Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

Event Espresso and the GPL

There was quite a stir last week when theme developer, Jake Caputo, posted on his blog that he was disallowed from speaking or volunteering at his local WordCamp because he sells his themes on ThemeForest. If you’re interested in learning about the issue and the discussion, you can take a look at his post and the summary I wrote on my personal blog. This post isn’t going to be about whether or not Jake should be able to present at WordCamps.

We wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the GPL and how it applies to Event Espresso. I tend to be the resident GPL evangelist, so I was asked to be the one to write this post on how the GPL plays into what we do at Event Espresso.

What is the GPL?

GPL stands for Gnu Public License, and it is the software license under which WordPress is distributed. Briefly, it is an agreement between the software developer and the user about how the software can be used and what the expectations of the software may be. There are a few key points that are important to remember when discussing the GPL:

1. The GPL affects distribution.

The GPL license only affects code that you distribute to other parties. Writing code for a web site or client, that never gets released for public consumption beyond that site, does not need to have the GPL license attached to it.

2. The GPL does not include any warranty or guarantee of support.

In fact, the GPL explicitly states that the code might not even work at all!

3. The GPL grants the user (anyone with a copy of the code) the freedom to take, modify and/or redistribute the code.

This means you can take any GPL code and re-release it as you see fit, though you need to put your name on anything you change, so someone can get in touch with you if there are problems.

4. All WordPress plugins and themes must be released under a GPL-compatible license.

This does not mean that WordPress plugins and themes must be released under the GPL exclusively, nor does it mean that everything in a WordPress plugin or theme must be licensed with the GPL. Internal usage within an organization is totally free and not subject to any conditions. There is no such thing as ‘internal distribution’ that would restrict the usage of your code by requiring it to be GPL’d. It does mean that if you are releasing a WordPress plugin or theme for distribution, that it needs to be — in part or in whole — released under a GPL or compatible license.

What’s a “split-license”?

Matt posted a few days ago a comment in response to Japh, the WP Evangelist at ThemeForest, that there is “no such thing as a split-license”. I’ll therefore avoid perpetuating the misnomer, but clarify what the intended meaning is. A package that is distributed in which one license is applied to one part of the package (e.g. the php files) and another license is applied to another part of the package (e.g. images, css, javascript), has been commonly referred to as a “split-license”, which is what is currently in place on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon. It should be stated that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this — it does not violate the GPL in any way. However, as I point out in my blog post, the reason why it’s an issue when a ThemeForest theme developer volunteers for a WordCamp is because it violates the WordCamp guidelines that have been set out by the WordPress Foundation about who can (and can’t) be involved in the organizing of a WordCamp.

What does that mean for Event Espresso?

As a premium plugin developer, it’s a difficult position to be in. The GPL makes it so anyone can get a copy of your plugin and resell it, or just provide a link to a full version of a piece of software that — in our case — has been the product of literally tens of thousands of hours of development. This is why, when you purchase Event Espresso, you are not buying the code.  You are paying for support and updates for the length of the license — the very things that the GPL implicitly does not provide. People are always finding ways to pirate software, and WordPress themes and plugins are no different. However, as I always like to say, good luck getting support. With Event Espresso, if you found a copy online (outside of our site) you would not be able to access the forums except for the free forums or the translator forums (where it would become obvious pretty quickly that you were not using the free version or had a question relating to the translations based on your version and your questions) and only limited access to our support documentation. And you would have no access to updates of any kind.

We are proud of our dedication to open source software. We are actively seeking new partnerships with other WordPress developers, and the API we’re developing will expand Event Espresso events to sites that don’t even run on WordPress. If you have questions about the GPL, take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions on or feel free to contact me on Twitter — I love talking about the GPL helping people understand what it is and how it works!

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Posted in WordPress, Open Source, Licenses | No Comments »

Developers wanted!

Are you a WordPress theme or plugin developer? Have you worked with WordPress or Event Espresso enough that you feel comfortable making customizations for clients? Do you want more clients?

If the answer to those questions was “Yes”, we want to hear from you! We’re looking to partner with experienced WordPress developers who are familiar with Event Espresso that want new clients. We get a lot of requests for customization projects that we just aren’t able to work on due to our regular plugin development workload.

