
Home Forums Announcements Calendar not showing – Loaded JS in content

Calendar not showing – Loaded JS in content

Posted: September 10, 2020 at 12:39 pm

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Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 10, 2020 at 12:39 pm

My espresso calendar is not showing up, when using the shortcode.
The calendar is apparently loading it’s jquery function inside the content div like this:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

var ee_total_images = 0;


* General Display
//month, basicWeek, basicDay, agendaWeek, agendaDay
defaultView: ‘month’,

//Defines the buttons and title at the top of the calendar.
header: { //Settings:
left: ‘prev, today’, center: ‘title’, right: ‘month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,next’ },

* Theme Settings
* Once you enable theming with true, you still need to include the CSS file for the theme you want.
* For example, if you just downloaded a theme from the jQuery UI Themeroller, you need to put a tag in your page’s .

//jQuery UI Themeroller
//Enables/disables use of jQuery UI theming.
theme: true,
//This option only applies to calendars that have jQuery UI theming enabled with the theme option.
/*buttonIcons:{ //Settings:
prev: ‘circle-triangle-w’,
next: ‘circle-triangle-e’

//The day that each week begins.
//The value must be a number that represents the day of the week.
//Sunday=0, Monday=1, Tuesday=2, etc.
firstDay:0, //Settings:

//Displays the calendar in right-to-left mode.
isRTL: false,

//Whether to include Saturday/Sunday columns in any of the calendar views.
weekends: 1,

//Determines the number of weeks displayed in a month view. Also determines each week’s height.
weekMode:’fixed’, //Settings:

//Will make the entire calendar (including header) a pixel height.
height:650, //Settings:

//Will make the calendar’s content area a pixel height.
//contentHeight: 600, //Settings:

//Determines the width-to-height aspect ratio of the calendar.
//aspectRatio: 2, //Settings:

* Agenda Options
* Note: These ptions that apply to the agendaWeek and agendaDay views, and have beft out intentionally.
* Please refer to the URL above to add.manage your agenda views.

* Text/Time Customization Settings

//Determines the time-text that will be displayed on each event.
timeFormat:{ //Settings:
// for agendaWeek and agendaDay
agenda: ‘h:mm{ – h:mm}’, // 5:00 – 6:30

// for all other views
”: ”// 7p

//Changes the colors of the events as seen here:
eventRender: function( event, element) {

// set an event category class
//This displays the title of the event when hovering
//element.attr(‘title’, event.title + ” – Event Times: ” + event.start + event.end);

// if the user selects show in thickbox we add this element

’ + event.title + ‘

Event start: ‘ + event.start + ‘

Event End: ‘ + event.end + ‘

’ + event.description + ‘

Register for this event


$(‘a.fc-event’).addClass(‘themeroller ui-state-focus’);
$(‘a.fc-event div’).removeClass(‘fc-event-skin’);
var ee_month_day = event.month + ‘-‘ +;
element.attr( ‘rel’, ee_month_day ).attr( ‘id’, ‘EVT_ID-‘ );

ee_total_images = parseInt( ee_total_images ) + 1;

if( event.expired ) {

if ( event.startTime != ” && event.startTime != undefined ) {
event.startTime = ‘’ + event.startTime + ‘’;

if ( event.startTime != false && event.endTime != ” && event.endTime != undefined ) {
event.endTime = ‘’ + event.endTime + ‘’;
} else {
event.endTime = ”;

if ( event.startTime ) {

’ + event.startTime + ‘ – ‘ + event.endTime + ‘


if ( event.display_reg_form == ‘Y’) {
event.regButtonText = ‘Register Now’;
} else {
event.regButtonText = ‘View Details’;

content: {
text: event.description + ‘

title: {
text: ‘Description’,
button: true,

position: {
/*at: ‘top right’,
adjust: {
x: 0, y: 30*/
my: ‘bottom center’, // Position my top left…
at: ‘top center’, // at the bottom right of…
show: {
event: ‘click mouseenter’,
solo: true
hide: “unfocus”,
style: {//Additional informatio:
tip: {
corner: ‘bottom center’
classes: ‘ui-tooltip-rounded ui-tooltip-light ui-tooltip-shadow’, //Themeroller styles
* The important part: style.widget property

* This tells qTip to apply the ui-widget classes to
* the main, titlebar and content elements of the qTip.
* Otherwise they won’t be applied and ThemeRoller styles
* won’t effect this particular tooltip.
widget: true

