Posts Tagged ‘event management’

Espresso Bar Episode 6, Tuesday June 11


The Espresso Bar will be back and broadcasting live next Tuesday, June 11. This month, your hosts will be Chris Reynolds, Garth Koyle and Event Espresso’s own support hero, Josh Feck.

Here is what we’ll be discussin:

  • Latest updates in Event Espresso 3.1.33 as well as the Calendar and MailChimp add-ons
  • Event Espresso 4 (Arabica) progress
  • Espresso Requirements Check plugin
  • Tools we use for internal (and external) communication
  • and more.

Be sure to come by at 10am MDT and hang out with us in our IRC channel via the embedded client on our site or in your own favorite IRC client (#eventespresso on Freenode) or send us your questions/comments on Twitter with the hashtag #EventEspresso. If you have any questions or topic ideas that you’d like us to discuss on the show, use the form below to send us your feedback, or if you’d like to be a guest on an upcoming episode of the Espresso Bar, send us your information and a little about yourself.

We’ll see you there!

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Happy Birthday Event Espresso! (save 20%!)

Event Espresso Birthday

We love big events, right!? Well, this week, and through the end of April, we are celebrating Event Espresso’s 4th birthday. Yes, we are celebrating our birthday for 2 weeks! Details in a moment…

It has been a wild ride over the last four years, and we are stronger than ever. This year is looking to be the best yet! Our “tEEm” is growing, the plugin is more solid than ever, and 2013 is forecasted to be a rocking year for WordPress.

We want to thank YOU, our loyal customers for helping us remain the premiere event registration plugin for WordPress. We would also like to thank the WordPress community as a whole for being such an awesome community to allow us to do what we love; and that is to help you make your events a huge success.

To celebrate Event Espresso’s birthday, we are offering a 20% discount on all license packages, as well as add-ons. Just use the code HAPPYBIRTHDAY at checkout to celebrate with us!

We hope 2013 has been, and will continue to be, your best year yet!

What are you waiting for? Let the festivities begin! Click here to purchase Event Espresso using the 20% off discount code.

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Event Espresso, Johnny Winter sell $35k in less than 48 hours

We all know Event Espresso can do lots of different types of events. One of the most basic events — by which I mean, one that Event Espresso lends itself naturally to — is concerts and performances. Music venues have a maximum capacity — which can be set with the maximum number of attendees setting — and venue information can be stored in the venue manager and used to provide information and a Google Map about the venue. With the seating chart, ticketing add-on and mobile app, you can sell actual seats and check people in at the door.

One of our users who has been working with Event Espresso for a long time has built a couple sites for a couple music venues in Canada that have really paid off. His name is Mark and he runs Muskoka Graphics, a small design and development studio. His background in the music industry led to some jobs for local venues which ultimately needed to be able to sell tickets online. In the early days, this was handled by a simple, customizable script Mark wrote that would handle the PayPal purchase. But as these websites grew, so did his need for a more robust, reliable platform, and that’s when he found Event Espresso.

Early Event Espresso adoption leads to success

In the early days Mark contacted us often and we saw this as an opportunity to really stress test the plugin for our ideal client — someone running an actual venue on Event Espresso. Mark says the thing he likes most about using Event Espresso is the support. “These guys are right on any problem or issue or even general questions. You can’t really put a value high enough on the kind of support these guys offer.” Most of the early issues in those days had to do with scale — these were venues that were selling events out quickly which wasn’t something we had previously had the opportunity to test for. This led to numerous speed and stability enhancements in the plugin. After a while, we stopped hearing from Mark.

So imagine our surprise and enthusiasm when he contacted us to let us know that one of the two sites he’s built using Event Espresso made over $35,000 in less than 48 hours running the latest version of Event Espresso!

World Class Entertainment

Peter’s Players is a small, 88 seat theatre that specializes in world class artists like Johnny Winter, Taj Mahal and John Lee Hooker. The other venue Mark maintains, the Kee, seats 1000 and also brings in top tier artists and has seen Snoop Dogg, April Wine and The Tragically Hip. Says Mark, “I have watched [Event Espresso] perform on my server after a mass email have over 40 people buying online almost simultaneously. I have watched [Event Espresso] sell 1000 tickets in 3 hours. They are rock solid and I trust them with my clients businesses.” Mark uses mostly the out-of-the-box features of Event Espresso — waiting lists, coupon codes & early registration discounts, and invoices — but also takes advantage of the WP User Integration add-on to provide member discounts for registered users.

Powering 100 million ticket sales a year

This is only the latest success story of Event Espresso. Recently, Garth pulled together some numbers based on the User Survey responses we’ve been collecting over the past year. With the user-survey data we were able to estimate that Event Espresso powers over 250,000 events and sells over 100 million tickets per year! This deserves its own blog post in the future, but we thought you’d find it interesting that the example above is not the exception.