Think you fit the bill? Let us know what you specialize in, what your average rates are, and give us an example site that you’ve worked on (preferably a site that’s running Event Espresso). We’ll be adding developers to a Third Party Developers page where we will refer our customers who are requesting custom development projects that we are unable to take on within their timeline. Fill out our Third Party Developer application to get listed in our directory.

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Posted in WordPress, Development | 2 Comments »

Using Event Espresso as a Haunted House Ticketing System

Event Espresso is a powerful event management and registration system that can be used for many different types of events.  It’s been used for everything from Yoga classes to hockey games, but did you know that it can also be used as an onsite ticketing system for your haunted house?

Why go through the hassle when you can manage your ticket sales right from your own website?

The haunted house is fun, and booming, but many haunted houses (like these two based locally in Salt Lake City) waste your money by using a third-party online ticketing system. These third-party ticketing systems tack on a “Ticket Surcharge” or “Booking Fee” for each ticket purchased, in addition to transaction fees that are usually incurred by the company hosting the haunted house company. Not good!

How can Event Espresso help you?

Event Espresso gives you many tools right at your fingertips to handle your haunted house ticketing. Right out of the box, you have access to a registration and payment system through your favorite merchant gateway. Many haunted houses will change their schedules, running more shows/admissions the closer you get to Halloween. With the Calendar add-on, included in all packages, you can let your visitors know what nights your haunted house will be open and let them purchase tickets for the night they want to attend.

Event Espresso - Event Overview 2039 Local Test Site 2014 WordPress

Make your life easier with recurring events!

To make your life easier creating events, you can also use the Recurring Events Manager to create recurring events that happen on a schedule or manually add dates to a recurring series to have more control over the specific pattern of recurrences.  Each occurrence is specific for that event date, so you have full control over the number of tickets you can sell and put a limit on the number of registrations if you need to.

What about volume discounts?

With the new Volume Discounts add-on, you can give your visitors discounted rates if they purchase a specific number of tickets.

Check your guests in at the gate

Once your attendees are registered, you can create custom tickets that can be scanned at the door by our mobile ticketing apps for Android and iOS to grant admission.


Don’t believe us that Event Espresso is suitable for a haunted house?

Visit Panic Park in Scottsdale, Arizona, an amazing, five acre scare park that takes place in an abandoned amusement park.  Frustrated with having to go through third-party services, they turned, instead, to Event Espresso to power their online ticketing and scan print at home tickets at the door.

Posted in Home Page, Addons, Events, Registration, Ticketing, WordPress, Featured Posts, Event Registration, Tips & Tutorials | No Comments »

Using jQuery in safe mode

From time to time, we receive a support request from one of our customers asking for help with something missing from a new Event Espresso installation. Sometimes, the element in question is the Calendar, or parts on the registration page are not working.

Event Espresso uses jQuery to power both the calendar and the interactive elements of the registration page, and these features depend on jQuery being run in safe (or no-conflict mode). Any theme that has passed the review process for the theme repository will load jQuery in no-conflict mode, but what about the thousands of other themes out there? (more…)

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Mobile Ticketing Apps Released

Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps

Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps

We’d like to announce today that we have released the Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps for iphone, iPod, and Android mobile devices. These mobile platforms bring event managers and organizers even more autonomy and power to setup their own registration system.

The Event Espresso plugin for WordPress and our iOS and Android apps:

  • Speed up registrations at the door
  • Integrates in real-time with the attendee list in Event Espresso
  • Allows for multiple check-in “stations”. Eg. Use multiple iPhones/Android phones to log into to the same attendee list so employees can scan tickets using multiple different mobile devices
  • Send an e-mail to the ticket holder with a “Thank you for Attending” – This will save time from currently having to check the name off and having attendees sign a confirmation that they were present at the event. This will help to avoid refund situations (coming soon)
  • Keep your events “Green” by providing an environmentally friendly ticketing solution
  • Custom tickets can double as a name badge
  • Makes your organization very official and innovative

Download the Mobile Ticketing Apps | Purchase the QR Code ticketing addon

Requirements: Event Espresso version 3.0.19.p.34 or greater and purchase of the QR Code ticketing addon. Note: the ticketing app will work with some earlier versions of Event Espresso, but 3.0.19.p.34 has the ability to check people in/out of the event if the ticketing addon is installed.

