Posted: March 28, 2013 at 4:02 am
We have an events list, which consist of boxes that display each event but in IE9 as you scroll down the page the boxes get smaller and smaller. See Can anyone help. |
Hi Andrew, Thats a new one! OK, so whilst I can only suspect what the issue might be (IE…) from what I can tell from debugging in IE, there is a fix. In your css add .event-data-display { YOu may need to add the !important tag to them (eg padding-left: 0 !important; ) I would advise adding this in in an IE only conditional or IE only stylesheet |
Hi We’ have done it.It didn’t work for me.Can you give an another option please? |
Hi Andrew, I can only view this in compatibility mode as I dont have IE9 or less on my system, but with the added CSS the events no longer shrink, though now there is too much padding perhaps. Screenshot (note I have purposefully zoomed out so you can see multiple events at once.) I can’t really give another fix as I can’t see it directly from your view point, but I am 99% certain it can be fixed by playing around with the CSS. Are you actually viewing the site in IE9 or are you using an emulator of some form? |
Yep.I’ve fixed it.Now can you help me to put the side bar back.side bar has gone down if you see the bottom of the page |
It looks like the sidebar is fixed now. Can you confirm? I’m not on IE, so I’m assuming it’s not a browser specific problem. |
It was ok in the event list page.but when I visited the home page it’s not.Now it’s not showing properly neither one of them |
If you need I’ll send the style sheets.let me know. |
Hi Andrew, I’m viewing the source of the page and it looks like some extra closing divs were added somewhere in a template for IE. Here’s an example:
You could try tracing those down and see what happens if you remove them. They’re likely in the page and sidebar templates of the WordPress theme. It also looks like one was added in to the event-list-display.php template. |
Hi In the event list page The read more button is not showing in IE .Can anyone help this? Thanks |
Hi Andrew, I’m not sure why, but it looks like IE is ignoring the comment end where you have the available spaces template code commented out. Here’s a screenshot of the page in IE’s view source: You can try removing the available spaces code instead of commenting it out to see if that makes a difference in IE. |
Hi I removed the comment as you said.After that Read more button appeared But whole style went wrong in IE. Then I put it back.Any suggestion? |
My suggestion would be to fix the style with CSS for IE instead of commenting out blocks of html. |
can you please provide the instructions to fix the css ?? |
Hi Andrew, The first thing that you’ll need to do is remove all the conditional IE comments that are adding/removing extra opening/closing div tags from the templates. Please see the above comment for an example of what I’m referring to:
That might fix it at that point. If it doesn’t we can take another look and offer suggestions. |
Hi Thanks for your support.I didn’t remove any IE conditional comments .I’ve put an IE conditional comment here . if ($display_reg_form == ‘Y’ && $externalURL == ”) { ?><!–[if IE]> <div> <![endif]–>
Now it works Thank you |
Hi Thanks for your assistance.I didn’t remove any IE Conditional comments .Istead of that I’ve put an IE conditional comment here .
if ($display_reg_form == ‘Y’ && $externalURL == ”) { ?><!–[if IE]> <div> <![endif]–> <?php
Now it works
Thank you |
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