Posted: November 4, 2012 at 5:20 pm
Hi, I was wondering if I could pay an EE staff to install this plugin on my site for me. If not, do you guys offer video tutorials as I learn better from watching then doing. |
Hi Jack, Yes you can, simply purchase a priority support token and tell us what you need. These tokens are good for 30 mins work, so if the request will exceed that time frame we will request for you to purchase another. As it stands we don’t have any videos that show how to set EE up but it is in the pipeline. |
Hi, So basically I would like my staff (in my case teachers) roles set up on EE. Ideally, I would like one teacher per category/class and only they would be able to manage/edit their classes/events but won’t be able to see or edit classes/events created by others. At the same time, admin would have complete access to all classes/events. Is this possible if I bought a priority support token? |
Hi Jack, Setting that sort of system up should be fine within one token time. 2 things though. Firstly you would need the Roles and Permissions Pro plugin to do what you need. That can be purchased here Secondly it is my duty (though the boss may disagree lol) to tell you that you can set it up yourself and not incur the additional cost of the token, simply by allocating a user to the Event Manager role and by setting that roles permissions from a list of dropdown boxes. This role enables the user to create events but they can only view and edit their own events. It is the same for categories. Admin will always have full rights to see every event, category etc. If you purchase the add on and are struggling to set it up or just wish us to do it for you from the outset, feel free to purchase a support token at the same time and let us know. |
Hi Dean, Appreciate your honesty :) Could you please confirm if these users will have to go to the dashboard to view and manage the events or can it be displayed on the front end (say on a wordpress page)? I prefer my users not to get directed to the dashboard if possible. |
Hi Jack, No problem, we are here to help! The users are directed to the dashboard. The Roles and Permissions add on is designed for staff and other trusted people, rather than a general user base. It does limit what they can do though, take look at this screenshot, you can see that all I have allowed this Event manager access to is the Event Overview and Categories sections. So barring a highly limited Dashboard and of course their own profile, thats all the can see. (ignore the “switch back to admin# bit thats just an add on I use for testing). It may be possible to convert it to a fully front end system, but I would consider that as some heavy customisation work. |
Hi Dean, I would now like to use my priority support token. I tried emailing the and didn’t get any response. Am I emailing the right address? |
Hi Jack, No the email is |
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