
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium HELP! Multiple Event Registration is Not Working

HELP! Multiple Event Registration is Not Working

Posted: January 9, 2014 at 11:45 pm

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Lesley Batson

    January 9, 2014 at 11:45 pm

    I have just spent another $40 having to purchase this plugin but I don’t see how it works or where to configure it. The documentation says it ‘just happens’ but I don’t see any change.

    I have 4 different price options under my event. I thought that this plugin would display each of these options and allow the user to enter a quantity for each. Is this what is supposed to happen? If so, it is not working. Please see my page at

    How do I need to set this up? Please help, I need to get this completed ASAP.

    – WP 3.8
    – EE v3.1.36.2.P

    Thank you,


    • Support Staff

    January 10, 2014 at 12:11 am

    Hi Lesley,

    I see that the plugin is working. On your register page you have one event which has a register or add to cart link at the bottom.

    The add to cart IS the Multiple Event Registration plugin.

    After adding to cart and then viewing the cart, the user can then select which ticket they wish to buy and how many of them –

    You have a group booking limit of four, so the user can only select up to four tickets cart wide (eg if they select 4 tickets for Individual Golfer, they cannot select any more tickets).

    To change that, increase the group booking size within the event (Max Group Registrants: is the option name.)

    Please let me know if you have any more questions.

    Lesley Batson

      January 10, 2014 at 12:39 am

      Thank you for such a quick response Dean. I didn’t realize I had to click ‘Add to Cart’.

      1. I don’t think this is very intuitive for a user. Is there a way to change the text for ‘Add to Cart’ or better yet, change it to a button (like the ‘Register’ button) and modify the text?

      2. I also think I need to modify the group size. For example, a Golf Team is made up of 4 people so I set a max of 4 however, I need the user to have the option to select 1 Golf Team plus 1 Golf Clinic plus 3 Awards Dinner Tickets – or any combination of the 4 options. Should I just remove a group max to resolve this?


      Lesley Batson

        January 10, 2014 at 12:43 am


        3. Only the ‘Golf Team’ option should allow 4 names. All others should only allow 1 name to be entered.

        4. For the ‘Golf Clinic’ and ‘Awards Dinner’ options, I don’t want to ask them my ‘Other Player’ group questions. Is there a way to do this?



        • Support Staff

        January 10, 2014 at 1:36 am

        Hi Lesley,

        1) Understandable. Changing wording can be done via the language packs (here’s a guide and changing them to buttons would need a CSS tweak, but what that would be would depend on whether you want to match the Register link or use an image.

        2) 3) & 4) Expanding the group count will certainly help. However, I think you may need to rethink the set up here.

        I am assuming here that Golf Clinic and Awards Dinner are extras rather than separate events.

        Personally what I would do is to not use Multiple Event Registration (MER) in this situation.

        I would drop the golf team option, and set the max capacity to 4. I would also drop Golf Clinic and Awards Dinner as I would then use the Price Modifier addon to add them back in as further options ( you can use the dropdown option here with a maximum of 4 to coincide with group size )

        This would allow your visitors to register up to four people (a team), and only ask the right number of questions for the number of people.

        Obviously if the Clinic and Dinner can be purchased separately then you would perhaps need a different route again, this time involving MER.

        3 events: Golfing, Golf Clinic and Dinner. Golfing will have a maximum group size of 4. The user can then add one or more events to the cart and select ticket amounts as required.

        More info

        Price modifier
        Pre Release channel (to access Price Modifier)

        Lesley Batson

          January 10, 2014 at 2:01 am

          1. I would be fine with just matching the ‘Register’ button but would I end up with 2 buttons? I would want the ‘new button’ to take you to where the ‘Add to Cart’ link would take you.

          2. The Golf Clinic and Dinner Awards are actually separate events. For example the Golf Clinic will take place at the same time as the Golf Tournament so it would be different participants however, a user can pay for a Golf Team and a Golf Clinic for her daughter. Someone who is purchasing the Awards Dinner is someone who did not golf at all in the tournament or clinic but wants to attend the dinner. I don’t want there to be any limits on the combination options or quantity of each option purchased.

          3. So per the end of your reply, does this mean I have to set these up as 3 different EVENTS vs 3 different options under ‘Event Pricing’?



          • Support Staff

          January 10, 2014 at 3:58 am

          Hi Lesley,

          1) If you add the following CSS to either your themes style.css file or to a plugin such as My Custom CSS it will match the buttons up for you

          .register-link-footer a {
          border: 1px solid #999999;
          font-weight: bold;
          color: #ffffff;
          border-radius: 4px;
          background: #ae37b9 url( 50% 50% repeat-x;

          The Add to cart/view cart will still do the same thing, it just looks more in line with the theme now.

          2) & 3) If they are separate entities then it is definitely best to have them as 3 separate events and have MER enabled so that 1 person can add whatever they need to the cart and register accordingly.

