
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Deposits in EE

Deposits in EE

Posted: February 5, 2014 at 11:37 pm

Viewing 39 reply threads

Glen Roethel

    February 5, 2014 at 11:37 pm

    Hi, I’m trying a temporary fix posted by Garth and chris falkenstein. The question was “how to accept deposits?” [] This is no substitute for the eventual real integration, but if I do try it, how can I disable “early registration” discounts for the “deposit” ticket? In other words, my $50 early-bird discount is cutting my $100 deposit ticket in half; I’d much prefer to collect the whole deposit and apply the discount to the balance.

    Any takers? Thanks in advance!



      February 6, 2014 at 3:02 am

      Hi Glen,

      Which gateway are you currently using?

      We have a recent guide for partial payments using Paypal available here

      Glen Roethel

        February 6, 2014 at 9:24 am

        Hi Tony, thanks for the reply! My client refuses to use paypal, so I’m using SIM. Please tell me there’s a similar mod for that! They are invested in this gateway.


        Sidney Harrell

        • Support Staff

        February 6, 2014 at 9:59 pm

        There is not, but there should be one in a couple of minutes :) Hang tight, brb.

        Glen Roethel

          February 6, 2014 at 11:46 pm

          Thank you, Sidney! I look forward to it!

          With gratitude,

          Sidney Harrell

          • Support Staff

          February 7, 2014 at 2:05 am

          The files can be downloaded here. You’ll just need to extract them and copy the authnet folder to uploads/espresso/gateways

          Glen Roethel

            February 8, 2014 at 11:03 pm

            Thank you so much, Sidney!

            To use this, to I use these instructions (minus PayPal)?

            Best regards,


              February 10, 2014 at 4:30 am

              Hi Glen,

              Yes just follow the same instructions as provided in the link and it should work the same.

              Glen Roethel

                February 10, 2014 at 10:31 am

                Hi Tony and Sidney,

                I have installed and modified as instructed, and there are 2 issues now; I hope you can help;
                1.) the process is failing with this error:
                The following errors have occurred.
                (99) This transaction cannot be accepted., and
                2.) “Payment Overview / Please choose a payment option” displays the link image (good) beside the event fee within an editable text field (bad) – I want the registrant to select to pay the full amount OR a $100 deposit amount.

                I have looked into the error message, which suggests the following:
                Response Code 99 indicates that the payment gateway could not authenticate the transaction fingerprint submitted for a Server Integration Method (SIM) transaction. This error is received when the transaction fingerprint recreated by the payment gateway does not match the transaction fingerprint submitted in x_fp_hash.

                Please advise, I am really hoping to go live by tomorrow. Thank you!


                Sidney Harrell

                • Support Staff

                February 10, 2014 at 11:13 am

                I set up the modified authnet gateway with some ajax to change the x_fp_hash field when the amount is changed. Do an element inspect on the authnet button, find the hidden x_fp_hash field, copy the value to a notepad, change the amount, and see if the x_fp_hash field value changes.
                We can go in and change the amount field to a select box, debug and make sure everything is working, but we would probably need the purchase of a couple of support tokens to cover the time.

                Glen Roethel

                  February 10, 2014 at 8:27 pm

                  Thank you, Sidney. I’m really grateful for your assistance. I’d be content to just get this deposit hack to work as-is.

                  In answer to your question:
                  The x_fp_hash field value DOES change the FIRST time I change the amount in the Payment Amount: text field, but not if I change it again. And regardless, the same error message is returned when I click the button.

                  <pre class=”brush: text; gutter: true; first-line: 1; highlight: []; html-script: false”>The following errors have occurred.
                  (99) This transaction cannot be accepted.

                  • Everything worked before the hacks were applied
                  • I Used the blank plugin (installed and activated as a plugin?) to hold the custom functions. Was that correct?

                  Thank you!


                  Glen Roethel

                    February 10, 2014 at 8:28 pm


                    <pre class=”brush: text; gutter: true; first-line: 1; highlight: []; html-script: false”>

                    was not part of the error message. I just can’t seem to make this Reply coding work!


                    Glen Roethel

                      February 10, 2014 at 8:50 pm

                      The Error message comes from this page:

                      The following errors have occurred.
                      (99) This transaction cannot be accepted.

