Archive for the ‘Event Management’ Category

Over $20k In Discounts Given To Non-Profits



Each of us at Event Espresso loves to help other people and businesses be successful. So, as a company, it’s only natural for us to lend a hand of appreciation to those who do the same. Since December of 2011 we have had the privilege of offering discounts to qualifying non-profit organizations. We have issued discounts to all types of organizations, from human rights groups, to economic development organizations and even political parties.

Non-profits all over the world have saved a cumulative of over $20,000 on Event Espresso products in the last year and a half. We are humbly proud that we have been able to do this. With the power of WordPress at it’s foundation, Event Espresso can help any organization, large or small, be successful in their event registration and ticketing.


A few testimonials…


I am in love with your product, I work with many educational institutions that hold classes/events and I will definitely recommend this to all of them, the only time I have seen a system this comprehensive and sophisticated is when an organization I worked with paid a programmer nearly $8,000 for a custom solution, and yet still there are features in your registration system that his didn't have. Thank you so much for your help and patience.


My hope with this whole integration is to be able to show other school districts an affordable and easy solution to these registrations. I cannot believe how much money they are charged for less by other companies. This has the potential to save schools tens of thousands, which is huge right now.


I recently downloaded it to add to a nonprofit site for a Boy Scout troop and the features work wonderfully with what we wanted to accomplish for the site. It allows us to set up calendar, events, and even take payments for trips. At first, I thought that it would be overkill for such a small site, but now I see the possibilities and will definitely be offering Event Espresso to my clients that need an event organization system for their web sites.

Lucy Conn

Lucy Conn
Troop 462


If you are a non-profit, and would like to take advantage of our non-profit discount, please complete the Non-profit Discounts application, and we will be in touch as soon as possible. If someone you know could benefit from this offering, please pass the message on to them; and how you can help.


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Posted in Events, Registration, Ticketing, Event Management, non-profit, Event Registration | 2 Comments »

Event Espresso, Johnny Winter sell $35k in less than 48 hours

We all know Event Espresso can do lots of different types of events. One of the most basic events — by which I mean, one that Event Espresso lends itself naturally to — is concerts and performances. Music venues have a maximum capacity — which can be set with the maximum number of attendees setting — and venue information can be stored in the venue manager and used to provide information and a Google Map about the venue. With the seating chart, ticketing add-on and mobile app, you can sell actual seats and check people in at the door.

One of our users who has been working with Event Espresso for a long time has built a couple sites for a couple music venues in Canada that have really paid off. His name is Mark and he runs Muskoka Graphics, a small design and development studio. His background in the music industry led to some jobs for local venues which ultimately needed to be able to sell tickets online. In the early days, this was handled by a simple, customizable script Mark wrote that would handle the PayPal purchase. But as these websites grew, so did his need for a more robust, reliable platform, and that’s when he found Event Espresso.

Early Event Espresso adoption leads to success

In the early days Mark contacted us often and we saw this as an opportunity to really stress test the plugin for our ideal client — someone running an actual venue on Event Espresso. Mark says the thing he likes most about using Event Espresso is the support. “These guys are right on any problem or issue or even general questions. You can’t really put a value high enough on the kind of support these guys offer.” Most of the early issues in those days had to do with scale — these were venues that were selling events out quickly which wasn’t something we had previously had the opportunity to test for. This led to numerous speed and stability enhancements in the plugin. After a while, we stopped hearing from Mark.

So imagine our surprise and enthusiasm when he contacted us to let us know that one of the two sites he’s built using Event Espresso made over $35,000 in less than 48 hours running the latest version of Event Espresso!

