EE4 Documentation

Getting Started

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Messages System: Message Templates

Message Templates are the blueprint for what the message will look like when its assembled. This is a very powerful component to the messages system…

Messages System: Messengers

Messengers describe the vehicle that delivers the messages. The most common delivery vehicle pretty much all of us are familiar with is email. As of…

Messages System: Message Types

Message Types describe the kind of message that is being sent and describe what the content of the message will be about. In Event Espresso…

Messages System: Shortcodes

Message shortcodes are special snippets of text that allow for precisely controlling how dynamic content will display in the message template. If you are familiar…

Event Espresso 4.1+ Documentation

Event Espresso 4.0     Event Espresso 4.0. 1 Events Section. 2 Events. 2 Overview.. 2 Import. 3 Default Settings. 3 Add New Event. 4…

How to Get a List of Attendees for my Event

In this post we’ll learn how to retrieve a list of people (attendees) who are attending a specific event. Let’s get started! Begin by logging…

How to Setup Event Espresso and Publish Your First Event

In this guide, we will learn how to setup Event Espresso and publish your very first event. It is recommended that you work through the…

How to Show the Events List Page in your Website Navigation

Today you’ll learn how to add a link to the Events List page to your navigation for your website. This will allow your website visitors…

How to Accept Payments with Event Espresso

Today you’ll learn how to accept payments with Event Espresso. Event Espresso supports a handful of payment gateways and these can be setup by going…

Understanding Your Account

Congratulations for downloading Event Espresso, the most powerful online event registration and ticket sales software plugin for WordPress. We’d like to take a moment to…

Event Overview

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Events Menu The Event Overview section allows you to see all…

Registrations (ver 4.1+)

Event Espresso version 4 Documentation for Registrations(In Progress) The registrations section of Event Espresso provides all the attendee information you need. It is separated into…

Transactions (ver 4.0+)

Transactions The transactions section covers the payments each registrant has made. Overview This lists every transaction made. ID – This is the transaction ID used…

Add New Event

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for Adding a New Event This guide covers all the options within the…

Questions (ver 3) & Registration Form (ver 4)

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Questions Questions are used when you want to capture some more…

Installing Event Espresso

You can install Event Espresso via the WordPress Dashboard or via FTP. Event Espresso comes bundled with various addons, depending on your license type. Each…

Adding A Payment Gateway

If you are arranging events, one of the key aspects to it, is getting paid! You can set up the payment method by going to…

Create Registration Forms

When you create your events there may be specific information that you need to capture from your registrants. Event Espresso lets you capture information with…

Create A New Event

If you have followed this Getting Started guide from the start you will now have the basic information for your event prepared. This means you…

Add Ons

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The event calendar is an easy way to display and register for events. This document will cover the Event Espresso calendar settings, using custom colors…


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EE4 Theme Templates and Tags

Wondering how to customize templates in Event Espresso 4? Well, let’s put on our developer hats and get started! Each EE4 CPT has a corresponding…

Installing & Updating Event Espresso

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How to back up your site

Whenever changes are made to your site, whether it be updating your theme, a plugin or WordPress core, it is highly recommended to backup your…

Installing Event Espresso

You can install Event Espresso via the WordPress Dashboard or via FTP. Event Espresso comes bundled with various addons, depending on your license type. Each…

Updating Event Espresso

The general procedure for updating Event Espresso via one click updates Read the Change Log to familiarise yourself with the updated features. Backup your database.…

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Event Espresso 4.1+ Documentation

Event Espresso 4.0     Event Espresso 4.0. 1 Events Section. 2 Events. 2 Overview.. 2 Import. 3 Default Settings. 3 Add New Event. 4…

Event Overview

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Events Menu The Event Overview section allows you to see all…

Registrations (ver 4.1+)

Event Espresso version 4 Documentation for Registrations(In Progress) The registrations section of Event Espresso provides all the attendee information you need. It is separated into…

Transactions (ver 4.0+)

Transactions The transactions section covers the payments each registrant has made. Overview This lists every transaction made. ID – This is the transaction ID used…

Add New Event

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for Adding a New Event This guide covers all the options within the…

Questions (ver 3) & Registration Form (ver 4)

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Questions Questions are used when you want to capture some more…

Email Manager (3.1.x) & Messages (4.0+)

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for Email Manager You can create custom emails which you can use for…

Payment Settings

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Payment Settings The Payment Settings options page has all the settings…


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How to Setup No-Cache/Exclusion Rules for Event Espresso

Caching plugins have become a popular way to increase the load speed of WordPress sites. While they work well for static content such as pages…

How to Set Up PayPal IPN

IPN stands for Instant Payment Notification and in short it is needed for Event Espresso to be notified about the transaction in order to complete…

Troubleshooting Checklist

WordPress is amazing, as it is an open source platform. With that strength however, lies a problem in the fact that you have many plugins…

Known Third Party Plugin & Theme Conflicts

The Event Espresso team tries hard to code to WordPress and general coding standards, in order to limit any conflicts caused by our plugin. Other…

Payment Gateway Troubleshooting

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How to Set Up PayPal IPN

IPN stands for Instant Payment Notification and in short it is needed for Event Espresso to be notified about the transaction in order to complete…

How To

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How to Show a Ticket with a Price of Zero as Free

