Archive for the ‘Registration’ Category

Event Espresso Brings Official Integration with Infusionsoft



At Event Espresso we’re all about making our customers’ lives easier. We know that your time is precious. That’s why we are excited to announce the stable release of our Infusionsoft integration add-on.

Infusionsoft is touted as, “The only all-in-one sales and marketing software built for small business”. Just check out their latest press releases. With Infusionsoft, you can attract customers, automate marketing, close sales, and even sell online. Infusionsoft is designed to meet the needs of small businesses with less than 25 employees. They combine customer relationship management (CRM), marketing, and e-commerce into one, web-based system.

Now, with Event Espresso running along side your Infusionsoft account, you can push valuable customer data from event registrations on your website straight to your Infusionsoft database. No more copying and pasting data. Did I mention the process is automated?

Here is how the integration works:

1. A customer registers for an event on your website and the data is transferred to InfustionSoft.

2. The customer pays for the event using either a built-in Event Espresso payment gateway or your Infusionsoft Merchant account.

3. The customer is shown a payment confirmation back on your website.

4. Once the customer has made a successful payment, the payment record is updated within the Infustionsoft app.


The add-on is included in the Developer License Package, so our Developer License holders can take advantage of this tool today, at no extra charge! The add-on can also be purchased separately and used with any of the other license packages.

Get it here!


Expand your possibilities today with the Infusionsoft integration for Event Espresso.

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Posted in Addons, Registration, Ticketing, Event Registration | No Comments »

Over $20k In Discounts Given To Non-Profits



Each of us at Event Espresso loves to help other people and businesses be successful. So, as a company, it’s only natural for us to lend a hand of appreciation to those who do the same. Since December of 2011 we have had the privilege of offering discounts to qualifying non-profit organizations. We have issued discounts to all types of organizations, from human rights groups, to economic development organizations and even political parties.

Non-profits all over the world have saved a cumulative of over $20,000 on Event Espresso products in the last year and a half. We are humbly proud that we have been able to do this. With the power of WordPress at it’s foundation, Event Espresso can help any organization, large or small, be successful in their event registration and ticketing.


A few testimonials…


I am in love with your product, I work with many educational institutions that hold classes/events and I will definitely recommend this to all of them, the only time I have seen a system this comprehensive and sophisticated is when an organization I worked with paid a programmer nearly $8,000 for a custom solution, and yet still there are features in your registration system that his didn't have. Thank you so much for your help and patience.


My hope with this whole integration is to be able to show other school districts an affordable and easy solution to these registrations. I cannot believe how much money they are charged for less by other companies. This has the potential to save schools tens of thousands, which is huge right now.


I recently downloaded it to add to a nonprofit site for a Boy Scout troop and the features work wonderfully with what we wanted to accomplish for the site. It allows us to set up calendar, events, and even take payments for trips. At first, I thought that it would be overkill for such a small site, but now I see the possibilities and will definitely be offering Event Espresso to my clients that need an event organization system for their web sites.

Lucy Conn

Lucy Conn
Troop 462


If you are a non-profit, and would like to take advantage of our non-profit discount, please complete the Non-profit Discounts application, and we will be in touch as soon as possible. If someone you know could benefit from this offering, please pass the message on to them; and how you can help.


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Posted in Events, Registration, Ticketing, Event Management, non-profit, Event Registration | 2 Comments »

Event Espresso, Johnny Winter sell $35k in less than 48 hours

We all know Event Espresso can do lots of different types of events. One of the most basic events — by which I mean, one that Event Espresso lends itself naturally to — is concerts and performances. Music venues have a maximum capacity — which can be set with the maximum number of attendees setting — and venue information can be stored in the venue manager and used to provide information and a Google Map about the venue. With the seating chart, ticketing add-on and mobile app, you can sell actual seats and check people in at the door.

One of our users who has been working with Event Espresso for a long time has built a couple sites for a couple music venues in Canada that have really paid off. His name is Mark and he runs Muskoka Graphics, a small design and development studio. His background in the music industry led to some jobs for local venues which ultimately needed to be able to sell tickets online. In the early days, this was handled by a simple, customizable script Mark wrote that would handle the PayPal purchase. But as these websites grew, so did his need for a more robust, reliable platform, and that’s when he found Event Espresso.

Early Event Espresso adoption leads to success

In the early days Mark contacted us often and we saw this as an opportunity to really stress test the plugin for our ideal client — someone running an actual venue on Event Espresso. Mark says the thing he likes most about using Event Espresso is the support. “These guys are right on any problem or issue or even general questions. You can’t really put a value high enough on the kind of support these guys offer.” Most of the early issues in those days had to do with scale — these were venues that were selling events out quickly which wasn’t something we had previously had the opportunity to test for. This led to numerous speed and stability enhancements in the plugin. After a while, we stopped hearing from Mark.

So imagine our surprise and enthusiasm when he contacted us to let us know that one of the two sites he’s built using Event Espresso made over $35,000 in less than 48 hours running the latest version of Event Espresso!