                      Sidney Harrell

                      • Support Staff

                      February 10, 2014 at 9:27 pm

                      I did have a heck of a time getting it to work the first time. I’ll set it up again on my test server and see if I can duplicate the error that you are seeing.

                      Glen Roethel

                        February 10, 2014 at 9:57 pm

                        And works again once I delete your authnet folder from wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways …

                        Glen Roethel

                          February 10, 2014 at 9:59 pm

                          Thank you so much, Sidney. I appreciate your help, and I hope that your good work will be integrated soon. This is such a crucial function for event registrations!

                          Best regards,

                          Sidney Harrell

                          • Support Staff

                          February 10, 2014 at 10:01 pm

                          I set it up here: I did find a bug when I was setting it up. When I was testing before, I only hit the authnet button after I had made a change to the amount. This time, I tried hitting the button before changing the amount, and got the 99 error. When I was refactoring the code to accommodate the ajax, I introduced that bug. I have sent up the patch, so if you use that original link to download the authnet files again, it should have the fix. (here is the link again). I did test again changing the amount twice, and that seemed to work.

                          Glen Roethel

                            February 10, 2014 at 10:25 pm

                            Sidney, your test does seem to work, but mine still fails…differently now:

                            When I click (the only payment gateway option, by the way) with the full, loaded amount, it goes through. But if I change the amount it gives that same fail notice.

                            Should I disable and reset my SIM gateway in EE?

                            Glen Roethel

                              February 10, 2014 at 10:53 pm

                              In DEBUG mode (with these checked in Manage Payment Gateways: Account Uses’s Development Server, Submit a Test Transaction) it gives a new error EVERY time:

                              The following errors have occurred.
                              (13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.

                              (I don’t understand why that’s happening.)

                              Seth Shoultes

                              • Support Staff

                              February 11, 2014 at 11:10 am

                              @Glen are you using credentials from’s Development Server or your personal/company credentials? If you have the “Account Uses’s Development Server” option set, then you have to use the credentials from that account, not your personal account.

                              With the Submit a “Test Transaction”, you CAN use your personal credentials, but you cannot use the “’s Development Server” credentials.

                              I hope that all makes sense. Please let us know if it helps or not.

                              Sidney Harrell

                              • Support Staff

                              February 11, 2014 at 11:30 am

                              It could be a javascript error that is making the ajax fail to update the hash when the amount is changed.

                              Glen Roethel

                                February 11, 2014 at 3:29 pm

                                Thank you, Seth. It appears I can skip the debugging screen (unless you gents suggest otherwise).

                                ~ Is there any way for me to trace a possible javascript error/conflict? I’m not that good at code… Could it be a conflict with Multiple Events and the shopping cart??

                                ~ Also: Even without the partial payment fix working, the successful EE/ Payment Overview response page seems to show “0” paid and the full amount “Owed” … but Payment Status: Completed – very confusing… Shouldn’t the labels be reversed? Or is this a possible indicator of the problem? Please see below:

                                Thank You

                                Your transaction has been processed.

                                Payment Overview

                                Class/Event: WinterSongs East 2014
                                Primary Registrant: Glen Roethel
                                Payment Type: SIM
                                Payment Date: February 11, 2014
                                Amount Paid/Owed: $0.00 / $529.00 Completed (green check icon)
                                Payment Status: Completed
                                Registration ID: 16-52fa9783ef2bd
                                Transaction ID: 0

                                Thanks, guys!

                                ~~~~~ Here are the plugins I have installed, though not all are active. Any glaring concerns here? ~~~~~~

                                Plugin Description

                                Add From Server
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Plugin to allow the Media Manager to add files from the webservers filesystem. Note: All files are copied to the uploads directory. Version | By Dion Hulse | Visit plugin site

                                Admin Menu Tree Page View
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Get a tree view of all your pages directly in the admin menu. Search, edit, view and add pages – all with just one click away! Version 2.6.8 | By Pär Thernström | Visit plugin site

                                Advanced Custom Fields
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Fully customise WordPress edit screens with powerful fields. Boasting a professional interface and a powerfull API, it’s a must have for any web developer working with WordPress. Field types include: Wysiwyg, text, textarea, image, file, select, checkbox, page link, post object, date picker, color picker, repeater, flexible content, gallery and more! Version 4.3.4 | By Elliot Condon | Visit plugin site