World Class Entertainment

Peter’s Players is a small, 88 seat theatre that specializes in world class artists like Johnny Winter, Taj Mahal and John Lee Hooker. The other venue Mark maintains, the Kee, seats 1000 and also brings in top tier artists and has seen Snoop Dogg, April Wine and The Tragically Hip. Says Mark, “I have watched [Event Espresso] perform on my server after a mass email have over 40 people buying online almost simultaneously. I have watched [Event Espresso] sell 1000 tickets in 3 hours. They are rock solid and I trust them with my clients businesses.” Mark uses mostly the out-of-the-box features of Event Espresso — waiting lists, coupon codes & early registration discounts, and invoices — but also takes advantage of the WP User Integration add-on to provide member discounts for registered users.

Powering 100 million ticket sales a year

This is only the latest success story of Event Espresso. Recently, Garth pulled together some numbers based on the User Survey responses we’ve been collecting over the past year. With the user-survey data we were able to estimate that Event Espresso powers over 250,000 events and sells over 100 million tickets per year! This deserves its own blog post in the future, but we thought you’d find it interesting that the example above is not the exception.

Is your business or organization among these? Let us know in the comments! And please share with us your Event Espresso success story, we’d love to hear it.

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Posted in Registration, Ticketing, Event Management | No Comments »

Now Available: Multiple Event Registration Add-on

We’d like to make a quick announcement that the Multi-Event Registration Add-on is now available for purchase. We understand that it took longer to complete than we wanted it to, and we still have plans for its future, but we couldn’t hold it back any longer. This add-on allows allows attendees to register for multiple events during a single checkout, and even add additional attendees. This add-on makes it easy for your attendees to register by giving them an option to reuse the information later in the registration form if they are registering the same person for multiple events. (more…)

Posted in News, Addons, Registration, Ticketing, New Versions, Event Management, Features | 3 Comments »

Coming Soon: Multiple Event Registration

Updated: The Multi-Event Registration Add-on is now available.

Multi-Event RegistrationI don’t know how else to put it, except to say that this is really awesome functionality!

Gone are the days when people can only register for one event at a time. We have been developing a system that allows people to register and pay for multiple events at one time. The theory is that when it’s easier for your attendees to register for more events you will sell more tickets; and with the Multi-Event Registration System it couldn’t be easier.

Some of the features of the multi-event registration system addon include:

  • Register or Add to Cart and Add More Events links – This gives the person the opportunity to immediately register for the single event or continue shopping to add more events to their cart.
  • Multiple Event Payment – The person registering can pay for an unlimited number of events at one time (paid or free events), all from one page.
  • Single Registration Page – The person registering can register for all the tickets they are purchasing all from one page. They can click a check box to reuse an attendee’s information or enter all new information for a different person.

This new addon will be very useful in situations when you want attendees to register for a main event and also sub-events such as conference breakout sessions; when your events are for the entire family, but you want each member of the family to register for separate events; etc.

This new addon has taken a long time to construct but it’s nearly done. We are accepting applications to beta test the multiple event registration addon, and you can follow the multi-event registration development progress in the forums.

In order to keep the base-price of Event Espresso low for those who do not need this functionality, this addon will be sold separately for about $40.

We encourage all Event Espresso users to consider how the multi-event registration system can help you save time and sell more tickets.

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Posted in News, Addons, Events, Registration, Ticketing, Development, Event Management | 20 Comments »

Happy Birthday Event Espresso!!

Happy Birthday Event Espresso

Happy Birthday Event Espresso

The original version of Event Espresso, first named “Events Registration with PayPal IPN”, later renamed to “Advanced Events Registration”, was released on April 20, 2009 and has been rewritten a total of three times since its initial inception, and is now aptly named “Event Espresso”. After three name changes and three complete rewrites, here we are. It all started out as a simple plugin for my wife. All she needed was a way for people to register for her scrapbooking classes and events. I couldn’t find any good plugins that were easy for a non-tech person to manage events and accept payments. So I went ahead and created my own solution.

In addition to celebrating our second year as the premiere events registration and management plugin for WordPress, this month was especially awesome! Thanks to my business partner and long time friend, Garth Koyle, Event Espresso is $40,000 richer. Garth wrote a winning 30-page business plan and gave an outstanding presentation that ended up winning first place–and $40,000–in the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge. This extra money will allow us to spend more time expanding our current services and framework, to bring you the best event registration system for WordPress.