Is your business or organization among these? Let us know in the comments! And please share with us your Event Espresso success story, we’d love to hear it.

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Posted in Registration, Ticketing, Event Management | No Comments »

New video tutorials explain Event Espresso event management tasks

We’ve been busy on our YouTube channel lately. In addition to the monthly Espresso Bar hangouts, we just recently produced two new video tutorials and posted them to our YouTube channel. This screencast walks you through creating a recurring event — specifically for the purpose of creating shifts for people to sign up for, but can apply to other types of recurring events as well.

This tutorial walks you through some of the features of the WP User Integration add-on and the two new shortcodes it adds — the My Events shortcode, to display a list of events an attendee has registered for on the front end of your site, and the Edit Profile shortcode, to allow your users the ability to edit their profile without having to log into the WordPress admin.

Be sure to visit our YouTube page and subscribe to catch all the latest videos, and take a look at several others that we’ve recently uploaded featuring new and coming features like the Attendee Mover tool or this one on creating some nice looking CSS3 buttons for your add to cart links.

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Posted in Tips & Tutorials | 2 Comments »

Custom Post Types and Recurring Events Coming to Version 3.0.17

The last month has been insanely busy. I have been adding new features, fixing bugs, and working late every night to bring the best of WordPress to Event Espresso.

This is probably going to be the most exciting version of Event Espresso to date.gfg Version 3.0.17 will bring us custom post types for events and the very much anticipated Recurring Events Manager.

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

A very new and exciting feature in WordPress 3.0 is the ability to create custom post type, that is maintained in the WordPress posts table. This can help developers to build a theme that relies less on custom fields and makes it easier for clients.

The custom post type integration in Event Espresso will bring all kind of customization possibilities to your events. Allowing website owners and event professionals to harness the full power of WordPress and Event Espresso by using the premiere Event Development Framework for WordPress.

Our comprehensive Event Development Framework takes full advantage of WordPress using custom fields, post meta data, categories, tags, and taxonomies. You can even create pages or posts for each event that can be integrated into any theme within minutes.

Recurring Events Manager

This is probably one of the most anticipated addons of Event Espresso. For months I have received at least three emails a day inquiring about recurring events.

Well it is finally here! The Recurring Events Manager addon will bring the possibility to put your event registration system on auto-pilot.

This is going to be a huge benefit to anyone that has many of the same events throughout the year. Start by creating an event, then just tell the system how many days, weeks, or months you want the event to extend into the future. Events created using the Recurring Events Manager will auto-post on the registration start date and close when the registration date has passed or the event has been filled. That way you can continue to spend more time enjoying life.


For an up to date overview of all the recent changes to Event Espresso, be sure to view the change log.

View all of the available shortcodes and variables that will be available in version 3.0.17.

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Posted in News, Events, WordPress, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts, My Plugins, Event Management | 4 Comments »

What Type of Events do you Manage with EE?

Event Espresso (EE) has been available for almost 18 months and we’d like to highlight all the different type of events that our customers now manage more profitably and efficiently. Is your event type listed?

  • Boat Sailing Appointments
  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Personal Training
  • Consultations
  • Classes
  • Concerts/Gigs
  • Others???

We know there are probably dozens if not hundreds of other types of events you’ve used Event Espresso for, so leave us a comment and let us know if we don’t include your type of event on the list. We’d like to hear back from as many of our customers as possible. If you know someone else who is using our WordPress event management plugin, let them know we’d like to hear from them.

If you’d like to showcase what you’ve done with Event Espresso, feel free to post your website profile in our Website Showcase.

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Posted in Events, Feedback | 4 Comments »

Screenshots of Version 3

Event Editor

Integrated Event Editor

Redesigned interface for managing events.

Attendee Groups

Group Registrations

Group registrations are now easier to manage.

Customizable Templates

Customizable Templates

Customizable Templates

Templates can be moved to your uploads directory and easily customized.


Multiple Payment Options

Multiple Payment Options

Payment options such as, PayPal, PDF Invoice, Check/Money Order and Bank Transfers can be customized using the new payment gateway management interface.

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Posted in News, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts | 1 Comment »

Many New Features Available in Event Espresso 3

Event Espresso makes it easy to manage and customize events and registrations to to your business, personal website, or sporting event needs.

A few of Event Espresso’s built-in features include:

  • Built-in event functionality, just install and activate!
  • Fast and efficient Event Management
  • Uses Wodpress’s own WYSIWYG editing interface
  • Integrated Shortcode support
  • Streamlined single-page event data entry
  • And more….

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Posted in News, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts | No Comments »

Event Espresso - Staging Server