it seems to working for me now. So good deal.

                                                          I did a test run in test mode – the receipt page is not loading CSS. I did a quick search on the issue and saw you recently answered this – but I do not see the option that you allude to in the post on the settings page.


                                                          The other browsers are not loading the stylesheets because they’re likely trying to load them up as https. If you go into your payment gateway settings there should be an option that you can enable that’s called “Force HTTPS on Return URL”. If the WP theme is coded correctly, this option will ensure that the return page loads up the theme’s stylesheets.


                                                            December 9, 2013 at 11:36 am

                                                            Hi there,

                                                            The reason that you’re not seeing the option to force HTTPs on return URL is because the site you are working on does not have an SSL certificate installed. After an SSL certificate is installed for the domain the option will appear in the Payments Settings page.

                                                            Matt Paul

                                                              December 9, 2013 at 11:44 am

                                                              And that is the only way to fix this issue? To get an SSL


                                                                December 9, 2013 at 12:15 pm

                                                                There are other ways to work around the issue.

                                                                The root of issue is when the payment goes through Authnet SIM, the receipt page is loaded from Authnet’s servers. Authnet loads its receipt page as https, so when it tries to load in non-https assets (from your active WP theme) most browsers will not display them due to built in security features.

                                                                So the simplest way to work around this is by installing an SSL cert on your domain and forcing the payment page to load as SSL. This also will provide other benefits because some browsers will display a non-secure warning when returning to the site after paying with PayPal. The non-secure warnings do not display when the page that gets returned to from PayPal is also https.

                                                                Another way around the issue would be to load up some basic inline styles in the head of the document for the Thank You page and only when it’s through The WordPress wp_add_inline_style function along with checking for the current page could be used in a custom function to load up the custom styles for that page only.

                                                                Matt Paul

                                                                  December 9, 2013 at 1:05 pm

                                                                  last question on this –

                                                                  Is there a 3rd option – where can provide the confirmation page. In this case for the time being in order to have clean page until I can see what Matt(owner of the site) wants to do about the SSL?


                                                                  Sidney Harrell

                                                                  • Support Staff

                                                                  December 9, 2013 at 6:03 pm

                                                                  Yes, you can comment out line 44 of gateways/authnet/Authorize.php:

                                                                  $this->addField('x_Relay_Response', 'TRUE');

                                                                  and line 30 of gateways/authnet/authnet_vars.php:

                                                                  $myAuthorize->addField('x_Relay_URL',espresso_build_gateway_url('return_url', $payment_data, 'authnet') );

                                                                  and if you have set the relay response url in your account, you may have to delete it there.

                                                                  Matt Paul

                                                                    December 10, 2013 at 2:22 am

                                                                    Great – thanks. That should do me for now. Appreciate the assistance from all.

                                                                    Viewing 29 reply threads

                                                                    The support post ‘Multiple Attendee Registration form -does not send user to payment page’ is closed to new replies.

                                                                    Have a question about this support post? Create a new support post in our support forums and include a link to this existing support post so we can help you.

                                                                    Event Espresso - Staging Server