World Class Entertainment

Peter’s Players is a small, 88 seat theatre that specializes in world class artists like Johnny Winter, Taj Mahal and John Lee Hooker. The other venue Mark maintains, the Kee, seats 1000 and also brings in top tier artists and has seen Snoop Dogg, April Wine and The Tragically Hip. Says Mark, “I have watched [Event Espresso] perform on my server after a mass email have over 40 people buying online almost simultaneously. I have watched [Event Espresso] sell 1000 tickets in 3 hours. They are rock solid and I trust them with my clients businesses.” Mark uses mostly the out-of-the-box features of Event Espresso — waiting lists, coupon codes & early registration discounts, and invoices — but also takes advantage of the WP User Integration add-on to provide member discounts for registered users.

Powering 100 million ticket sales a year

This is only the latest success story of Event Espresso. Recently, Garth pulled together some numbers based on the User Survey responses we’ve been collecting over the past year. With the user-survey data we were able to estimate that Event Espresso powers over 250,000 events and sells over 100 million tickets per year! This deserves its own blog post in the future, but we thought you’d find it interesting that the example above is not the exception.

Is your business or organization among these? Let us know in the comments! And please share with us your Event Espresso success story, we’d love to hear it.

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Posted in Registration, Ticketing, Event Management | No Comments »

Update! iPhone/iPod Touch App, Mobile Ticketing API, and Ticketing Addon

In order to keep up with the latest, and greatest, changes to the Apple iOS (version 6). We recently launched an update of our own. We completed a major overhaul (mostly performance and stability improvements) of our Mobile Ticketing app for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

The Ticketing addon and the Mobile Ticketing API have been updated as well. Both of these systems have received security and optimization updates.

It is highly recommended that you update to the latest versions of these systems. If you have questions, comments, or concerns. Please let us know in the forums.

Posted in Addons, Registration, Ticketing, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, Features | No Comments »

Using Event Espresso as a Haunted House Ticketing System

Event Espresso is a powerful event management and registration system that can be used for many different types of events.  It’s been used for everything from Yoga classes to hockey games, but did you know that it can also be used as an onsite ticketing system for your haunted house?

Why go through the hassle when you can manage your ticket sales right from your own website?

The haunted house is fun, and booming, but many haunted houses (like these two based locally in Salt Lake City) waste your money by using a third-party online ticketing system. These third-party ticketing systems tack on a “Ticket Surcharge” or “Booking Fee” for each ticket purchased, in addition to transaction fees that are usually incurred by the company hosting the haunted house company. Not good!

How can Event Espresso help you?

Event Espresso gives you many tools right at your fingertips to handle your haunted house ticketing. Right out of the box, you have access to a registration and payment system through your favorite merchant gateway. Many haunted houses will change their schedules, running more shows/admissions the closer you get to Halloween. With the Calendar add-on, included in all packages, you can let your visitors know what nights your haunted house will be open and let them purchase tickets for the night they want to attend.

Event Espresso - Event Overview 2039 Local Test Site 2014 WordPress

Make your life easier with recurring events!

To make your life easier creating events, you can also use the Recurring Events Manager to create recurring events that happen on a schedule or manually add dates to a recurring series to have more control over the specific pattern of recurrences.  Each occurrence is specific for that event date, so you have full control over the number of tickets you can sell and put a limit on the number of registrations if you need to.

What about volume discounts?

With the new Volume Discounts add-on, you can give your visitors discounted rates if they purchase a specific number of tickets.

Check your guests in at the gate

Once your attendees are registered, you can create custom tickets that can be scanned at the door by our mobile ticketing apps for Android and iOS to grant admission.


Don’t believe us that Event Espresso is suitable for a haunted house?

Visit Panic Park in Scottsdale, Arizona, an amazing, five acre scare park that takes place in an abandoned amusement park.  Frustrated with having to go through third-party services, they turned, instead, to Event Espresso to power their online ticketing and scan print at home tickets at the door.

Posted in Home Page, Addons, Events, Registration, Ticketing, WordPress, Featured Posts, Event Registration, Tips & Tutorials | No Comments »

Now Available: Multiple Event Registration Add-on

We’d like to make a quick announcement that the Multi-Event Registration Add-on is now available for purchase. We understand that it took longer to complete than we wanted it to, and we still have plans for its future, but we couldn’t hold it back any longer. This add-on allows allows attendees to register for multiple events during a single checkout, and even add additional attendees. This add-on makes it easy for your attendees to register by giving them an option to reuse the information later in the registration form if they are registering the same person for multiple events. (more…)

Posted in News, Addons, Registration, Ticketing, New Versions, Event Management, Features | 3 Comments »

Mobile Ticketing Apps Released

Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps

Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps

We’d like to announce today that we have released the Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps for iphone, iPod, and Android mobile devices. These mobile platforms bring event managers and organizers even more autonomy and power to setup their own registration system.