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Posted in Addons, Registration, Ticketing, WordPress, Development, WordPress Plugins | 5 Comments »

Happy Birthday Event Espresso!!

Happy Birthday Event Espresso

Happy Birthday Event Espresso

The original version of Event Espresso, first named “Events Registration with PayPal IPN”, later renamed to “Advanced Events Registration”, was released on April 20, 2009 and has been rewritten a total of three times since its initial inception, and is now aptly named “Event Espresso”. After three name changes and three complete rewrites, here we are. It all started out as a simple plugin for my wife. All she needed was a way for people to register for her scrapbooking classes and events. I couldn’t find any good plugins that were easy for a non-tech person to manage events and accept payments. So I went ahead and created my own solution.

In addition to celebrating our second year as the premiere events registration and management plugin for WordPress, this month was especially awesome! Thanks to my business partner and long time friend, Garth Koyle, Event Espresso is $40,000 richer. Garth wrote a winning 30-page business plan and gave an outstanding presentation that ended up winning first place–and $40,000–in the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge. This extra money will allow us to spend more time expanding our current services and framework, to bring you the best event registration system for WordPress.

As of January 2011, we had 1400+ purchases of the premium version, and over 15,000 downloads of the free version on We now have over 18,000 downloads of the free version and almost a 5 star rating! We have been featured on WP, WPCandy (several times), and (two times). This year is also bringing us the first Mobile Ticketing App for WordPress (very excited about this!) In addition to all of that, we have also given out over 200 non-profit discounts to non-profit organizations all over the world.

Last, but NOT least, I would like to give a BIG THANKS! To all of our customers and the WordPress community that have made this an awesome two years. Without YOU and ALL of the wonderful feedback you have provided throughout these past two years, we would all still be paying high fees to Eventbrite and the other companies. This year we plan to make a dent in their pocket books and bring even more features, while still keeping you in control of your data, events, and hard-earned cash!

Please take the time to:

Posted in News, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Eventbrite, Open Source, Event Management | 3 Comments »

Custom Post Types and Recurring Events Coming to Version 3.0.17

The last month has been insanely busy. I have been adding new features, fixing bugs, and working late every night to bring the best of WordPress to Event Espresso.

This is probably going to be the most exciting version of Event Espresso to date.gfg Version 3.0.17 will bring us custom post types for events and the very much anticipated Recurring Events Manager.

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

A very new and exciting feature in WordPress 3.0 is the ability to create custom post type, that is maintained in the WordPress posts table. This can help developers to build a theme that relies less on custom fields and makes it easier for clients.

The custom post type integration in Event Espresso will bring all kind of customization possibilities to your events. Allowing website owners and event professionals to harness the full power of WordPress and Event Espresso by using the premiere Event Development Framework for WordPress.

Our comprehensive Event Development Framework takes full advantage of WordPress using custom fields, post meta data, categories, tags, and taxonomies. You can even create pages or posts for each event that can be integrated into any theme within minutes.

Recurring Events Manager

This is probably one of the most anticipated addons of Event Espresso. For months I have received at least three emails a day inquiring about recurring events.

Well it is finally here! The Recurring Events Manager addon will bring the possibility to put your event registration system on auto-pilot.

This is going to be a huge benefit to anyone that has many of the same events throughout the year. Start by creating an event, then just tell the system how many days, weeks, or months you want the event to extend into the future. Events created using the Recurring Events Manager will auto-post on the registration start date and close when the registration date has passed or the event has been filled. That way you can continue to spend more time enjoying life.


For an up to date overview of all the recent changes to Event Espresso, be sure to view the change log.

View all of the available shortcodes and variables that will be available in version 3.0.17.

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Posted in News, Events, WordPress, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts, My Plugins, Event Management | 4 Comments »

Vote for Event Espresso – 2010 Plugin of the Year

Vote for Event Espresso

Vote for Event Espresso

Event Espresso has been nominated for the prestigious “2010 Plugin of the Year Award” at WordPress Honors. Please take a few minutes to show your support for Event Espresso (and any of your other favorite plugins,) by voting.

