Posts Tagged ‘versions’

Upgrading to WordPress 3.5 and Event Espresso 3.1.29

This week, we’re shipping a new version of Event Espresso — 3.1.29 — to add some new features and bugfixes and correspond with the release of WordPress 3.5. 3.5 is a major release for WordPress, with a lot of stuff happening under the hood. We’ve done our best, working with the release candidates, to catch all the bugs and there are a few key points that we wanted to point out as you prepare your sites for these updates.


I can’t stress this enough: when you are making any major changes to your site (which includes updating plugins or WordPress core), if something goes awry or there is an unforeseen bug that slipped through testing and you are without a backup, you are relying on your host to have a backup of your database — if you’re lucky, they’ll have one within the last week; if you’re less lucky, it may be as much as a month or more old. Backup before you upgrade, that way you have something to go back to immediately after something goes wrong (in the unlikely event that it does). Both WordPress and Event Espresso don’t “roll back” easily — there are still changes made in the database when you update that don’t get rolled back by just removing the newer version and putting back the older version, and you could lose data or introduce new issues by trying to “roll back” your WP or Event Espresso installation. If you are even considering “rolling back” as a failsafe, that’s even more incentive to create a backup before you update.

For more information on how to create a backup, refer to our support document on creating a backup for a guide and additional links.

If you’re upgrading to WordPress 3.5, you need to upgrade Event Espresso

Like some issues we saw last year with the release of WordPress 3.4, there are a few issues that show up after upgrading to WordPress 3.5 if you are using Event Espresso or lower. This is part of the reason we’ve been working long hours testing and bugfixing this version of Event Espresso. If you upgrade to WordPress 3.5, you will need to upgrade Event Espresso to 3.1.29 to prevent a number of front- and backend errors from showing up on your site. Additionally, if you are using the WP User Integration add-on, you will need to update to 1.9.6. Again, before upgrading anything backup your database.

Updates to Espresso Calendar

Similar to the requirement to upgrade the WP User Integration add-on to 1.9.6, you’ll need to update your calendar to 2.0.4. This update went out quietly last week, so if you’ve already upgraded your calendar to 2.0.4, you don’t need to do anything. If you haven’t upgraded to 2.0.4 yet, you’ll need to upgrade when you update WordPress otherwise your calendar will not display at all. The update in 2.0.4 updates the fullcalendar.js library to the latest version to be compatible with the newer version of jQuery included in WordPress 3.5.

Datepicker and other admin javascript issues on some servers

WordPress compresses and merges all the admin and front-end javascript into a single minified file. We saw during testing on some servers running WordPress 3.5 (though not all servers) that this caused javascript issues in the markup and prevented the datepicker and other js elements (like the TinyMCE buttons for the visual editor) from working. This is discussed somewhat on a post to the WordPress development blog with the following explanation:

Since compression from php can be problematic on some hosts there are several “switches” (constants) that manage it: define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); would turn off both concatenating and compressing of all scripts.

The solution, as alluded to above, is to add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);

This will disable the javascript compression which will resolve the issue. We consider this a workaround, however, since javascript compression is beneficial for a number of performance reasons. We will continue to look into a resolution for this issue in the next updates.

We will be adding more documentation in our documentation pages for this new feature, but we are proud to announce the release of a new option to display featured images in your event lists. This works similarly to Featured Images elsewhere in WordPress, though we are not using the same system, so if you are familiar with WordPress theme development, this will still be somewhat different than what you’re used to.


Featured image in the event list


Featured image in the event

Add to calendar feature

This has been on the back burner for a long time and we finally were able to add it to this release. 3.1.29 introduces another new feature to add the event to your calendar as an .ical file (compatible with Apple, Google and Outlook calendars). The feature is also activated by default, but you’ll need to re-save your Template Settings to turn it on.



Add to calendar link

Event added to Calendar

Automagic Payment Status in Attendee Payments Admin Page

When submitting a payment in the new Attendees Admin, Payment Status is automagically set depending on the relationship between Amount Paid and Amount Owing as such:

  • Amount Paid < Amount Owing = Payment Status PENDING
  • Amount Paid = Amount Owing = Payment Status COMPLETED
  • Amount Paid > Amount Owing = Payment Status OVERPAID

So if you are trying to set the Payment Status to COMPLETED while there is STILL monies owing, then the system will override and set it to PENDING.
In other words, the only way to set Payment Status to COMPLETED is to set the Amount Paid equal to the Amount Owing.

Thousands of attendees or events? We’ve got you covered.