//These are examples of custom parameters that can be passed
/*if (event.eventType == ‘meeting’) {
//alert(event.myType );

//This example basically applies different classes to the event
/*switch (event.myType){
case ‘meeting’ :
element.find(‘.n, .w, .c, .e, .s’).css(‘background-color’, ‘#00cc33’);
case ‘project’ :
element.find(‘.n, .w, .c, .e, .s’).css(‘background-color’, ‘red’);
default :


//Determines the text that will be displayed on the calendar’s column headings.
columnFormat:{ //Settings:
month: ‘ddd’, week: ‘ddd M/d’, day: ‘dddd M/d’ /*month: ‘ddd’,// Mon
week: ‘ddd M/d’, // Mon 9/7
day: ‘dddd M/d’// Monday 9/7*/

//For date formatting options, please refer to:
titleFormat:{ //Settings:
month: ‘MMMM yyyy’, week: ‘MMM dS[ yyyy] – {[ MMM] dS yyyy}’, day: ‘dddd, MMM dS, yyyy’ /*month: ‘MMMM yyyy’, // September 2009
week: “MMM d[ yyyy]{ ‘—'[ MMM] d yyyy}”, // Sep 7 – 13 2009
day: ‘dddd, MMM d, yyyy’// Tuesday, Sep 8, 2009*/

//Text that will be displayed on buttons of the header.
buttonText: { //Settings:
prev: ‘ ◄ ‘,next: ‘ ► ‘,prevYear: ‘ « ‘,nextYear: ‘ » ‘,today:’today’,month:’month’,week: ‘week’,day:’day’ /*prev: ‘ ◄ ‘,// left triangle
next: ‘ ► ‘,// right triangle
prevYear: ‘ << ‘, // <> ‘, // >>
week: ‘week’,

//Full names of months.
monthNames: [‘January’, ‘February’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, ‘June’, ‘July’, ‘August’, ‘September’, ‘October’, ‘November’, ‘December’/*’January’, ‘February’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, ‘June’, ‘July’, ‘August’, ‘September’, ‘October’, ‘November’, ‘December’*/],

//Abbreviated names of months.
monthNamesShort: [‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, ‘Mar’, ‘Apr’, ‘May’, ‘Jun’, ‘Jul’, ‘Aug’, ‘Sep’, ‘Oct’, ‘Nov’, ‘Dec’/*’Jan’, ‘Feb’, ‘Mar’, ‘Apr’, ‘May’, ‘Jun’, ‘Jul’, ‘Aug’, ‘Sep’, ‘Oct’, ‘Nov’, ‘Dec’*/],

//Full names of days-of-week.
dayNames: [‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’/*’Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’*/],

//Abbreviated names of days-of-week.
dayNamesShort: [‘Sun’, ‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’/*’Sun’, ‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’*/],

//Load the events into json srrsy
events: [{“color”:”#914896″,”textColor”:”#1f1e2a”,”url”:”http:\/\/\/?page_id=140&regevent_action=register&event_id=1″,”id”:”1″,”title”:”Event1″,”description”:”

events ill be display\n”,”display_reg_form”:”Y”,”start”:”2013-10-20T11:00:00+00:00″,”end”:”2013-10-21T18:00:00+00:00″,”day”:”21″,”month”:”10″,”expired”:”expired”,”today”:”2013-11-08″,”this_month”:”11″,”startTime”:”11:00 am”,”endTime”:”6:00 pm”,”event_img_thumb”:””,”className”:””,”eventType”:””,”allDay”:false},{“color”:”#914896″,”textColor”:”#1f1e2a”,”url”:”http:\/\/\/?page_id=140&regevent_action=register&event_id=2″,”id”:”2″,”title”:”event 1″,”description”:”

loremipsum doler ipmit.
\nloremipsum doler ipmit.\n”,”display_reg_form”:”Y”,”start”:”2013-11-14T08:00:00+00:00″,”end”:”2013-11-15T10:00:00+00:00″,”day”:”15″,”month”:”11″,”expired”:””,”today”:”2013-11-08″,”this_month”:”11″,”startTime”:”8:00 am”,”endTime”:”10:00 am”,”event_img_thumb”:””,”className”:””,”eventType”:””,”allDay”:false},{“color”:””,”textColor”:””,”url”:”http:\/\/\/?page_id=140&regevent_action=register&event_id=3″,”id”:”3″,”title”:”Event 2″,”description”:”