As of January 2011, we had 1400+ purchases of the premium version, and over 15,000 downloads of the free version on We now have over 18,000 downloads of the free version and almost a 5 star rating! We have been featured on WP, WPCandy (several times), and (two times). This year is also bringing us the first Mobile Ticketing App for WordPress (very excited about this!) In addition to all of that, we have also given out over 200 non-profit discounts to non-profit organizations all over the world.

Last, but NOT least, I would like to give a BIG THANKS! To all of our customers and the WordPress community that have made this an awesome two years. Without YOU and ALL of the wonderful feedback you have provided throughout these past two years, we would all still be paying high fees to Eventbrite and the other companies. This year we plan to make a dent in their pocket books and bring even more features, while still keeping you in control of your data, events, and hard-earned cash!

Please take the time to:

Posted in News, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, Eventbrite, Open Source, Event Management | 3 Comments »

Version 3.0.19 Now Available for Download

ImageAnother stable version of Event Espresso is available to download. We recommend you upgrade now. This upgrade includes the improvements made in version 3.0.18.

  • Version 3.0.19.b.7
  • Added two columns to the attendee overview in the admin area. One column shows the price/ticket option, the other shows the time of the event chosen.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.7
  • Removing from beta. Everything seems to be pretty stable for most users.
  • Fixed a lot of potential problems with the language files. It seems some of the translations had return and new line breaks (\r\n) in them. This seems to have caused lots of problems for international users. Hopefully removing these pieces of code and formatting the text located in the translation functions will fix this problem.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.6
  • There was still a problem when registering attendees from the same computer for free events or when payment was not finalized (ie. downloading an invoice or paying by check.) This has been fixed in the gateway files and template files. If you are not using the default payment gateways or templates, you will need to make sure these are updated.
  • Attendees with a ‘Pending’ payment status are now counted as a paid attendee.Added the payment_overview.php template for displaying payment information after a payment has been made or if clicking on the payment details link. This will also display if  the attendee chooses to pay using cash or check payment option, provided they click the new ‘finalize registration’ link, if these modules are active.
  • Clicking the ‘Download PDF Invoice’ payment option will now mark the attendees as pending.
  • Added a ‘finalize registration’ link when using cash or check payment gateways. Clicking the ‘finalize registration’ link will mark the attendees as ‘Pending’ in the payment overview.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.5
  • Added filters for displaying events and attendees in the Event Overview page. Filter events by month/year, category, active/inactive/deleted status. Ability to show all, today’s, and this months events.
  • Filter attendees by month/year, category, payment status. Search by email address, name, transaction id, payment type/status, etc. Ability to show all, today’s, and this months attendees.
  • Added “Edit” and “Delete” links to the additional attendees
  • Fixed emails not showing the right information for attendees and additional attendees. As long as the primary attendee updates the additional attendee data, it should display the custom questions properly.
  • Fixed the bug when multiple people register from the same computer, for the same event, the previous record was deleted. As long as everyone goes through the entire process and pays, the previous wont be deleted.
  • When registering for free events the registration is now finalized and does not delete the old record when using the same computer to register for the same event twice.
  • Added fix to remove the HTML entities from the PayPal response
  • Fixed the coupon code bug
  • Version 3.0.19.b.3
  • Fixed an error in the email.php. Was missing an ‘>’ in one of the array variables for the address on line #126.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.2
  • Added the option to choose the amount of events to display in the admin dashboard.
  • Version 3.0.19.b.1
  • Updated attendee and event listing pages in the admin area
  • Fixed problems with editing custom questions in the attendee editor and confirmation pages
  • Fixed excel export problems
  • Fixed HTML formatting error in the dashboard widget

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Posted in News, New Versions, Versions, WordPress Plugins, Event Management | 2 Comments »

Sneak Peek: New Event Manager Admin

Development on Event Espresso continues and we wanted to give our event managers a sneak peek of the new event admin coming in version 3.0.18. This may be replacing the Attendees/Payments page and Event Setup pages. These two pages will be combined into one “Event Overview” page where you can click to add a new event or view all the information (previously available on two pages.)

