Posted: January 11, 2014 at 1:16 am
Hi, Can anybody shed any light on my problem before I start to being my own Event Management System (I am beginning to get very frustrated with EE to be honest)? Nearly all cards are being declined by Stripe. Actually, I seem to behaving difficulties with all payments methods in EE perhaps due to the nature of the international transactions we take and the amount taken (~1.5k per transaction). So this is the 4th payment method I am trying and I know from previous experience Stripe is fairly stable and responsive- so no problems right…? Well, so, I’ve resorted to digging around and found in the EE payment gateway code for Strip that it only supplies basic customer information to the API. Does this code need to be modified to include address information, etc ? Surely thought this would be the case our of the box??! The more info supplied to the banks = more likely the transaction will go through the first time. |
Hi Nick, Is stripe providing any declined codes? Is there any information within your stripe account that is advising why the cards are declined? ” Does this code need to be modified to include address information, etc ?” No, it already sends name, email, address and card details to stripe, this should be sufficient. “due to the nature of the international transactions” Is there something unique about the type of transaction you take? I am a little confused as to why all/most of the payment gateways you have tried (which ones have you tried?) are failing. We haven’t had any other reports of this to my knowledge and I know some of our customers charge over $1000 per attendee, so the amount should be irrelevant. Do you have a valid SSL certificate on the site? |
Hi Dean, Sorry for the delayed reply. I’ve been in contact with Stripe and they’ve basically told me that the cards have been declined with generic reasons. I have been told that this could be a number of things and probably is a security precaution. However, as you say – I don’t see there being any reason why these transactions would fail and I don’t hold EE completely to blame but the code does not in fact supply any Address of street information. Therefore, this is likely to increase the chances of a decline to occur in my opinion (I can’t say for sure since the banks will decide if a transaction is fraudulent or not I guess!). I’ve modified the Stripe code to include the registrants address. Stripe is now able to perform Street and Address checks – so I will monitor the situation now and see if it improves. If you or any other readers have any other suggestions, please let me know! |
Adding the address could end up contributing to another decline in cases where the address the registrant enters in the form doesn’t match their cc billing address. One thing that may help is adding the zip, especially if the Stripe backend is set to decline charges that fail zip verification. Event Espresso doesn’t pass the zip code to Stripe, but it can be added: 1) In the Stripe gateway’s stripe.class.php file on line 7 the $bzip variable can be added: function do_transaction($amount ,$cc, $cvc, $exp_month, $exp_year, $name, $bzip, $description, $payment_data){ 2) In the same file there is an array where the address_zip can be added. I’ll include the entire array for context: $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "amount" => $amount*100, "currency" => $currencySymbol, "card" => array( "number" => $cc, "exp_month" => $exp_month, "exp_year" => $exp_year, "cvc" => $cvc, "name" => $name, "address_zip" => $bzip ), "description" => $description )); 3) In the stripe gateway’s do_transaction.php file on line 32 the $bzip variable can be added: $response = $cls_stripe->do_transaction($payment_data['total_cost'], $cc, $csc, $exp_month, $exp_year, $bname, $bzip, $line_item, $payment_data); If you copy the stripe folder over to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways it will not get overwritten on an update. I will create a ticket so the zip field gets added the next time the stripe gateway gets an update. Hope this helps. |
Thanks Josh! That’s perfect! Cheers! I’ll try this! |
Hi Nick, Please let us know how you get on with this. |
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