Posted: January 28, 2013 at 2:54 pm
Version Business License / WordPress 3.4.2 The site has multiple Administrator users. When another Administrator creates a Question Group, I can see it under All Groups on the Question Groups page, but it doesn’t appear in the Sidebar to be checkmarked when editing an Event on the Event Overview page for me. We can all see and use the default Personal Information and Address Information groups, but any new groups that one of us creates can not be seen by the others and attached to an event by another administrator. We can only see the new ones that we created ourselves and not new ones created by the others. This doesn’t seem right to me. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Seems like this would be a huge pain for multiple administrators to create question groups for everyone to use on the events. |
Hello Kevin, Are the users in different roles? The questions that are created in one role will not be able to be used by another role. For example, if someone in the Admin role creates questions, then the users in the Event Manager role will not be able to use those questions. The questions will need to be created within each of the roles. |
We’re all Administrators. |
Hi Kevin, Are you using the Roles and Permissions add-on? If so, and you’re all administrators, I’d recommend deactivating Roles and Permissions if you want to share questions between users. It’s actually a feature of the Roles and Permissions add-on that assigns independent user-specific question groups. |
I’ve disabled the Permissions plugin and that seem to do the trick. Needed to re-create some questions and Question Group though. I’m not sure what the point of independent user-specific question groups are for without the ability for at least administrators to have a global view of everything. Otherwise it sets up a situation like this where admins cannot reliably edit an event since they don’t see all the question group options. Hopefully I don’t have the need for the permissions plugin for anything else. |
Admins should be able to see all the question groups in the All Questions / All Question Groups tab. But, as Josh said, if you’re all administrators, there’s no point in using the R&P plugin. The idea is if you need to restrict access to other parts of WordPress and allow event managers specific access to certain parts of Event Espresso and not be able to change other users’ events. |
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