Customizable Event Designs

Use our template options and parts, HTML or CSS to make your events and registration pages look and feel just like the rest of your website; it’s limitless.

Stylesheet Options give you control to use built-in jQuery UI ThemeRoller style sheets and colors. The benefit of jQuery UI is you can dramatically change the look of the registration page without any knowledge of coding. If you “roll your own” you can create a custom ThemeRoller theme without any coding knowledge. Because we follow the WordPress guidelines, you can keep it simple or be as creative as you want.

Style Sheet Options

Template options give you control to display:

  • Descriptions in the event listings and checkout that can be trimmed by using the “more” tag
  • Addresses in the event listings and checkout pages

You also have the ability to automatically create a blog post when you create a new event.

Template Options

With the Custom Files add-on you can further modify the look of your event templates including the event listings, registration pages, or attendee list.

Event Espresso follows the WordPress theme coding standards, which means if your theme does the same, you won’t have any theme compatibility issues. We have found these theme developers to be among the best at following proper WordPress standards:

By default, Event Espresso provides full-page Event and Venue CPT archive and single page templates.

In addition, the Event Espresso 4 front-end templating systems provides flexible “template parts” that can be used by theme developers for custom themes. In order to maintain compatibility with more themes, these template parts have only basic styles by default but you can easily make them more fancy with custom CSS.

The Event Espresso specific template parts include:

    • Event Details (description)
    • Event Datetimes
    • Event Tickets
    • Event Venues
    • Event Venue Location
    • Event Venue Detail (excerpt)
    • and more!

Many of the standard custom post type data is also available via standard WordPress Custom Queries (e.g. featured image, title, comments, etc.).

Here is an example of the template parts with default styling of from the 2012 theme.

Event Details (description)

Event Datetimes

Event Tickets


Event Venues, Excerpt and Location

Event Espresso - Staging Server