Event Espresso 3.1.29 addresses issues that have been experienced by people with thousands of events or attendees in the Event Overview. We revamped the administration area for managing events and managing attendees so that it loads MUCH faster if you have a lot of attendees or events in your system. The 500 record at a time limit has been removed and replaced with a new setting to only retrieve a specific number of records from the database at a time, and to paginate to the next group of results. This is better for performance than what was happening previously which occasionally caused significant server lag running huge database queries to return your results.

Recent changes to promo codes and Groupon codes

This actually isn’t new to 3.1.29 but we haven’t made a formal announcement; coupon codes now work with Multi Event Registration. To get started, set the new “Allow discounts in the shopping cart” option to Yes. Discount codes will only apply to the events that accept them (previously, coupon codes would apply to all events in the cart, which led us to disable the promo code box by default).


Another change to the way promo codes are handled is that the standard fixed price promo code will apply to each ticket. For example, a promo code good for $5 off previously would discount $5 off the entire order, now it will discount $5 for each ticket.

Groupons have been modified so that one Groupon code will apply to all the tickets for one event (similar to how promo codes used to work in the shopping cart).

Front-end edit user profile shortcode

The WP User Integration update includes some fixes to the payment confirmation page for WordPress 3.5. It also includes a major new feature we think you’ll find useful. We know how difficult it is to deal with editing user profiles for WP User Integration if you don’t want to give your users access to the WP backend. We minimized this somewhat with the addition of a My Events front-end shortcode recently, bringing the My Events page to the front end of the site. But users would still need to access the backend to update their user profile and add their address information to have those things saved for their next registration. This is why we built a shortcode that creates an edit user profile page and includes the Event Espresso profile fields. The only other way to bring these profile fields to the front end would be to code your own page or modify a plugin like Theme My Profile.

The edit user profile page also uses themeroller styles, so if you have themeroller active in your template settings, the edit profile fields will be styled accordingly. Be sure to check our documentation pages for documentation on how to use this new shortcode.

Update your add-ons

Because of recent changes to how the folder names for some of the add-ons have changed and how that ties into the automatic update system, you may not be receiving update notifications to some of the add-ons. Be sure to check your user account page for the current versions of each add-on and your Plugins page to see which versions you have installed. If you are using an older version and not receiving the update notifications, the easiest way to resolve this is to deactivate and delete the add-on from your Plugins, then download the zip file from your user profile page on Once you have the zip file, upload it to your server to install.

With great features comes…template changes

This is another thing that we say with every major release, but it bears saying every time: anyone who has templates in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates will need to update their templates or all kinds of things will break if they update the plugin and do not update their templates. Every release we see errors relating to template files that are outdated. Making customizations to the templates is a powerful thing — and like all development projects, when the core software changes, the files that are dependent upon the core software need to be updated to accomodate. With WordPress plugins and themes, this means replacing deprecated functions with new functions. With Event Espresso template files, this means replacing outdated function references with filters and hooks and new features that have been added. In the case of Event Espresso 3.1.29, the major changes to the template files deal with the features I just talked about — featured images and ical links, but there were also fixes added to registration_page.php and confirmation_display.php.

We hope that you’ll take a look at the changelog to see all the things that have been updated and that you enjoy the new features that have been added. In addition to what I’ve described above, we’ve also added the Eway Rapid 3.0 gateway, and many bugfixes. As always, if you have any questions or issues, let us know in our support forums. Downloaded WordPress 3.5 and Event Espresso 3.1.29 already? Let us know your favorite features in the comments!

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Event Espresso 3.1.26 Now Available for Download

Event Espresso 3.1.26 and WP Users Integration 1.9.4 are now available for download from your account dashboard.

Event Espresso 3.1.26

This new version includes a new event search function, updates and several fixes.

New Feature

  • A simple auto complete search tool (uses [EVENT_SEARCH] shortcode) that searches the titles of events. The results are automatically displayed to the user as they type.


