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Customization Review

We like to work with our clients to make awesome event registration and ticketing management software so please submit your project description in the form below.Our customization process is as follows:

  • You submit the initial customization request.
  • We will review your initial request to determine if we have the resources to work together. This will be a decision based upon whether we have the man-power to do the project, if we can do it well, and if it is properly aligned with our expertise and goals. If we do accept your project...
  • You purchase a Custom Development Review. Many clients have asked us to work on their custom development project and after weeks of planning they change their mind and  we're then left with no compensation for our time. If you're willing to purchase time for us to assess your needs and create a proposal, then we are more confident that you won't change your mind and leave us with all the costs of doing the more extensive review. If we decide to work together, this amount will be applied to the cost of the project. If we don't work together then this amount will be the fee for doing the more extensive review.
  • We will complete a Custom Development Review and present it to you for approval.
  • You make the up-front deposit which ranges from 25-50% of the project by a certain agreed upon date.
  • We will start the project according to the agreed upon terms.

We're excited to work with you; how can we help?

  • Please include samples and any forum support threads that may pertain to this request.
  • Please let us know what kind of budget you have to work with and when you need this work completed.

    1. Event Espresso will retain ownership of any customizations, addons, or plugins that are created by our team and/or contracted developers.

    2. Client will not solicit Event Espresso staff or contractors for hire until two years after the said staff has not worked with Event Espresso.

Event Espresso - Staging Server