Posted: April 3, 2014 at 8:11 am
Hi there – Dealing with an issue this morning. Last night a client decided to accidentally update ALL plugins and then delete them in an attempt at fixing the damage.. I had a backup of all core files made Nov30 so it was not the end of the world. However, something that occurred as part of the update/delete is now causing Event Espresso to malfunction. We cannot reach the registration page (/event-registration/) but all other plugins and widgets are functioning normally. URL to calendar: I cannot for the life of me figure out what’s going on. Anyone else encountered this issue before? I will dump plugins and configuration settings shortly. Willing to troubleshoot if someone can help. I suspect there is a database value that needs touching. |
<code>Versions Event Espresso version WordPress version WP 3.8.1 Installed plugins Custom Post Type UI by version 0.8.2, Disable Comments by Samir Shah version 1.0.4, Event Espresso - Calendar by Event Espresso version, Event Espresso - MailChimp Integration by version 1.0.4, Event Espresso - Multi Event Registration by Seth Shoultes version 1.0.4, Event Espresso by Event Espresso version, Featured Category Posts Widget by wppluginsdev version 1.0, Google Analytics for WordPress by Joost de Valk version 4.3.5, Google XML Sitemaps by Arne Brachhold version 4.0.2, WP No Category Base - WPML compatible by Mines version 1.1.0, Regenerate Thumbnails by Viper007Bond version 2.2.4, Reveal IDs by Oliver Schlöbe version 1.4.5, Ultimate Coming Soon Page by SeedProd version 1.10.1, WordPress HTTPS by Mike Ems version 3.3.6</code> |
<code>Settings Home URL Site URL Registration Pages Event Page #5 - Payment/Thank You Page #6 - Transaction Notification Page #8 - Cancel Return Page #7 - Server Environment PHP Version 5.3.3 Server Software Apache WP Max Upload Size 32MB Server upload_max_filesize 32MB Server post_max_size 32MB WP Memory Limit 64MB WP Debug Mode No Espresso Logging Log directory is writable.</code> |
Hi Dustin, Have you flushed permalinks? (Go to Settings -> Permalinks. Make no changes and hit save) If you go to Dashboard -> Pages. Can you find the ‘Event Registration’ page? |
Hi Tony, Thanks for the response. Unfortunately the permalink flush did not resolve the issue. I will try testing the Event Registration short code on a different page. As a side note, do those links look “correct”? That page appears to accept the ee=201 variable and uses that to load the event-specific information. If you have any more ideas please send them along. |
Hi Dustan, Could you run a search in WordPress Pages for the following shortcode: [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] Do multiple pages show up or just a single one? Event Espresso 3 does not use pretty permalinks for single event pages so they will appear like so: — |
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