The Event Espresso plugin for WordPress and our iOS and Android apps:

  • Speed up registrations at the door
  • Integrates in real-time with the attendee list in Event Espresso
  • Allows for multiple check-in “stations”. Eg. Use multiple iPhones/Android phones to log into to the same attendee list so employees can scan tickets using multiple different mobile devices
  • Send an e-mail to the ticket holder with a “Thank you for Attending” – This will save time from currently having to check the name off and having attendees sign a confirmation that they were present at the event. This will help to avoid refund situations (coming soon)
  • Keep your events “Green” by providing an environmentally friendly ticketing solution
  • Custom tickets can double as a name badge
  • Makes your organization very official and innovative

Download the Mobile Ticketing Apps | Purchase the QR Code ticketing addon

Requirements: Event Espresso version 3.0.19.p.34 or greater and purchase of the QR Code ticketing addon. Note: the ticketing app will work with some earlier versions of Event Espresso, but 3.0.19.p.34 has the ability to check people in/out of the event if the ticketing addon is installed.

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Posted in Addons, Registration, Ticketing, WordPress, Development, WordPress Plugins | 5 Comments »

Coming Soon: Multiple Event Registration

Updated: The Multi-Event Registration Add-on is now available.

Multi-Event RegistrationI don’t know how else to put it, except to say that this is really awesome functionality!

Gone are the days when people can only register for one event at a time. We have been developing a system that allows people to register and pay for multiple events at one time. The theory is that when it’s easier for your attendees to register for more events you will sell more tickets; and with the Multi-Event Registration System it couldn’t be easier.

Some of the features of the multi-event registration system addon include:

  • Register or Add to Cart and Add More Events links – This gives the person the opportunity to immediately register for the single event or continue shopping to add more events to their cart.
  • Multiple Event Payment – The person registering can pay for an unlimited number of events at one time (paid or free events), all from one page.
  • Single Registration Page – The person registering can register for all the tickets they are purchasing all from one page. They can click a check box to reuse an attendee’s information or enter all new information for a different person.

This new addon will be very useful in situations when you want attendees to register for a main event and also sub-events such as conference breakout sessions; when your events are for the entire family, but you want each member of the family to register for separate events; etc.

This new addon has taken a long time to construct but it’s nearly done. We are accepting applications to beta test the multiple event registration addon, and you can follow the multi-event registration development progress in the forums.

In order to keep the base-price of Event Espresso low for those who do not need this functionality, this addon will be sold separately for about $40.

We encourage all Event Espresso users to consider how the multi-event registration system can help you save time and sell more tickets.

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Posted in News, Addons, Events, Registration, Ticketing, Development, Event Management | 20 Comments »

iPhone and Android Onsite Check-in App Development

We are very happy to announce that we have begun development on a new iPhone and Android app to scan tickets at the door. If you are using our  QR Code ticketing addon. This will be an innovative new way (for Event Espresso users) to check-in attendees at the door.

Update: iPhone/iPod and Android Apps Now Available.

More information coming soon! If you would like to support the development and get the app and ticketing system at up to 50% off, please let us know.

iPhone Ticket Scanner Home ScreeniPhone Ticket Scanner - Accepted ScreeniPhone Ticket Scanner - Declined Screen

Posted in Events, Registration, Ticketing | No Comments »

How to Put Your Events on Autopilot

Events on Autopilot with the Recurring Events Manager Plugin for WordPress

Events on Autopilot with the Recurring Events Manager Plugin for WordPress

Modern technology can make a plane takeoff, fly and even land all by itself, but yet some event managers and web masters are manually managing their events! In the early 1900’s, inventors and engineers figured out the autopilot system. Now, in the early 2000’s, the inventors and engineers of Event Espresso have designed a system to make events open and close registration all by itself – setting them to autopilot.

The new Recurring Events Manager add-on for Event Espresso and WordPress gives webmasters, authors, publishers and event managers the freedom to schedule their events on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly schedule and to step away from the wheel. With Event Espresso, all you have to do is add the event details once, and then schedule the event to happen again when you’d like it to. The events will automatically show up on your site when registration opens and registration will close automatically when you’ve scheduled it to close.

In a future release of this incredible add-on, you’ll be able to create a custom recurring schedule that is not based on a predictable schedule. Instead you could create an event to happen at on a Tuesday, then a Wednesday, then a Sunday or one week later or 3 days later or 38 days later, etc. and the system will take care of the rest. Bring your event technology into the 21st century with the Event Espresso Recurring Events Manager Add-on for WordPress.

There is no reason you should spend so much time managing your events. If you spend more than one hour even worrying about opening and closing the registration for your events, then you’re wasting your time and money. The cost of this add-on is an investment to make you more productive by saving you time and money. Saving you time and earning you more money, that’s the power of Event Espresso and the new Recurring Events Manager plugin for WordPress.

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Event Espresso - Staging Server