Posted: January 21, 2014 at 3:22 am
WP 3.6, EE Business License, with add-ons MER 1.04, Members For some registrations, our Attendee Report is showing the green checkmark for Payment Status indicating completed payments, but no Payment Type value. Searching the EE log file (we have full logging turned on) for the relevant registration IDs, we find records indicating the user selecting the check gateway option (which we have setup ‘disguised’ as an invoice option, per a previous support topic). I’m wondering if this might be some sort of timing issue? Perhaps the user is able to move too quickly through screens for the payment type to be properly recorded in the database? I bring this up only because we are seeing more instances of timeouts (where the user gets a timeout message from after using the SIM method, because our Relay Response URL isn’t responding quickly enough) – could the two issues be related, in terms of some unintended lag happening? I’d be happy to provide admin credentials and specific examples of registrations to examine. Please advise. Thanks, Erik Domingo
I doubt the two issues are related if the users that have the issue are not using |
Hi Sidney, <code>function espresso_process_check($payment_data) { $payment_data['payment_status'] = 'Pending'; $payment_data['txn_type'] = 'Check'; $payment_data['txn_id'] = $payment_data['attendee_session']; $payment_data['txn_details'] = "paying by check"; static $sent = false; if (!$sent) { event_espresso_email_confirmations(array('session_id' => $payment_data['attendee_session'], 'send_admin_email' => 'true', 'send_attendee_email' => 'true')); $sent = true; } return $payment_data; }</code> Good idea on the custom template – can it contain the EE shortcode, or does that need to listed in the actual page? Thanks again for the prompt response. |
Sorry, forgot to use the tags around the code snippet: <pre class="brush: php; gutter: true; first-line: 1; highlight: []; html-script: false">function espresso_process_check($payment_data) { |
An important update – using a test copy of the site, I was able to duplicate this behavior when registering for an event by clicking the “Next” button after selecting the number of Attendees (tickets) for the event, but before the Total cost field had finished refreshing. Note that on the Payment Overview page, the number of tickets and corresponding cost are correctly displayed, which would explain why users continue to complete their registration. Is there a way to have the Next Button disabled on that first registration screen until both the number of Attendees and the Total cost fields are updated? |
As an experiment, I tried changing scripts/espresso_cart_functions.js to add a line after line 423: function event_espresso_do_ajax(data, callback){ jQuery(".btn_event_form_submit").css("display", "none"); and then a similar line at line 455 to turn the submit button back on: } jQuery(".btn_event_form_submit").css("display", "inline-block"); return; Seems to work. Your mileage may vary. |
The change in espresso_cart_functions.js worked, although I had to hide/show the parent element of the input element – the jquery statement wasn’t overriding a statement from another CSS file for the input element itself. In any case, it functions as I hoped, which in turn will (I hope) prevent the users from causing the issue by clicking that input element too quickly. I’m still working through getting the custom template created for the thank-you page. My first attempts don’t have the EE shortcode working properly. |
Please let us know if you run into any other issues. :) |
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