  • Sanitize output before displaying (more info)
  • Available spaces limit set too low in functions/main.php


  • Remove duplicate event category description display with pagination (Important Note: This affects the event_list.php file. This file will need to be updated if it is in the uploads/espresso/templates directory.)
  • Escape quotes in event title
  • Groupon menu item missing when R&P is active
  • Renaming the REM plugin folder before manually deactivating it breaks the event editor
  • [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK] shortcode cannot add more than one event to the cart
  • Multi Event Registration breaks when the coupon code box is turned on (Important Note: This affects the shopping_cart.php file. This file will need to be updated if it is in the uploads/espresso/templates directory.)
  • Ability to register for expired events in the shopping cart (Important Note: This affects the shopping_cart.php file. This file will need to be updated if it is in the uploads/espresso/templates directory.)
  • Fixes [EVENT_TIME] shortcode
  • Fatal error on attendee overview page if old ticketing add-on is installed
  • Missing bracket in venue shortcode markup
  • Free event condition not met
  • Broken[EVENT_PRICE] shortcode

WP User Integration 1.9.4


  • Fixes require login for all events not working
  • Fixes autofilled fields are editable when set to not be editable

This release doesn’t include a lot of new features because we’re putting most our effort into version 3.2. We hope you enjoy the new search feature, and that these fixes make version 3.1 even better. A complete history of Event Espresso is available in the Change Log.

Event Espresso is a WordPress event registration and ticketing management plugin. Event Managers use Event Espresso to add event registration to their own website, lower costs, increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction. You can learn more about Event Espresso at

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Version 3.0.19 Now Available for Download

ImageAnother stable version of Event Espresso is available to download. We recommend you upgrade now. This upgrade includes the improvements made in version 3.0.18.

  • Version 3.0.19.b.7
  • Added two columns to the attendee overview in the admin area. One column shows the price/ticket option, the other shows the time of the event chosen.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.7
  • Removing from beta. Everything seems to be pretty stable for most users.
  • Fixed a lot of potential problems with the language files. It seems some of the translations had return and new line breaks (\r\n) in them. This seems to have caused lots of problems for international users. Hopefully removing these pieces of code and formatting the text located in the translation functions will fix this problem.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.6
  • There was still a problem when registering attendees from the same computer for free events or when payment was not finalized (ie. downloading an invoice or paying by check.) This has been fixed in the gateway files and template files. If you are not using the default payment gateways or templates, you will need to make sure these are updated.
  • Attendees with a ‘Pending’ payment status are now counted as a paid attendee.Added the payment_overview.php template for displaying payment information after a payment has been made or if clicking on the payment details link. This will also display if  the attendee chooses to pay using cash or check payment option, provided they click the new ‘finalize registration’ link, if these modules are active.
  • Clicking the ‘Download PDF Invoice’ payment option will now mark the attendees as pending.
  • Added a ‘finalize registration’ link when using cash or check payment gateways. Clicking the ‘finalize registration’ link will mark the attendees as ‘Pending’ in the payment overview.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.5
  • Added filters for displaying events and attendees in the Event Overview page. Filter events by month/year, category, active/inactive/deleted status. Ability to show all, today’s, and this months events.
  • Filter attendees by month/year, category, payment status. Search by email address, name, transaction id, payment type/status, etc. Ability to show all, today’s, and this months attendees.
  • Added “Edit” and “Delete” links to the additional attendees
  • Fixed emails not showing the right information for attendees and additional attendees. As long as the primary attendee updates the additional attendee data, it should display the custom questions properly.
  • Fixed the bug when multiple people register from the same computer, for the same event, the previous record was deleted. As long as everyone goes through the entire process and pays, the previous wont be deleted.
  • When registering for free events the registration is now finalized and does not delete the old record when using the same computer to register for the same event twice.
  • Added fix to remove the HTML entities from the PayPal response
  • Fixed the coupon code bug
  • Version 3.0.19.b.3
  • Fixed an error in the email.php. Was missing an ‘>’ in one of the array variables for the address on line #126.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.2
  • Added the option to choose the amount of events to display in the admin dashboard.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.1
  • Updated attendee and event listing pages in the admin area
  • Fixed problems with editing custom questions in the attendee editor and confirmation pages
  • Fixed excel export problems
  • Fixed HTML formatting error in the dashboard widget

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Posted in News, New Versions, Versions, WordPress Plugins, Event Management | 2 Comments »

Announcing Event Espresso 3

Announcing Event Espresso 3.0

Announcing Event Espresso 3.0., the most complete registration and event manager plugin available for WordPress. Brand new features and enhancements to nearly every feature makes this version the most powerful event management available with WordPress. Download Event Espresso 3.0 and do more with your events.

New Features:

Download Event Espresso 3.0 and get the most advanced WordPress event management system.

The First 100 Save $10
For the first 100 and Event Espresso subscribers, use the discount code 3SPR3550 during checkout and save $10.

Affiliates Earn 20%
Earn 20% by helping other event mangers understand the power of Event Espresso by becoming an affiliate.

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Posted in News, WordPress, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, PHP | No Comments »

Event Espresso - Staging Server