Posted: November 26, 2013 at 6:05 pm
Aaaaand another time related question. On the page that uses the EVENT_LIST short code (, I would also like to display the Start / End Date and Time. Currently it’s showing “Date: ” with the iCal link. I would this to change to be “Starts: <start date> <start time> <iCal Link>” Of course changing “Date:” to “Starts:” is the easy part. It’s getting the start time, end date, and end time to display where I’m losing my mind. :) The current code for the event meta (starting with the featured image) in the event_list_display.php file (in the /uploads/espresso/templates folder) is at |
Hi, OK, so you have something like this in the file. <p id="event_date-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Date:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span><?php echo event_date_display($start_date, get_option('date_format')); ?> <?php //Add to calendar button echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_ical', $all_meta);?> </p> You can use this to create the end date and also the times, like so <p id="event_date-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"> <?php _e('Starts:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo event_date_display($start_date, get_option('date_format')); ?> <?php echo " "; //just a space ?> <?php echo event_date_display($event->start_time, get_option('time_format')); ?> <?php echo " "; //just a space ?> <?php //Add to calendar button echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_ical', $all_meta);?> </p> <p id="event_date-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Ends:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span><?php echo event_date_display($end_date, get_option('date_format')); ?> <?php echo " "; //just a space ?> <?php echo event_date_display($event->end_time, get_option('time_format')); ?> </p> |
Clearly I’m missing something now. :( I’ve placed a copy of event_list_display in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates and that’s what I’m working on. However, adding the code you’ve provided above doesn’t change anything on the site ( — thats’ the page with the [EVENT_LIST] short code). I’ve even just tried changing the text of “Date:” in the original code snippet I sent to something else like “Dates:” but nothing on the site changes. Am I futzing around with the wrong template? |
Did you copy over the event_list.php file as well? If not do so, even if you are not editing it, the files are linked so wont work with both being there. |
Ah-hah! That’s the issue. Once I moved event_list.php over, everything started working. Thanks!! :-D |
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