Posted: October 24, 2013 at 7:29 am
I’d like to add a link to our SQUAREUP account on the payment page. I understand that there won’t be any hooks to update the database as paid. I’m looking for suggestions as to the best way to go about this – I thought about editing one of the other payment methods to have a link to Square. We’re currently using Paypal as the only payment method, and requiring payment in order for the registration to be confirmed. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you. |
You can add the code below (modify to suite, of course) to: |
Hi, this is my first time editing EE code… so please bear with me… Do I need to add the code to both functions and custom_functions? Thank you! |
No, only add it to one of those 3 options.
Probably the easiest for you would be to use the third option, download the zip in the link, upload it as a plugin to your site through the wp-admin plugins interface and activate it. Then access the site’s files over ftp and go to the wp-content/plugins/CustomFunctionsPlugin/ folder and open the file CustomFunctionsPlugin.php and add the above code to the bottom of the file, below the comment block (that’s the plugin header).
It will just add the link to square to the payment screen, next to the paypal button.
Yes, replace the href value (what’s in quotes next to href=) with the full item url that you get from square. Also replace the image src (what’s in quotes next to src=) with a link to an appropriate button image. (square should provide a link or an image file that you can upload to the media section of WP) |
I did a little digging and according to this: square does not offer any way for us to build a full EE payment gateway. |
Thank you Sidney for your assistance. I used the plugin, made the edits and added a target=blank so it would pop a new tab since it won’t hook back in. Now I just need to do a little playing on the square side to see how I want to set up price points, most of my classes are the same price, but there’s a few that are different. |
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