                                Deactivate | Edit
                                The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain a partner referral program. Version 2.5.0 | By itthinx | Visit plugin site

                                Deactivate | Edit | Settings
                                Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep. To get started: 1) Click the “Activate” link to the left of this description, 2) Sign up for an Akismet API key, and 3) Go to your Akismet configuration page, and save your API key. Version 2.5.9 | By Automattic | Visit plugin site

                                Awesome Weather Widget
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A weather widget that actually looks cool Version 1.4 | By Hal Gatewood | Visit plugin site

                                Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Adds a WYSIWYG widget based on the standard TinyMCE WordPress visual editor. Version 1.3.0 | By Black Studio | Visit plugin site

                                Creativ Shortcodes
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A powerful yet easy to use shortcodes plugin. Version 1.0.2 | By Jonathan Atkinson | Visit plugin site

                                Custom Content Shortcode
                                Reference | Deactivate | Edit
                                Display posts, pages, custom post types, custom fields, files, images, comments, attachments, menus, or widget areas Version 0.6.8 | By Eliot Akira | Visit plugin site

                                Customer Area
                                Add-ons | Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                Customer area give your customers the possibility to get a page on your site where they can access private content. Version 3.9.1 | By MarvinLabs | Visit plugin site

                                Custom Facebook Feed
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Add a completely customizable Facebook feed to your WordPress site Version 1.7.2 | By Smash Balloon | Visit plugin site

                                Custom Functions Plugin
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A blank plugin where you can put custom functions Version 1.0 | By Sidney Harrell | Visit plugin site

                                Custom Post Type UI
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Admin panel for creating custom post types and custom taxonomies in WordPress. Version 0.8.2 | By | Visit plugin site

                                Manage | Deactivate | Edit
                                Create a backup of your WordPress files and database. Duplicate and move an entire site from one location to another in a few steps. Create a full snapshot of your site at any point in time. Version 0.5.1 | By LifeInTheGrid | Visit plugin site | FAQ | Partner | Approved Hosts

                                Easy Administration
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Simplifies WordPress administration panels. Version 1.0 | By Craig Buckler | Visit plugin site

                                Easy Bootstrap Shortcode
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Add bootstrap 3.0.3 styles to your theme by wordpress editor shortcode buttons. Version 2.7.0 | By oscitas | Visit plugin site

                                Email Users
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Allows the site editors to send an e-mail to the blog users. Credits to Catalin Ionescu who gave me (Vincent Pratt) some ideas for the plugin and has made a similar plugin. Bug reports and corrections by Cyril Crua, Pokey and Mike Walsh. Development for enhancements and bug fixes since version 4.1 primarily by Mike Walsh. Version 4.6.2 | By Mike Walsh & MarvinLabs | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso
                                Settings | Events | Deactivate | Edit
                                Out-of-the-box Events Registration integrated with PayPal IPN for your WordPress blog/website. Support Version | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Calendar
                                Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                A full calendar addon for Event Espresso. Includes month, week, and day views. Version 2.2.2.p | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – MailChimp Integration
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A MailChimp integration addon for Event Espresso. Version 1.2 | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Members Addon
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Member integration addon for Event Espresso. Support Version 1.9.8.p | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Multi Events Registration addon for Event Espresso. Version 1.0.5.p | By Seth Shoultes | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Permissions
                                Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                Provides support for allowing members of the espreesso_event_admin role to administer events. Version 1.5.5.p | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Recurring Events
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Recurring Events addon for Event Espresso. Version 1.1.8.p | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Social Coupons
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Groupon integration addon for Event Espresso. Support Version 1.5.4.p | By Seth Shoultes | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Social Media
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A social media addon for Event Espresso. Includes includes Facebook and Twitter share buttons. Version 1.1.7.p | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso – Ticketing
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Ticketing system for Event Espresso Version 2.1.p | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

                                Event Espresso API Plugin
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A JSON/XML API for Event Espresso Version 2.1.P | By Event Espresso, (Mike Nelson) | Visit plugin site

                                Hello Dolly
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. Version 1.6 | By Matt Mullenweg | Visit plugin site

                                IgnitionDeck Plugin
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                A custom crowdfunding platform for WordPress. IgnitionDeck allows you to create unlimited and dynamic fundraising campaigns for physical and/or digital goods, integrates with a variety of email and ecommerce platforms, and is compatible with all WordPress themes 3.1+. Version 1.22 | By Virtuous Giant

