Posted: September 19, 2012 at 9:03 am
I am having an issue with customers being double charged while entering credit card info on the PayPal Pro screen. Last week I had 5 customers that experienced this and another 6 the week before and 7 the week before that. Apparently they are either hitting the payment button twice or some other strange behavior (hitting back button or refresh button in browser). I have seen other payment systems use some type of java window with an hour glass showing payment is being processed. Is this possible? If we average 5 a week that will mount to over 20 in a month or 200 in a year. I need to find a fix for this quickly as this puts extra pressure on our staff and sends a poor message to our customers. |
What version of Event Espresso? Do you have a Simple Facebook Connect or Simple Twitter Connect plugin (or similar plugins) installed? |
I have Ver 3.1.26.P. The only Facebook Twitter plugin I have is called ‘Twitter Facebook Social Share’ and it is forced not to display on any of the Espresso registration/payment pages. I experienced the same issue with the prior 3.1.21.P version also. |
September 19, 2012 at 10:01 am I thought this was fixed months ago. I guess we will need to revisit it. Question before we do so. Do you have any old templates or gateway files in the “/wp-content/uploads/espresso/” directory on your server? |
September 19, 2012 at 10:47 am Seth- Here are some templates located in the uploads/esspresso folder: Error.log I never moved these here but I had paid your staff do some custom work for me several times so I am guessing that is why they are there. |
Is one of the templates above have anything to do with our double charge issue? |
September 20, 2012 at 10:39 pm Not that I know of. I haven’t heard of anyone else reporting this problem. Can you email us that error log? Do you have any payment logs in your wp-content/ uploads/espresso/logs/ folder? If so, can you send those as well? Also, can you turn on “Full Logging” in the Event Espresso > General > Settings > Optional Event Settings? That way it will start recording the everything that happens in the plugin. |
Once the payment is marked as completed in the db, it won’t attempt to do another charge. The only way I see this happening is if the payment isn’t being marked completed, or if a second attempt to charge is made before the first one comes back. |
Sometimes our customers have been double charged. They say that the confirmation screen says Payment: Incomplete so they hit the Pay button again. Sometimes, the payment in EE Attendees says Incomplete, but when we check PayPal, the payment is marked complete. |
Seth – I had just emailed you the requested log files and had turned on full logging. |
September 24, 2012 at 10:28 pm Hey Troy, I’m looking through the log files and I’m not seeing any double entries. Can you email us the names of any attendees that get double charged? |
Sidney – Here is a random list of several that were double charged in the last 60 days: Kyle Graham There were about 50 double charges in last 60 days. Very frustrating for me and all our staff (and our customers). I estimate about one in every 20 registrations/payments will get double charged |
FYI – I also just updated from Version 3.1.26.P to 27.P and also removed the custom templates in the upload folder just to see if that might help. |
Hey Troy, |
Sidney – It looks like the double payment issue has been resolved with the update to 27.P. I will keep you informed if I see it again. Thanks for your help! |
My customers are still experiencing double billing. The screen when coming back from Paypal says Payment Status: Incomplete. There is still a Paypal link below that though and when the customer clicks that again, the same amount is showed in Paypal. They pay again thinking it did not go through the first time. Any ideas on what I should look for? |
Hi Jmichel, I would start by upgrading the Event Espresso you have installed to the latest version and see if it rectifies the issue as we continually improve the plugin with each version. If that doesnt rectify it, please let us know. |
Hi Dean I did upgrade the plugin and had several successful transactions, but then there was another double billing. Again, the Paypal screen returned an “Incomplete” and the customer hit the payment button again. |
Hi, I’ll pass this onto one of the developers to look at. Are you just using normal PayPal? Have you enabled logging? If so can we have a copy of the logs, if not can you enable it via Event Espresso > General Settings > Optional Event Settings > Enable full logging? |
@jmichel sounds like PayPal can’t reach your payment notification page. You may need to install the transaction page template. |
I have enabled logging now and checked to make sure that my transaction page has [ESPRESSO_TXN_PAGE]. It did. Is there a different template I should have? |
Hi there, We recommend installation a simplified transactions page template for the transactions page. It can be downloaded here: You can also rule out a plugin conflict by deactivating any plugins that may be blocking access to the site’s pages. |
I looked at the error log and am getting this: That line is : //$answers = explode(“,”, $answer); Should I uncomment it? |
Hi there, That line has been removed from the current version of Event Espresso, so I would not recommend uncommenting it. Have you tried the simplified transaction template? |
Hi Jmichel, I’m just checking in to see if this issue has been resolved or not? If not can you advise if you have tried the simplified transaction template yet? If so, please advise so we can mark as complete. Thanks! |
Yes I have the simplified transaction template installed. Most transactions seem to go smoothly. I did see where our billing manager had to refund someone this week. I am looking into whether that was a double billing issue or not. I will let you know. |
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