Need a little more incentive? Each person that registers on the WordPress Honors website will be entered to win great prizes from other great WordPress theme and plugin developers.

So hurry up and cast your vote for Event Espresso and start winning prizes! :)

Posted in News, Events, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Open Source | No Comments »

Event Espresso Version 3.0.16 Just Released

Social Media Buttons

Social Media Buttons

Now includes Facebook and Twitter share buttons.

Among several minor bug fixes etc, we have included a simple social media plugin/addon that can be used to display Twitter and Facebook buttons in your Event Espresso templates. If you have relocated your template files to your uploads folder, you will need to make these changes to your template files.

I have also provided templates for the payment and return to payment pages.

Calendar Week View

Calendar Week View

The calendar has also been updated to include weekly and daily agenda views and a settings page to manage the calendar options.

Here is a list of recent changes between the last four versions.

Added simple buttons for Twitter and Facebook. Templates have been updated to include these changes.
Added payment and return to payment templates.
Added required text to form fields.
Added a new function to Get a single start or end time:
* function event_espresso_get_time($event_id, $format = ‘start_time’)
* @params $event_id (required)
* @params $time (optional, start_time (default) | end_time)
Changed the plugin to use the built in jQuery library, instead of the Google jQuery API.
Adjusted the questions display query to order by group order. This will work if the users do use the group_order field. Otherwise the questions will get mixed up.
Added the search and replace values to the invoice email

Moved the system questions and question groups function into the database install scipt. Hopefully this will fix the problem with the system questions and groups not getting installed.

Applied some formatting to the category name in the category listing.
Removed the wpautop function from the category editor.
Added the end_date of an event to the event_list.php.
Fixed the following issues
1) Edited questions always defaulting to ‘required’.
2) Deleting of questions and groups via checkbox.

Download your copy now!

Follow us on Twitter @EventEspresso

#WP #eventprofs #plugin

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Posted in News, WordPress, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, My Plugins | 2 Comments »

How do you save $30,000 on your WordCamp registrations?

Save Cash for WordCamp

Keep the Cash Campaign

This weekend we had the opportunity of attending WordCamp Utah. For those who haven’t attended a WordCamp, it’s a great opportunity to be inspired by and network with skilled developers, writers, webmasters, and entrepreneurs. We even had a town hall meeting with WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and a live presentation from Will it Blend, yeah, seriously! Needless to say, we had a great time.

Even though we had a great time at WordCamp, there was a $30,000 problem that really bothered us. Each of the 153 attendees had to pay an additional $1.49 to cover the cost of registering for WordCamp through Eventbrite. With all the plugin development around WordPress, why would WordCamp not use Event Espresso to manage their events? Event Espresso only costs $59.95 for unlimited events, and no fee per registrant (compare that to $1.49 per registrant with Eventbrite). WordCamp could either use that $1.49 for cool WordCamp things, or they could give us all a discount.

There have been or will be 136 WordCamps in 2010 and if, on average, each WordCamp gets about the same number of attendees as WordCamp Utah, attendees could collectively pay $30,396 just to register for WordCamps! That could fund the development of a sweet new feature or theme or be used to publicize WordPress as a CMS. Developers can help their clients save more money too by using Event Espresso.

To help make WordCamp better, and save a lot of cash, we have decided to donate our event manager plugin, Event Espresso, to every WordCamp site. We do not want to see all that money go toward just registration fees – we’d like to see WordCamp use that money to make it better or let us all keep the cash. We’re here to help you  manager your events better, so if you’re in charge of planning or hosting a WordCamp, contact us to get your free event manager plugin.

You too should make more money from your events, or make them more affordable with Event Espresso.

Put a Banner on Your Site:

Save the Cash Campaign 125x125

Save the Cash Campaign 125x125

Save the Cash Campaign 234x60

Save the Cash Campaign 234x60

Save the Cash Campaign 468x60

Save the Cash Campaign 468x60

Save the Cash Campaign 728x90

Save the Cash Campaign 728x90

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Posted in News, WordCamp, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts, Eventbrite, Open Source | 7 Comments »

Event Espresso - Staging Server