Posted: December 2, 2013 at 5:00 pm
As a last solution for the strings which don’t have a translation or cannot be translated the proper way, I am thinking to use jquery as a client-side script. I tried to search on the internet for string replacement, but I couldn’t find a valuable example. Thank you. |
I would advise against using jQuery in this case. WordPress has a translation filter to allow for filtering. This way you’ll avoid having to depend on the browser having JavaScript enabled. |
Great! Thanks! |
What about the “Unlimited” available seats? How can I translate that server-side, without overwriting the entire function which returns this result? |
Hi, The only way I can see about gettign around this is to modify the event_list_display.php file.I will put a request in to get this added to core as then the Unlimited can be added to the language files, but basically this is what I’ve done: event_list_display.php at line 111 it says if ($display_reg_form == 'Y' && $externalURL == '') { ?><p id="available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="spaces-available"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Available Spaces:', 'event_espresso') ?></span> <?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces') ?></p> <?php } I changed it to if ($display_reg_form == 'Y' && $externalURL == '') { ?><p id="available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="spaces-available"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Available Spaces:', 'event_espresso') ?></span> <?php $x = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces'); if ($x == "Unlimited") { echo __('Unlimited'); } else { $x; } ?></p> <?php } Then with the script Josh mentioned above just add in Unlimited to the array and then the translation. As mentioned I will ask to get this or something like this added to core. |
This EE php file modification is what I am trying to avoid. For this kind of situation, jQuery would be acceptable for me, or maybe some other server-side replace function, which would not put a burden on the processing power of the server, especially under high loads. |
Hi, Well the templates can be copied over to the uploads/espresso/templates directory (in this case you need to copy event_list.php and event_list_display.php) in order to not be over written. I have put this forward for inclusion in core already. jQuery wise, well you could use something like this: function replace_unlimited() { ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var unlim = $('.spaces-available').html(); console.log(unlim); unlim = unlim.replace("Unlimited", "wibble"); console.log(unlim); $(".spaces-available").html(unlim); }); //end ready function </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'replace_unlimited'); |
When I was saying that I don’t want to modify EE files, I was thinking of futures changes of functionality or bug fixes that you will deliver to that php part, which will not be visible for my site, due to the personal override. In general, I consider the php override a bad idea, if it can be replaced by other approaches. The jQuery solution worked great. However, I decided to put it directly in my theme’s js file, like this: // translate EventEspresso text, which doesn’t have gettext __() or _e() |
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