          Lesley Batson

            January 15, 2014 at 2:11 pm

            Hi Dean,

            I’m hoping you can still help me figure this out.
            1) I’ve added the CSS and now I have a ‘Register’ button and a ‘View Cart’ button. I would like to know if:
            a) I can skip this page completely and just go to the ‘View Cart’ page? If this is NOT possible, can I
            b) remove the ‘Register’ button and reword the ‘View Button’ to say ‘Proceed to Make Selections’?

            2) and 3) – I’m still not sure what I need to do here. Only the ‘Team Golf’ option needs to have a group size of 4. For example if user selects quantity of 1 then it’s one team of 4 players and they should be able to add 4 names. If they select quantity of 2, they should get the ability to add names for 8 players. How can I make this possible? I don’t see anywhere to configure MER. Thanks!


            • Support Staff

            January 17, 2014 at 5:03 am

            Hi Lesley,

            Well, you could add a shortcode to a post or page, that will add the event to cart and redirect the user there automatically.

            [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”1″ anchor=”REGISTER NOW!”]

            Documentation –

            2) That’s not really possible as the plugin registers individuals, so for a team of 4 they need to buy 4 tickets in order to register 4 people. This is likely to change in the future, but right now there is no easy work around.

            Well, you *could* just add questions per registration, so 1 ticket you get the Primary attendees name etc, and then add in required questions to obtain the other 3 members of the team. That is one way of doing it, but only the primary registrant is logged as an attendee, the rest are just answers to questions.

            I hope that makes sense, if not please advise.

            Lesley Batson

              January 17, 2014 at 7:09 pm

              Dean, you’ve been really helpful so far so thank you for hanging in there with me since I’m not a developer, I have to do a lot of ‘trial and error’ and probably ask silly questions.

              I did finally get it sorted out. I had to create each ‘ticket type’ as it’s own event and with the MER plugin, everything is working except one last thing I need help with…

              How can I hide/remove ‘View Details’ button and the word ‘or’ on each of the events on the page?

              Lesley Batson

                January 20, 2014 at 12:40 pm

                Hi Dean,

                Just following up to see if you can guide me on how to hide/remove the ‘View Details’ button and the word ‘or’ on each of the events on the page?

                Thank you,

                Lesley Batson

                  January 20, 2014 at 2:23 pm


                  I also just realized a CRITICAL ISSUE as I was testing the registration for the ‘golf team’ event, it does not allow me to enter the attendee information for the 2nd-4th members of the team. I set the group max to be 4 but what I need is for it to REQUIRE 4 attendees total for the team without changing the price. OR I need the system to allow me to put a quantity of 4 at a fixed price when that event is selected so that it requires the info for all 4 attendees. Is this possible?


                  • Support Staff

                  January 21, 2014 at 7:20 am

                  Hi Lesley,

                  Sorry for the delay in responding.

                  Critical issue wise – The exact system you need just isn’t possible with the default plugin, as it doesn’t handle fixed group bookings.

                  So its either a case of having up to 4 attendees where you will get full info on each one, OR having 1 attendee and use the questions to gather the data on the other 3 team members.

                  If you go with the former option which personally I feel is the best, you could either add a note stating less than 4 members is not allowed or perhaps use a bit of jquery to fix the figure to 4 and remove the other values. I can’t think of anything else.

                  Regarding the buttons, this CSS should work for you

                  .register-link-footer a:first-child {
                  display: none;
                  .register-link-footer {
                  .register-link-footer a:last-child {
                  margin-left: -15px

                  Lesley Batson

                    January 21, 2014 at 8:12 am

                    Thanks Dean. I went ahead with Option 2 to get the teams signed up.
                    The CSS also worked so now I only see the ‘Add to Cart’ button for each event.

                    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!! :)

                    Lesley Batson

                      January 21, 2014 at 10:53 am

                      Not so fast…

                      The CSS hid the ‘View Details’ button but now when I click ‘Add to Cart’, it does not actually take me to the shopping cart. How do I fix this so a user can complete the registration?

                      Sidney Harrell

                      • Support Staff

                      January 21, 2014 at 11:08 am

                      Instead of using the :first-child selector, I would use a class on the view details button that is not on the view cart button, like .a_register_link

                      Lesley Batson

                        January 21, 2014 at 11:29 am

                        Hi Sidney – thanks for such a quick response. Since I have little programming experience, I’m not exactly sure how to implement your suggestion. Would you mind providing the CSS code I should add?

                        Sidney Harrell

                        • Support Staff

                        January 21, 2014 at 11:37 am

                        I believe you have this in your my Custom CSS plugin:

                        .register-link-footer a:first-child {
                        display: none;

                        you would just want to change it to:

                        .register-link-footer a.a_register_link {
                        display: none;

                        Lesley Batson

                          January 21, 2014 at 11:42 am

                          Excellent, that worked. Thank you!!

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