We’ve added the following event management options:

  • Quick Filtering Options – all current events, today’s events, and this month’s events
  • Advanced Filtering Options – month/year, categories, and active/inactive status
  • Improved Column Sorting
  • Event Start Dates and Times
  • Registration Start Date and Times
  • Actions – view event (magnifying glass icon), edit event (edit icon), view attendees (people icon), view shortcodes (<> icon), export excel (excel icon), export csv (csv icon), and send event newsletter (mail icon).

Here is a comparison of the new version (on the left) with the current version (on the right)

Event Manager Admin Comparison Dec. 2010

Event Manager Admin Comparison Dec. 2010

Here is a closer view of the new event manager admin.

Event Manger New Admin, Version 3.0.18

Event Manger New Admin, Version 3.0.18

We believe this new design, will make Event Espresso more convenient and efficient for event managers, than ever before.

What do you think? Any additional suggestions?

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Posted in News, New Versions, Versions, Event Management | 14 Comments »

Nonprofits Using Social Media

Yesterday, the radio program, Marketplace by American Public Media published an article on their website and ran a story on the radio about how charities and nonprofit organizations are using social media to raise funds. It is becoming ever more important for organizations, especially nonprofit groups, to take advantage (in a good way) of the opportunities they have. Social media allows organizations to make personal connections with many more people who are interested in their mission or cause than is available via other forms of media.

When I heard this story, it became very apparent that nonprofit organizations need to be on the cutting-edge of technology and use it to its full potential. We hope you will take advantage of the great features and capabilities of Event Espresso. You can do more than just manage your events, you can even use it as a volunteer management system on WordPresCreate events as assignments and allow your volunteers to signup for the assignments you create. This will help keep your volunteers engaged and advocates for you and your cause. We want to be sure you have the tools you need to be successful and Event Espresso has great social media integration for facebook and a Group on add-on. Event Espresso and these tools will help you take advantage of the social media’s potential.

There should be very little doubt in your mind about the power of social media. You should be very confident that your organization should be engaging in social media and be prepared with the tools to make the interactions you have a positive experience.

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Posted in Events, WordPress Plugins, Event Management, Assignments, non-profit | 1 Comment »

Why is Event Espresso Great for Non-Profit Organizations?

Organize Events and Volunteers with Event Espresso

Organize Events and Volunteers with Event Espresso

You’ll notice that not-for-profit organizations often have a following of people who are interested in their cause and who are eager to be involved, but what you will also notice is that those organizations do very little with that small army of volunteers. If you’ve ever participated in the same community service project or an event for a non-profit organization more than once, you’ll  see a lot of new faces that weren’t at the first event you attended. It is becoming increasingly important for non-profit organizations to be active in their mission and communities to keep their membership/advocates active and to continue to recruit other volunteers/advocates. Non-profit success is becoming more instantaneous and driven by how much help they can get from their participants. Event Espresso helps non-profits, or any organization for that matter, organize these people who care about their cause and want to get involved. We do have a list of a few of the non-profit organizations who are using Event Espresso and you can see how it has helped them organize their events, manage their volunteers, and collect revenue to support their mission and operations.

But you don’t have to just organize people into a formal event. To augment your formal events and keep your volunteers involved, you can also use Event Espresso to organize people into group and assignments. Here is an example of how Event Espresso can go beyond managing your formal events to managing your non-profit volunteer’s efforts.

Example scenario:

Let’s imagine we have a not-for-profit organization with the mission to improve the literacy rate among children in foster care.

