Archive for the ‘My Plugins’ Category

Custom Post Types and Recurring Events Coming to Version 3.0.17

The last month has been insanely busy. I have been adding new features, fixing bugs, and working late every night to bring the best of WordPress to Event Espresso.

This is probably going to be the most exciting version of Event Espresso to date.gfg Version 3.0.17 will bring us custom post types for events and the very much anticipated Recurring Events Manager.

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

Event Development Framework

A very new and exciting feature in WordPress 3.0 is the ability to create custom post type, that is maintained in the WordPress posts table. This can help developers to build a theme that relies less on custom fields and makes it easier for clients.

The custom post type integration in Event Espresso will bring all kind of customization possibilities to your events. Allowing website owners and event professionals to harness the full power of WordPress and Event Espresso by using the premiere Event Development Framework for WordPress.

Our comprehensive Event Development Framework takes full advantage of WordPress using custom fields, post meta data, categories, tags, and taxonomies. You can even create pages or posts for each event that can be integrated into any theme within minutes.

Recurring Events Manager

This is probably one of the most anticipated addons of Event Espresso. For months I have received at least three emails a day inquiring about recurring events.

Well it is finally here! The Recurring Events Manager addon will bring the possibility to put your event registration system on auto-pilot.

This is going to be a huge benefit to anyone that has many of the same events throughout the year. Start by creating an event, then just tell the system how many days, weeks, or months you want the event to extend into the future. Events created using the Recurring Events Manager will auto-post on the registration start date and close when the registration date has passed or the event has been filled. That way you can continue to spend more time enjoying life.


For an up to date overview of all the recent changes to Event Espresso, be sure to view the change log.

View all of the available shortcodes and variables that will be available in version 3.0.17.

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Posted in News, Events, WordPress, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts, My Plugins, Event Management | 4 Comments »

Event Espresso Version 3.0.16 Just Released

Social Media Buttons

Social Media Buttons

Now includes Facebook and Twitter share buttons.

Among several minor bug fixes etc, we have included a simple social media plugin/addon that can be used to display Twitter and Facebook buttons in your Event Espresso templates. If you have relocated your template files to your uploads folder, you will need to make these changes to your template files.

I have also provided templates for the payment and return to payment pages.

Calendar Week View

Calendar Week View

The calendar has also been updated to include weekly and daily agenda views and a settings page to manage the calendar options.

Here is a list of recent changes between the last four versions.

Added simple buttons for Twitter and Facebook. Templates have been updated to include these changes.
Added payment and return to payment templates.
Added required text to form fields.
Added a new function to Get a single start or end time:
* function event_espresso_get_time($event_id, $format = ‘start_time’)
* @params $event_id (required)
* @params $time (optional, start_time (default) | end_time)
Changed the plugin to use the built in jQuery library, instead of the Google jQuery API.
Adjusted the questions display query to order by group order. This will work if the users do use the group_order field. Otherwise the questions will get mixed up.
Added the search and replace values to the invoice email

Moved the system questions and question groups function into the database install scipt. Hopefully this will fix the problem with the system questions and groups not getting installed.

Applied some formatting to the category name in the category listing.
Removed the wpautop function from the category editor.
Added the end_date of an event to the event_list.php.
Fixed the following issues
1) Edited questions always defaulting to ‘required’.
2) Deleting of questions and groups via checkbox.

Download your copy now!

Follow us on Twitter @EventEspresso

#WP #eventprofs #plugin

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Posted in News, WordPress, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, My Plugins | 2 Comments »

Friends Don’t Let Friends Host Events on Eventbrite

The Truth Is Out!

Event Espresso vs Eventbrite
Event Espresso beats Eventbrite by keeping YOU in full control of your money, customer data, and style.

Are you holding a paid event? Are you willing to give away 2.5% of your ticket value + $0.99 per ticket sold? If so then by all means, host your next event on Eventbrite. Hosting an event on Eventbrite means that you have to fork over a percentage of every ticket you sell.

With Event Espresso you are in control of your money, customer data and style.

Event Espresso is a one-time payment. That means no monthly fees or registration fees.

Protecting Your Customers’ Privacy

Do you value your customers’ privacy? If so, then then why would you use a third party to host your events and keep all of your customers’ data? You might as well let the guy down the street host your next event and collect the money and registration data.

Companies like Eventbrite collect and keep personal information provided by you and the people registering for your events, as stated in the Eventbrite Privacy Policy.

Event Espresso is as secure as you and your server. When you install Event Espresso on your website or blog, you are in total control of the registration data. Every registration performed on your site is stored safely in your database. Accessing and exporting the registration data is as easy as logging into the WordPress admin. With Event Espresso’s easy-to-use interface, you have immediate access to the information you need.

Style and Integration

Have you ever used Eventbrite’s iframe code to showcase your events on your website? Did you ever get the colors just right for each event? I am willing to bet that you may have come close, then gave up after wasting twenty minutes of your valuable time, only to have your customers leave your website to register on the Eventbrite website.

Style is no longer an issue when you have Event Espresso installed on YOUR website. Event Espresso is fully integrated with your WordPress website or blog. That means you spend less time matching colors, pasting in arbitrary code, or just trying to look professional.

So, if you own a WordPress website or blog, stop wasting your time and money with third-party event registration systems. Event Espresso gives you all the tools you need to host, manage, and collect payments for events on your own WordPress website or blog.

For a limited time, get $10 off the basic license using the discount code EVENTBRITE when checking out.

Don’t Have a WordpPress Website? Check out One of These Sponsors:
Smart Website Solutions
31two Creative Studio

Posted in News, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Featured Posts, Eventbrite, My Plugins, Open Source, PayPal | 12 Comments »

Event Espresso - Staging Server