                                Import Users from CSV
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Import Users data and metadata from a csv file. Version 1.0.0 | By Ulrich Sossou | Visit plugin site
                                Select Jetpack by

                                Jetpack by
                                Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users. Version 2.8 | By Automattic | Visit plugin site

                                Joomla2WP Migrated Users Authentication Plugin
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Authenticate users migrated from Joomla and update their WP passwords Version 1.0.1 | By lucky62

                                Members Import
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Allows the batch importation of users/members via an uploaded CSV file. Version 1.1 | By Manish Kumar Agarwal

                                Orbisius Child Theme Creator
                                Create Child Theme | Edit Themes | Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                This plugin allows you to quickly create child themes from any theme that you have currently installed on your site/blog. Version 1.1.8 | By Svetoslav Marinov (Slavi) | Visit plugin site

                                Page Builder by SiteOrigin
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                A drag and drop, responsive page builder that simplifies building your website. Version 1.4.6 | By Greg Priday | Visit plugin site

                                Post Lists View Custom
                                Settings | Support Forums | Deactivate | Edit
                                Allow to customizing for the list screen. Version | By gqevu6bsiz | Visit plugin site

                                Posts in Page
                                Deactivate | Edit | Help
                                Easily add one or more posts to any page using simple shortcodes. Supports categories, tags, custom post types, custom taxonomies, and more. Version 1.2.4 | By IvyCat Web Services | Visit plugin site

                                Post Types Order
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Posts Order and Post Types Objects Order using a Drag and Drop Sortable javascript capability Version 1.6.5 | By Nsp Code | Visit plugin site

                                Quiz Master Next
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Use this plugin to add multiple quizzes, tests, or surveys to your website. Version 1.1.1 | By Frank Corso | Visit plugin site

                                Responsive Add Ons
                                Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                Added functionality for the responsive theme. Version 1.0.5 | By CyberChimps | Visit plugin site

                                Revolution Slider
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Revolution Slider – Premium responsive slider. Version 4.1.4 | By ThemePunch | Visit plugin site

                                Shortcodes Ultimate
                                Deactivate | Edit | Where to start?
                                Supercharge your WordPress theme with mega pack of shortcodes. Version 4.6.1 | By Vladimir Anokhin | Project homepage | Support forum | Changelog

                                Smart Slider 2
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                The perfect all-in-one responsive slider solution for WordPress. Version 2.2.1 | By Nextend | Visit plugin site

                                User Role Editor
                                Settings | Deactivate | Edit
                                Change/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities. Version 4.9 | By Vladimir Garagulya | Visit plugin site | Changelog

                                Deactivate | Edit
                                WooDojo is a powerful collection of WooThemes features to enhance your website. Version 1.5.4 | By WooThemes | Visit plugin site

                                Wordfence Security
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                Wordfence Security – Anti-virus, Firewall and real-time WordPress security Network. Version 4.0.3 | By Mark Maunder | Visit plugin site

                                WordPress Importer
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file. Version 0.6.1 | By wordpressdotorg | Visit plugin site

                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                WP access restriction and user registration. For more information on plugin features, refer to the online Users Guide. A Quick Start Guide is also available. WP-Members(tm) is a trademark of Version 2.8.10 | By Chad Butler | Visit plugin site

                                WP Category Post List Widget
                                Settings | Widgets | Deactivate | Edit
                                Lists down Posts filtered by category. You can show thumbnail, modify the HTML structure of the widget and do almost whatever you want. Access it from the Widgets option under the Appearance. The shortcode is [wp_cpl_sc] Check the settings page for more info or check the documentation here. Version 2.0.3 | By Swashata | Visit plugin site

                                WP e-Commerce
                                Deactivate | Edit
                                A plugin that provides a WordPress Shopping Cart. See also: | Support Forum | Documentation. Version | By Instinct Entertainment | Visit plugin site

                                WP Super Cache
                                Activate | Edit | Delete
                                Very fast caching plugin for WordPress. Version 1.4 | By Donncha O Caoimh | Visit plugin site

                                Sidney Harrell

                                • Support Staff

                                February 11, 2014 at 3:47 pm

                                Can we get a link to the site? The easiest way to look for a javascript error is to open up the chrome developer tools, (right-click and inspect element) and open the console.

