Posted: September 11, 2013 at 10:15 am
September 11, 2013 at 10:15 am When I create an event, I also create an extra post (not a custom post) and it is this post that is visible to clients in a usual blog type page. This post is created automatically and it shows a line before the event’s description (“Map and directions | Register online”) that I would like to suppress/hide (“Register online” shows again at the end of the post after the description), just I would like to suppress/hide the word “Description” which shows automatically in the post as well. I don’t use Themeroller styles. On the other hand, I would like the posts to show the number of attendees. I’m using the last version of EE and WP 3.6. Thank you in advance for your help. |
September 11, 2013 at 11:49 am Hi BD, You can make these customizations by editing a template file. The template file that you’ll end up editing is in the /templates directory and is named /event_post.php. After you make the edits to your specifications, the event will need to be updated to re-auto-generate the blog post’s content from the modified template. You can keep your changes safe by copying over your modified template to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates. |
Thank you for the prompt reply. My problem is not with the EE event post as such, but with the WordPress post that is generated when saving an event as a ordinary post as well. Unfortunately, not being much of a coder, I do not see clearly what is to change in the template php file so that the above mentioned changes take place in the WordPress post. Thank you in advance for your help. |
Hi BD, Since customizations typically fall outside of the scope of support, I can advise contacting a developer who has experience with customizing Event Espresso. We have a list of developers we recommend here: |
Thank you. But what I’m actually asking is not customization, but rather solving a technical problem. All these issues appear when generating a WordPress post when creating an event (for it is the usual WordPress blog page listing the events as posts that is visible to my clients, not the the main registration EE page): a) The line “Register online” appears twice, on two lines, both on the blog page listing the posts (events) and in the individual post, once before the event’s description and once after the event’s description. This is unnecessary and confusing. It is the first of these occurences that I wish to suppress/hide. b) With the first occurence of “Register online” mentioned above (before the event’s description), on the same line shows “Map and Directions”. I wish to hide/suppress this as well for the address do not show before, so it is unnecessary to have a link to a map in the absence of an address. Moreover, this string is not translatable in this position (while it is translated in the .mo/.po files; I have also attempted all the other methods indicated in this forum) and my site is not in English. c) The number of attendees does not show at all: neither on the main blog page listing the posts (events), nor in the individual post itself or in the online registration page. The client cannot even know if there are available places when registering. Thank you in advance for your help. |
Hi, Can you provide a link to a post in question, it is easier if we can see these things. Often a small amount of CSS will resolve the issue (at least for hiding things). Regarding attendee numbers, if you use this shortcode in the event description it should transfer over to the post. |
Thank you Dean. I am sure that some css will resolve the issue. I have attempted with the shortcode, but the attendee numbers does not show; perhaps I am missing something. My site is not yet public. Would temporary technical access to my WordPress admin area help to solve the issue? If yes, I can send it privately. Thank you in advance. |
Sure, send it here please |
Ok so basically you want the section gone. It is a little hard as there is no CSS classes or ID’s, but this should work .category-actualites p:nth-child(3) { display: none; } |
Thank you so much Dean. This works indeed. Now for the number of attendees to appear in the post (or in the event’s post for that matter), I did as you indicated and pasted the shortcode (in my case: [ATTENDEE_NUMBERS event_id=”lorem-ipsum-1-521698fa86098″ type=”5″]) in the event’s description. However, it does not shop up in the post; all I get is: /. Did I miss something in the shortcode? I also suppose that the number of attendees decreases as attendees register. Thank you again. |
This shortcode is wrong [ATTENDEE_NUMBERS event_id=”lorem-ipsum-1-521698fa86098″ type=”5″] It should look like this [ATTENDEE_NUMBERS event_id=”1″ type=”num_attendees_slash_reg_limit “] Where the event ID is well, the evcent ID, its the number found in the event overview on the left The type is found in the documentation |
Thank you Dean. Now I get the number of attendees, but a further thing that doesn’t transfer from event to post is the string/statement before the number of places available. That is, now I get a number but the client does not understand what is this number about, so I need the string before this number, stating something like “Number of places available:”. This string is generated when creating an event and does show up on the main registration page (which lists the events), also in translation, but does not transfer to the post and the blog page listing the posts. Thanks for your kind collaboration. |
No, it doesnt give a label, you need to write one in, so in the post page just type it before it, remember to add a space before the shortcode. It shouldnt generate a label in an event or a post. |
Thank you again for such a prompt reply. And now my last point (already mentioned somewhere above): I would like to hide the word/label “Description” which shows above the description. (probably some simple css to add…) |
Sorry, I thought there was somethng else. Here you go .category-actualites p:nth-child(4) { display: none; } |
You reply faster than I have the time to think about the next question! It works fine. Your help is greatly appreciated. |
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