All events require registration start\/end dates and start\/end times in order to display properly on your pages.\n”,”display_reg_form”:”Y”,”start”:”2013-11-13T08:00:00+00:00″,”end”:”2013-11-13T10:00:00+00:00″,”day”:”13″,”month”:”11″,”expired”:””,”today”:”2013-11-08″,”this_month”:”11″,”startTime”:”8:00 am”,”endTime”:”10:00 am”,”event_img_thumb”:””,”className”:””,”eventType”:””,”allDay”:false},{“color”:””,”textColor”:””,”url”:”http:\/\/\/?page_id=140&regevent_action=register&event_id=4″,”id”:”4″,”title”:”Event 3″,”description”:”

All events require registration start\/end dates and start\/end times in order to display properly on your pages.\n”,”display_reg_form”:”Y”,”start”:”2013-11-23T08:00:00+00:00″,”end”:”2013-11-23T10:00:00+00:00″,”day”:”23″,”month”:”11″,”expired”:””,”today”:”2013-11-08″,”this_month”:”11″,”startTime”:”8:00 am”,”endTime”:”10:00 am”,”event_img_thumb”:””,”className”:””,”eventType”:””,”allDay”:false}],

viewDisplay: function(view) {
$(‘.ui-state-active’).each( function() {

// if an event in the array has already happened, it is expired and we’ll give it an ‘expired’ class
loading: function(bool) {
if (bool) $(‘#loading’).show();
else $(‘#loading’).hide();


var ee_imgTimeout = ee_total_images * 50;

function() {

// establish vars we need to resize calendar cells properly
var ee_day = 0;
var ee_month = 0;
var ee_thisMonth = 0;
var ee_thisYear = 0;
var ee_prevMonth = 0;
var ee_nextMonth = 0;
var ee_newTop = 0;

var ee_months = new Object();
var ee_monthNames = new Object();
ee_monthNames= [‘January’, ‘February’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, ‘June’, ‘July’, ‘August’, ‘September’, ‘October’, ‘November’, ‘December’];
for ( i=0; i div’).attr( ‘id’, ee_setID );

$(‘.fc-event’).each( function(index){
// determine what month and day this event is on
ee_monthDay = $(this).attr( ‘rel’ );
//console.log( ‘monthDay: ‘ + monthDay );
// find day container in calendar
dayCnt = $(‘#md-‘+ee_monthDay);
dayCntHTML = dayCnt.html();

if ( dayCntHTML != null && dayCntHTML != undefined ) {
if ( dayCntHTML == ‘ ‘ ) {
dayCntHTML = ”;
dayCnt.html( dayCntHTML );
dayCnt.css({ ‘height’ : 0 });

// grab offset for dayCnt
dayCntPos = dayCnt.position();
//console.log( ‘ = ‘ + + ‘\n’ + ‘dayCntPos.left = ‘ + dayCntPos.left );
dayCntHgt = dayCnt.css( ‘height’ );
if ( dayCntHgt == undefined ){
dayCntHgt = ‘0px’;
dayCntHgt = dayCntHgt.replace( ‘px’, ” );
dayCntHgt = parseInt( dayCntHgt );
ee_newTop = + dayCntHgt;
//console.log( ‘newTop = ‘ + newTop + ‘ = ( ‘ + + ‘ ) + dayCntHgt ( ‘ + dayCntHgt + ‘ )’ );
$(this).css({ ‘top’ : ee_newTop });
linkHeight = parseInt( $(this).find(‘.fc-event-inner’).outerHeight() );
//console.log( ‘linkHeight = ‘ + linkHeight );
ee_newHeight = dayCntHgt + linkHeight + 3;
dayCnt.height( ee_newHeight ).css({ ‘height’ : ee_newHeight + ‘px’ });
//console.log( ‘newHeight = ‘ + newHeight );
var ee_parentHeight = dayCnt.parents(‘tr’).outerHeight();
//console.log( ‘parentHeight = ‘ + parentHeight );
//dayCnt.parents(‘tr’).css({ ‘background’ : ‘pink’ });
if( ee_parentHeight < ee_newHeight ) {
ee_newHeight = ee_newHeight + 30;
dayCnt.parents(‘tr’).height( ee_newHeight ).css({ ‘height’ : ee_newHeight + ‘px’ });




Am I missing something obvious here? I have not touched any of the plugin files for events-calendar.

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