                                Glen Roethel

                                  February 11, 2014 at 3:50 pm

                                  Of course – thanks!



                                  Sidney Harrell

                                  • Support Staff

                                  February 11, 2014 at 4:16 pm

                                  I think I found it. For some reason my site was using GET for the ajax call and your site was using POST. I put a fix in to have the receiving script accept either one. You can download it again from that link above.

                                  Glen Roethel

                                    February 11, 2014 at 4:44 pm

                                    Sidney, I am so grateful for your attention to this problem, but it didn’t help here.

                                    I uploaded the new authnet folder, made a new reservation; at full-price it worked.
                                    Did the same thing with a new registration, but this time changing the price in the text box, and it gave the same error message:

                                    The following errors have occurred.
                                    (99) This transaction cannot be accepted.

                                    I then closed everything, reset my browser, deleted the authnet folder via FTP and uploaded the new one again. No good.

                                    Could it be a js file not uploading properly? Permissions? Wrong format? (text, binary…I’m using Automatic upload mode)


                                    Also, please see the confusing info resulting below, as mentioned before, when the full payment amount DID go through:
                                    *** (Amount Paid/Owed: $0.00 / $529.00 Completed) ***

                                    Your transaction has been processed.

                                    Payment Overview
                                    Class/Event: WinterSongs East 2014
                                    Primary Registrant: Glen Roethel
                                    Payment Type: SIM
                                    Payment Date: February 11, 2014
                                    Amount Paid/Owed: $0.00 / $529.00 Completed
                                    Payment Status: Completed
                                    Registration ID: 16-52fab09d50504
                                    Transaction ID: 0

                                    What happens when you look at it in the console now?


                                    Sidney Harrell

                                    • Support Staff

                                    February 11, 2014 at 5:28 pm

                                    It looks like it’s working on your site now. I did a test registration, changed the amount and it went through to
                                    I just added an amount paid to the code when paid in full, if you want to update your copy.

                                    Glen Roethel

                                      February 11, 2014 at 7:30 pm

                                      I confess, I am jumping up and down, and I am over-the-top grateful! I can’t imagine why it took a while to work itself out (??) Thank you! I updated my authnet folder again (after trying this successfully).

                                      Now, a new thing appeared. After payment (partial), instead of saying “Thank you, you’re done” it gives this confusing “Pending Payment” form (with an amount that cannot be edited, and I don’t know if it even works):

                                      Pending Payment
                                      Would you like to choose a different payment option?
                                      Please choose a payment option
                                      [IMAGE: click to visit this payment gateway]
                                      Payment Amount: TEXTFIELD WITH DOLLAR BALANCE AMT
                                      Pay using: [GATEWAY BUTTON]

                                      Ah, I see that this is the screen that the user can be linked to in a future email when they are reminded to pay their balance! That’s great, but it’s dropped right in the middle of their receipt and the language is confusing. Maybe I can change some of the text on that page, and add a little more set-up?

                                      I will do it. Where can I access the template and the following text:
                                      • Amount Paid/Owed: (I would change it to “Amount Paid/Due:”)
                                      • Pending Payment (I would change it to “Balance Due”)
                                      • Would you like to choose a different payment option? (I would change it to “Thank you for your payment. If you have a balance, you will be emailed a link before camp so that you can return and pay your balance.”)
                                      • Please choose a payment option (I would change it to “Pay Your Balance”)
                                      [gateway button]
                                      Payment Amount: (I would change it to “Payment Amount (Full Balance):”)

                                      And the email reminder + PDF invoice seem to have done the math by showing the FULL PRICE and the BALANCE DUE, but it does not mention the amount ALREADY PAID. Did your work include Dean’s shortcodes? Or, since EE 4beta is out, would this be permanent until I upgrade to EE4 if I do it?

                                      Dean, Support Staff
                                      April 22, 2013 at 4:58 am
                                      There is no variable to do those things by standard. However they are quite easy to add in.
                                      This code is a replacement for the email.php and creates two new shortcodes, [amount_paid] and [amount_owed] which can be used in emails.
                                      I have not extensively tested this so use at your own risk!
                                      I will add a request to add these into future versions of event espresso but I cannot guarantee inclusion.
                                      Note that modifying core files like this isnt generally recommended, so back up your files first, and note that updates to the plugin will over write the code.

