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Espresso & Infusionsoft integration

Posted: September 19, 2013 at 6:22 pm

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Aaron Tusjak

    September 19, 2013 at 6:22 pm

    Hey there,

    my client has some specific requirements for their events site. They create & run events, varying in size from tens to thousands. They want to go with Infusionsoft as their marketing solution and we’re considering Espresso for the display of events, booking, payment gateway, etc.

    Anyway onto the questions:
    – how tight is the integration with Infusionsoft using the Infusionsoft addon? Basically, our client wants to enter the event information into Espresso (start date, end date, event name, venue, speakers) and want this information to be pushed to Infusionsoft using merge tags, so that IS can use that to automate campaigns & emails. Then once people register for an event their information can also be sent to Infusionsoft, with the relevant tags applied etc. In that way Infusionsoft can handle the reporting, email marketing & email reminders, etc.

    – will Espresso handle customers paying for their registration in installments, using eWay? E.g. total cost is $3000, the customer pays a deposit of $1000 initially and then 4 further payments of $500 over the next 4 months. This can be manually set up in eWay’s backend, but from what I understand this would require a lot of manual work to keep payment records updated.

    – if payment plans are doable in Espresso, can this information also be pushed to Infusionsoft? So that Infusionsoft can accurately report what has been paid and what is still owing.

    Thanks :)


    • Support Staff

    September 20, 2013 at 4:38 am

    Hi Aaron,

    Have you checked this documentation out It might give a better explanation than I can.

    Event Espresso currently cannot handle instalment payments.

    Aaron Tusjak

      September 24, 2013 at 5:07 am

      Hi Dean,

      thanks, I did see that page but unfortunately the page contents are locked out to me


        September 24, 2013 at 3:48 pm

        Hi Aaron,

        Here’s an excerpt:

        Conditional Tagging of New Contacts

        This is done by tagging new contacts with keywords based on selections chosen in your event registration forms. By placing a relatively small amount of code, into the Custom Files add-on or your WordPress theme/functions.php file, you can start tagging new contacts!

        Some web programming knowledge may be required
        You will need to output the $_POST variables or your registration to the screen or view the source of the HTML document to make sure you have the correct field names and question id to implement the following code.

        For example, in the code below, we use SINGLE_26 (comprised of the question type and the question id), which can be retrieved from our registration form, to change the value of the $gender_tag_id variable based on the answer given in the registration form for this particular question. The value of the $gender_tag_id variable is the id of a tag created in Infusionsoft. For more information about creating tags in Infusionsoft, please refer to the Infusionsoft documentation.

        How do I find the question field name in Event Espresso?
        The question field name can be found by viewing the source code of your Event Espresso registration form, then find the question that you would like to use, and copy the name of the question from the HTML source.


        How do I find the tag id?
        To find the tag id in Infusionsoft. You will need to go to Infusionsoft > CRM > Settings > Tags in the Infusionsoft menu (screenshot:


        Sample code for conditional tagging
        Use the following code to tag new contacts based on the questions selected in your event registration forms:

        function espresso_infusionsoft_save_additional_tags($cust_id) {
            global $ee_infusionsoft;
            //Question types
            //Substitute 'SINGLE_26' for the question type and the question id
            //Example "Gender" question
            if ( isset($_REQUEST['SINGLE_26']) && !empty($_REQUEST['SINGLE_26']) ){
                switch (stripslashes_deep($_REQUEST['SINGLE_26'])){
                    case "Male":
                        $gender_tag_id = 105;
                    case "Female":
                        $gender_tag_id = 107;
                $ee_infusionsoft->grpAssign($cust_id, $gender_tag_id);
                //Debugging tools
                //echo '<h4>$cust_id : ' . $cust_id . '  ' . __FILE__ . 'line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</h4>';
                //echo '<h4>$gender_tag_id : ' . $gender_tag_id . '  ' . __FILE__ . 'line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</h4>';
                //echo '<h4>$_REQUEST : <pre>' . print_r($_REQUEST,true) . '</pre> <span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . 'line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span></h4>';
        add_action('action_hook_espresso_infusionsoft_save_attendee_after', 'espresso_infusionsoft_save_additional_tags', 100, 1);
        • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Josh. Reason: fixed code formatting

        Aaron Tusjak

          September 25, 2013 at 9:37 pm

          Thanks Josh, that helps a lot

          Do you think it would be hard to adapt that to also push across event data? Also do you know if there are any hooks I can hook into for event creation and event modification?

          Aaron Tusjak

            September 29, 2013 at 5:54 pm

            Hi there, just bumping to see if anyone can help with my latest question re: adding more integration with Infusionsoft and hooking into events?


            • Support Staff

            October 2, 2013 at 6:20 am

            Hi Aaron,

            The customisation might well be possible, seeing as we are already passing some event related data over (the attendee data). It would depend on what your’re trying to pass over and how.

            These are the current hooks/filters in Event Espresso 3.1.X, they should be viewable but if not let me know and I’ll email you the list.


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