Venue Manager

Sometimes the location is an attraction to attend; might as well flaunt it by setting up and reusing venue profiles for multiple events or displaying all the events for a given venue.

After creating a Venue profile, you can use a shortcode in an event description to display the venue profile information such as the address, description and photo.

The venue manager in Event Espresso 4 is another Custom Post Type (CPT), which means that the data is available for automatic formatting and querying as with regular posts and pages.

Once a venue record is created, that information is available throughout the Event Espresso admin and the front-end of your website to inform registrants of the location of your event.

The venue record has many of the standard WordPress settings such as tags, categories, discussion settings, comments, etc., but also:

  • Venue Capacity
  • Venue Website
  • Venue Phone Number
  • Physical Location (address)
  • Virtual Location
  • Google Map

Each of these fields provides the necessary information for attendees and is made available for developers to display in your theme.

Venue Listings & Shortcodes

Event Espresso is packaged with a Venue archive page which lists all the published venues. The venue single archive page lists the details about a single venue.

The Event Espresso Venue category shortcodes allow you to display the venue information for all venues within a certain category of venues (e.g. sporting, conferences, etc.). These venue shortcodes can be configured to display past and upcoming events that have (or will) occur at that venue. This is yet another way we help attendees find the events near them.

The style and layout of your venue pages will depend upon your theme’s design.

Event Espresso - Staging Server