In this post we’ll learn how to show tickets that have a cost of zero as free. Lets begin by taking a look at the…

How to Setup No-Cache/Exclusion Rules for Event Espresso

Caching plugins have become a popular way to increase the load speed of WordPress sites. While they work well for static content such as pages…

EE4 Theme Templates and Tags

Wondering how to customize templates in Event Espresso 4? Well, let’s put on our developer hats and get started! Each EE4 CPT has a corresponding…

How to Get a List of Attendees for my Event

In this post we’ll learn how to retrieve a list of people (attendees) who are attending a specific event. Let’s get started! Begin by logging…

How to Setup the Event Espresso Arabica Theme

In this guide we will cover how to setup the Event Espresso Arabica theme. For this guide, you’ll need to have an SFTP or FTP…

How to Setup Event Espresso and Publish Your First Event

In this guide, we will learn how to setup Event Espresso and publish your very first event. It is recommended that you work through the…

How to Show the Events List Page in your Website Navigation

Today you’ll learn how to add a link to the Events List page to your navigation for your website. This will allow your website visitors…

How to Accept Payments with Event Espresso

Today you’ll learn how to accept payments with Event Espresso. Event Espresso supports a handful of payment gateways and these can be setup by going…

How to Require Attendees to Agree to a Policy Before Being Allowed to Register

At times you may want potential attendees to agree to a certain policy, certain terms and conditions or even a refund policy, before allowing them…

How to Change Languages

This how to will guide you through changing WordPress (single installation) and Event Espresso to use a language other than US English in the dashboard…

How to change wording and text with Poedit

It is often useful to be able to change the text or wording of something in Event Espresso in order for it to fit in…

Securing your registration and payment pages

Overview If you will be offering on-site payment options (like PayPal Pro) we recommend using the WordPress HTTPS plugin to handle SSL-encryption on your site.…

Anti-spam & reCAPTCHA

Protecting your site against spam registrations is an important part of running an event site. Some webservers have safeguards against spam registrations, others do not.…

Postmark App & Mandrill Transactional Email Handling Services

Postmark ( and Mandrill ( are web services that provide peace of mind for all transactional emails that your website sends. Both services offer officially…


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Index of Changelogs

The following changelogs are available as records of bug fixes, new features, and timelines of Event Espresso products. Event Espresso 3 Changelog since version 2.03. EE3…

Event Espresso 4 Changelog

April 18, 2014 Event Espresso 4.2.2.reg Bugfixes: Question tables columns truncating data. April 18, 2014 Event Espresso 4.2.1.reg Bugfixes: Update script triggering inadvertently on new…

Using CSS3 to style links

Here is a short video tutorial that shows how you can change the appearance of text links and make them look like buttons: [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_vip_membership)…

How To Select a Website Developer

Selecting a website developer can be difficult, especially if you are not sure how to effectively grade a developers skills and abilities. This guide will…

Event Espresso Core

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Messages System: Message Templates

Message Templates are the blueprint for what the message will look like when its assembled. This is a very powerful component to the messages system…

Messages System: Messengers

Messengers describe the vehicle that delivers the messages. The most common delivery vehicle pretty much all of us are familiar with is email. As of…

Messages System: Message Types

Message Types describe the kind of message that is being sent and describe what the content of the message will be about. In Event Espresso…

Messages System: Shortcodes

Message shortcodes are special snippets of text that allow for precisely controlling how dynamic content will display in the message template. If you are familiar…

EE4 Theme Templates and Tags

Wondering how to customize templates in Event Espresso 4? Well, let’s put on our developer hats and get started! Each EE4 CPT has a corresponding…

Event Espresso 4.1+ Documentation

Event Espresso 4.0     Event Espresso 4.0. 1 Events Section. 2 Events. 2 Overview.. 2 Import. 3 Default Settings. 3 Add New Event. 4…

Event Overview

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Events Menu The Event Overview section allows you to see all…

Registrations (ver 4.1+)

Event Espresso version 4 Documentation for Registrations(In Progress) The registrations section of Event Espresso provides all the attendee information you need. It is separated into…

Transactions (ver 4.0+)

Transactions The transactions section covers the payments each registrant has made. Overview This lists every transaction made. ID – This is the transaction ID used…

Add New Event

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for Adding a New Event This guide covers all the options within the…

Questions (ver 3) & Registration Form (ver 4)

Version 3.1.X Documentation or Version 4.X Documentation Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Questions Questions are used when you want to capture some more…

Extending Event Espresso

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EE4 Theme Templates and Tags

Wondering how to customize templates in Event Espresso 4? Well, let’s put on our developer hats and get started! Each EE4 CPT has a corresponding…

How to Setup the Event Espresso Arabica Theme

In this guide we will cover how to setup the Event Espresso Arabica theme. For this guide, you’ll need to have an SFTP or FTP…

Using CSS3 to style links

Here is a short video tutorial that shows how you can change the appearance of text links and make them look like buttons: [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_vip_membership)…

How to Require Attendees to Agree to a Policy Before Being Allowed to Register

At times you may want potential attendees to agree to a certain policy, certain terms and conditions or even a refund policy, before allowing them…

  • The Sidebar

    Nothing to see here but a sample sidebar for staging.

Event Espresso - Staging Server