                                      Thank you, Sidney! Your talents and generosity are so appreciated!


                                      Glen Roethel

                                        February 11, 2014 at 7:33 pm

                                        Also…I hate to seem needy…
                                        The invoice (linked to the reminder emails) has stray broken <BR>s in the company address:

                                        446 Arcadia Ave<br
                                        />Morro Bay,CA<br
                                        />United States<br

                                        Any suggestions on where and how I might repair that?

                                        Thank you!


                                        • Support Staff

                                        February 12, 2014 at 2:23 am

                                        Hi Glen,

                                        “Where can I access the template and the following text:”
                                        The best way to change text is to use the language packs to “translate” them, here is a guide on how to do that

                                        ” since EE 4beta is out, would this be permanent until I upgrade to EE4 if I do it?” You would be best to test out EE4 on a test server or test subdomain to make sure that it has everything that you need as it is still a Beta and there are aspects (especially plugins) that are not done yet.

                                        “The invoice (linked to the reminder emails) has stray broken
                                        Head over to Event Espresso > Payment Settings > Invoice and remove then from the text there. This should be fixed in future updates but existing users need to manually remove them.

                                        Glen Roethel

                                          February 12, 2014 at 10:42 am

                                          Hello, Dean,

                                          Thank you! I’ve poked around with those instructions and Poedit; I’ll give it another look. Maybe for now I can just change the language around these forms to make use of them as they are, until your expert coding makes it a delightful, intuitive flow.

                                          Three questions:
                                          1. (I’m still seeking a simple solution.) If the registration deposit is always $100, can there be a shortcode that creates a button that •holds the reservation with a $100 deposit*? In other words, they have chosen the camp session they want to attend, they want to reserve their spot with a $100 deposit (out of, say, $799 early-bird rate, for example) –> They click the “Make a Deposit” button and are brought to the registration form that shows “Deposit: $100 less Total: $799 (reduced early-bird rate) = $699 Balance Due” then click to pay $100 via That’s what I kind of assumed EE would do… Is there a chance?
                                          2. Will Deposits be streamlined and added in EE 4.xx? … Soon?
                                          3. Will the EE 3.x.x plugins that don’t work any more be upgraded and functional in EE 4.xx? … Soon?

                                          Kudos to you, Sidney, Seth and Tony. I’m in awe of your talents and your helpfulness!

                                          Best regards, from the edge of my seat…

                                          Sidney Harrell

                                          • Support Staff

                                          February 12, 2014 at 1:16 pm

                                          You might want to change the input text field for the amount to a select dropdown, instead. Take a look in gateways/authnet/Authorize.php at line 147. You could change that to a dropdown with two entries, the full amount or the deposit amount.

                                          Glen Roethel

                                            February 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm

                                            Thank you for the direction, Sidney!

                                            I’m a hack, but I’ll take a look and see if I can figure that out.


                                            Glen Roethel

                                              February 13, 2014 at 4:41 pm

                                              Hi Sidney,

                                              I’ve been poking around, and my results aren’t great. Can you please help me? I feel guilty plowing through your good creation.

                                              Here’s what didn’t work…

                                              <form method="post" name="payment_form" action="' . $this->gatewayUrl . '">';
                                              foreach ($this->fields as $name => $value) {
                                              if($name != 'x_Amount') {
                                              echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\"/>\n";
                                              } else {
                                              echo "<label for='amount_1'>" . __("Payment Amount: ", "event_espresso") . $org_options['currency_symbol'] . "</label>";
                                              echo "<select name=\"$name\">\n";
                                              echo "<option id='amount_1' value=\"$value\">\n";
                                              echo "</option>\n";
                                              echo "<option id='amount_1' value=\"100.00\">\n";
                                              echo "</option>\n";
                                              echo "</select>\n";
                                              foreach ($this->_additional_line_items as $value) {
                                              echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"x_line_item\" value=\"$value\"/>\n";
                                              echo '<input id="' . $gateway . '-payment-option-lnk" class="payment-option-lnk allow-leave-page" type="image" alt="Pay using ' . $gateway_name . '" src="' . $button_url . '" />';
                                              echo '

                                              As you might already imagine, it resulted in this mess:

