Posted: May 9, 2013 at 5:43 am
How can i display events who are still going to happen in the future, but whose registration has closed. I’d still like people to come to these pages, and see the event info. Once the event starts OR ends (it doesn’t matter so much as its on the same day), then the events will not show on the standard events listings. Thanks |
Hi there, This is a bit out of the reach of the available display options, but it’s possible to tweak a few things in the templates to make this happen. The first tweak would be in the /templates/event-list.php template on line 148 of the current version where you could remove this part of the query: OR e.event_status = 'O' OR e.registration_end >= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' Then further down near the end of the same template, there’s a switch case for ‘NOT_ACTIVE’ events where you can uncomment line 403 so it reads: include('event_list_display.php'); This will make it display the event in the list even if it’s past the registration end date, but it will not display after the event is past. |
Thanks for this – assuming this is hack which will be overwritten when I update the plugin though? |
Hi there, You can copy the modified event_list_display.php and event_list.php files into /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates and the changes will not be overwritten on an update. Please see this related information in the documentation: Please note that if we need to make a change to a template in a future version of Event Espresso, you’ll need to copy this change into your custom template to stay current with the plugin. We recommend using Diffmerge to help merge changes into custom templates. |
Thanks for this.. As this is not an essential point, I am wondering how easy the prcess would be to maintain. I don’t want to have to check if the file has been modified after each update of the plugin. Is that what you are suggesting i need to do? |
In addition to this… Is it possible to have a different message for expired events, and events whose registrations are closed? At the moment, both have the same message: |
Hi, The Expired and Closed messages are actually different according to the code, so it depends on whether the event & registration has passed or just the registration has passed. |
Ive got my developer to do this…but it still displays an expired event with the same message as one whose registration is finished, but event is still not. Can you take a look at this for me, I can send across the file, or send you link to the site to test? |
Sure, I can take a look to see if there is something obvious, can you post them on pastebin please. However I may not be able to look at these until tomorrow. |
here you go: Many thanks – really appreciate it |
Hi, I am really sorry my tomorrow turned into a few days! I had a look at the code and as far as i can tell it seems to do mostly what you want EXPIRED – SO I tested this by setting the event to not active and unfortunately this is broken. By default it uses a message in the registration_page.php so it will never load the registration_page_display.php file where your modifications are. REGISTRATION_CLOSED – registration end date has passed. your message comes up fine. REGISTRATION_NOT_OPEN – registration start date has not happened yet. Your message come sup fine. |
As per your statement we have reverted to the plugin’s default template Please let me know what else could be the issue here.. Thanks |
Hi there Can you post the event start, end, registration start, and registration end dates in the exact format they are entered? It may be the way the dates were entered if they are not formatted correnctly. Can you also let us know what the status of the event is? This will help us narrow down the issue. |
Hi, here are the settings: Event Dates This looks fine to me… |
Sorry, here it is again: Booking Start: 2013-05-27 Booking End: 2013-05-27 Event Start: 2013-05-28 Event End: 2013-05-28
I have translated some works (as you can see above) e.g. ‘Registration’ = ‘Booking’ (via the language files), and the Time format on wordpress is set to dd/mm/yyyy whereas in the event admin, it displays in American format. I don’t think this should matter right? Thanks
Hi there, What is the event status set in the event editor? |
Event Status ‘CLOSED’. Is this an active event? ‘YES’ |
Have you tried switching the active event setting to No? |
That w0rks, but surely after event passes, it should automatically happen? I don’t want to have to remember to manually change status each time :) |
Right. However that’s what it will do with the stock templates. If you want it to do something different the templates can be modified, but from reading the earlier posts in this thread it didn’t sound like that was an option you were going to go with. |
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