
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Extremely slow site…

Extremely slow site…

Posted: July 11, 2013 at 4:03 pm

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Melissa Foerster

    July 11, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    Over that last couple of weeks my site is getting slower and slower. Today it is unbearably slow. Each page takes forever to load, especially EE pages.

    I have resized all of my images.
    I have installed a image optimizer plugin.
    I have installed WP Minify to compress CSS.
    I have installed WP Super Cache.

    When running a performance test it appeared that the issues were with the template and plugins I was using. I deleted all inactive plugins. Your plugin in the largest. I am just not sure what to do. Please help.

    Melissa Foerster

      July 11, 2013 at 4:26 pm

      My website is


        July 11, 2013 at 4:36 pm

        Hi Melissa,

        Have you looked into upgrading to a more performant server? If you’re running a lot of events on a website that is being served from a cheaper hosting plan things can slow down.

        A few tips that might help:

        You can speed up the site by not loading up the calendar in the sidebar. If there a lot of events in the system, the calendar will slow things down.

        A note on caching plugins: The pages that handle registration and payment should be set to not be cached. These pages need to be served dynamically. Caching plugins can also use up a lot of memory and in some cases make the site load more slowly if the server is not configured to work with caching plugins. You might check with your host to see if they have any recommendations.

        Melissa Foerster

          July 11, 2013 at 5:10 pm

          Hello Josh. Thank you for your reply. I am using HostGator for hosting, etc. After talking to suuport, this is what I was told:

          (3:55:42pm)Melissa Foerster:The plugin that runs my business asked, “Have you looked into upgrading to a more performant server?”

          (3:58:34pm)Melissa Foerster:I learned that the cache plugin I was using did not work well with the event management plugin. I have no deactivated it and the pages are loading correctly.

          (3:58:51pm)Anthony G.:I will be with you as soon as soon as possible please, stand by.

          (3:59:42pm)Anthony G.:From what I am seeing it seems that you currently do not have WP super cache installed on your site. WP super cache will install caching features on your WordPress to make it run more efficently. It is highly recommended that you run super cache on all the sites in your account this link would be able to walk you through the process of installing and configuring super cache:

          (4:00:25pm)Melissa Foerster:I was told this by Event Espresso (my event management plugin): A note on caching plugins: The pages that handle registration and payment should be set to not be cached. These pages need to be served dynamically. Caching plugins can also use up a lot of memory and in some cases make the site load more slowly if the server is not configured to work with caching plugins. You might check with your host to see if they have any recommendations.

          (4:03:10pm)Melissa Foerster:I did have WP Super Cache installed…. I just need to learn more about not having it interfere with those pages.

          (4:05:29pm)Anthony G.:Well some plug ins can conflict with other plug ins and in some cases you may have to contact the developer of any plug in not working properly with your caching mechanisms to see what you can do

          (4:06:10pm)Anthony G.:Also keep in mind there are other ways to optimzie your site such as using the .htaccess file but this requires knowledge of .htaccess coding and is not part of our regular scope of support. In order to further optimize your site keep in mind that you would also be able to use tools like the .htaccess file in order to achieve things like caching content, and compressing images. I would recommend reviewing the following links to understand how this can be done via the .htaccess file of your site:

          Do you know how WP Super Cache works with EE? Is there a Cache Plugin you recommend?


            July 12, 2013 at 11:28 am

            Hi Melissa,

            WP Super cache should be set in its Advanced options to not cache the main registration page, the Thank You page, and the Transactions/notify URL page. It can be set to cache all the other pages on the site.

            I brought up this support issue in our weekly support meeting and we all took another look at your site and there seems to be a lot of moving parts to this issue. Here’s a few things we observed:

            Some of the pages are taking up to 22 seconds to generate, and while doing so, are not loading up the necessary CSS and JavaScript files. Here are a few pages that are doing this:


            While the caching plugin is helping this situation, it is not correcting the root of the problem. There may be another plugin or a setting somewhere that’s causing the slowdown.

            From looking at the page source it looks like there may be a conflict between WP minify and another plugin or the WP theme (not all themes will work with WP minify). It also may be that the WP minify plugin isn’t configured correctly.

            These are more general website/hosting/WP issues. If you’d like someone from Event Espresso’s support staff to sort out the issues with the non-EE plugins we typically require the purchase of support tokens for each 30 minutes spent to troubleshoot.

            Melissa Foerster

              July 12, 2013 at 11:37 am

              Thank you for your assistance. I am purchasing a support token now. If you or a member of your team, could please sort out all of the above issues. These things are beyond my understanding and web experience. Thank you.


                July 12, 2013 at 12:30 pm

                Hi Melissa,

                We’ll do what we can in 30 minutes. It looks like the WP minify plugin has been removed and the pages are actually loading much faster now. I’ll look into the other issue with the logo not uploading and configure WP Super Cace so it’s set up correctly.

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