                                              <form method="post" name="payment_form" action=""><input type="hidden" name="x_Version" value="3.0"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Show_Form" value="PAYMENT_FORM"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Relay_Response" value="TRUE"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Test_Request" value="TRUE"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Relay_URL" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Description" value="WinterSongs East 2014 | Reg. ID: 58 | Name: Energizer Bunny | Total Registrants: 1"/>
                                              <label for='amount_1'>Payment Amount: </label><select id='amount_1' name="x_Amount">
                                              <option id='amount_1' value="529.00">
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Logo_URL" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Invoice_num" value="au-ti963d9ufvoa2j7vr6qo32gir6-52fd4cc23be570.95533447"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_cust_id" value="58"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_first_name" value="Energizer"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_last_name" value="Bunny"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Email" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Address" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_City" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_State" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Zip" value=""/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_Login" value="rg9uq9s"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_fp_sequence" value="au-ti963d9ufvoa2j7vr6qo32gir6-52fd4cc23be570.95533447"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_fp_timestamp" value="1392334457"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_fp_hash" value="8cf9476de8fd7185a8af29d401047c57"/>
                                              <input type="hidden" name="x_line_item" value="1<|>WinterSongs East 2014<|>Winter East 2014, WEEKEND (full amt.) for WinterSongs East 2014. Attendee: Energizer Bunny<|>1<|>529.00<|>"/>
                                              <input id="authnet-payment-option-lnk" class="payment-option-lnk allow-leave-page" type="image" alt="Pay using " src="" />

                                              As I’d said, I’m really a hack who depends on the goodness of your EE product :-) Any guidance you might offer would be so greatly appreciated.

                                              Best regards,

                                              Sidney Harrell

                                              • Support Staff

                                              February 13, 2014 at 6:48 pm

                                              It was actually very close. Try this (inside the else statement):

                                              global $org_options;
                                              				echo "<label for='amount_1'>" . __("Payment Amount: ", "event_espresso") . "</label>";
                                              echo "<select name=\"$name\">\n";
                                              echo "<option id='amount_1' value=\"$value\">".$org_options['currency_symbol']."$value - Full Amount";
                                              echo "</option>\n";
                                              echo "<option id='amount_1' value=\"100.00\">".$org_options['currency_symbol']."100.00 - Deposit";
                                              echo "</option>\n";
                                              echo "</select>\n";

                                              Glen Roethel

                                                February 13, 2014 at 6:57 pm

                                                Oh, you are my favorite person, Sidney!

                                                It works beautifully with the full amount and will be perfect, but whenever I change to the deposit amount it returns that old error message again:

                                                The following errors have occurred.
                                                (99) This transaction cannot be accepted.

                                                Switching back to the full amount *does* then go through to the form.

                                                Any ideas?

                                                Thanks again!

                                                Sidney Harrell

                                                • Support Staff

                                                February 13, 2014 at 7:03 pm

                                                Oops. The jQuery was set to look for a key up event on the amount text field. Slight change to the above code in the else statement (to place the id on the select field):

                                                global $org_options;
                                                				echo "<label for='amount_1'>" . __("Payment Amount: ", "event_espresso") . "</label>";
                                                echo "<select name=\"$name\" id='amount_1'>\n";
                                                echo "<option value=\"$value\">".$org_options['currency_symbol']."$value - Full Amount";
                                                echo "</option>\n";
                                                echo "<option value=\"100.00\">".$org_options['currency_symbol']."100.00 - Deposit";
                                                echo "</option>\n";
                                                echo "</select>\n";

                                                and then in get_hash.js, change line 18 to:

                                                jQuery( "#amount_1" ).change(my_js_function);

                                                Glen Roethel

                                                  February 13, 2014 at 7:15 pm

                                                  Arrrgh… Same error. Wait! I removed the # from
                                                  jQuery( “#amount_1” ).change(my_js_function);

                                                  I made it
                                                  jQuery( “amount_1” ).change(my_js_function);

                                                  and it worked! Is that sound?

                                                  SOOOO grateful to you, Sidney!

                                                  Big smiles,

                                                  Sidney Harrell

                                                  • Support Staff

                                                  February 13, 2014 at 7:36 pm

                                                  That’s odd, the # tells jQuery “look for an element with id of”. Without it, it shouldn’t work.

                                                  Glen Roethel

                                                    February 13, 2014 at 7:45 pm

                                                    When I say “I have no idea why,” I really mean it… :-]

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