We plan to achieve this mission by accomplishing three main objectives: 1) increasing the access to books for children in foster care, 2) increasing the frequency and length that foster parents read to/with their foster children, 3) recruiting an advocate in each public school facility that will champion this effort in their school and in their area.

  • To increase the access that foster children have to books, we’ve decided to do a community book drive to collect books for the school and local libraries. With this activity you will need people to volunteer to spread the word either by going door-to-door or by taking fliers into the community, blogging about the book drive, and even get people to collect the books and deliver them to the library. You can use Event Espresso by creating events for each of these activities and asking people to sign up for them. You can set limits on the events/assignments to make sure that everyone is assigned to where you need them and that your efforts aren’t overlapped. You’ll also have people organized into groups that you can send subsequent communication.
  • To increase the frequency/length that foster parents and children read together we are planning a read-in, where parents and children will go to the local library to 1) obtain library cards, 2) check out three books, and 3) read at least one book together while at the library. The read-in will also include a reading competition that people can register for on your website, with recognition for the highest achievers. With people pre-registering for the read-in, Event Espresso can help you gauge the volume of participation even before the read-in event, market to those who sign up and remind them to work toward their goals, and even evaluate how much of an impact you might have in the community with this event.
  • To recruit an advocate in each public school we are going to speak with the attendees to our read-in event and try to recruit participants. With the easy sign-up form or even manual registration features of Event Espresso, each of your advocates at the library can register on your site for another event and thereby organize people into another group. You can then communicate directly with this group and create future events/assignments for them to commit to do.

This is just a simple example of all the great ways you can use Event Espresso to manage your events on WordPress. Non-profit organizations can use Event Espresso to bring in revenue from their golf tournaments, service projects, etc. but they can use it to organize their volunteers and staff. Create an event/assignment that people can sign up for and let this great software do the heavy work of managing your volunteer efforts.

Are these ideas new to you, or have you started to harness the complete power of Event Espresso? What novel ways have you found to use Event Espresso? I hope I’ve inspired you.


In addition to supporting their mission Event Espresso also offers a discount to non-profit organizations. If you are a non-profit organization and would like to use Event Espresso to manage your events, please complete the Non-profit  Discount form. If you’re a non-profit organization and you’re already using Event Espresso, we’d love to hear what it has done for you. If you don’t have a website or if it’s not built on WordPress (a content management system), let us know and we can help you understand the process to having an inexpensive website with these capabilities.

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Posted in News, Events, Event Management, Assignments, non-profit | 6 Comments »

How to Put Your Events on Autopilot

Events on Autopilot with the Recurring Events Manager Plugin for WordPress

Events on Autopilot with the Recurring Events Manager Plugin for WordPress

Modern technology can make a plane takeoff, fly and even land all by itself, but yet some event managers and web masters are manually managing their events! In the early 1900’s, inventors and engineers figured out the autopilot system. Now, in the early 2000’s, the inventors and engineers of Event Espresso have designed a system to make events open and close registration all by itself – setting them to autopilot.

The new Recurring Events Manager add-on for Event Espresso and WordPress gives webmasters, authors, publishers and event managers the freedom to schedule their events on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly schedule and to step away from the wheel. With Event Espresso, all you have to do is add the event details once, and then schedule the event to happen again when you’d like it to. The events will automatically show up on your site when registration opens and registration will close automatically when you’ve scheduled it to close.

In a future release of this incredible add-on, you’ll be able to create a custom recurring schedule that is not based on a predictable schedule. Instead you could create an event to happen at on a Tuesday, then a Wednesday, then a Sunday or one week later or 3 days later or 38 days later, etc. and the system will take care of the rest. Bring your event technology into the 21st century with the Event Espresso Recurring Events Manager Add-on for WordPress.

There is no reason you should spend so much time managing your events. If you spend more than one hour even worrying about opening and closing the registration for your events, then you’re wasting your time and money. The cost of this add-on is an investment to make you more productive by saving you time and money. Saving you time and earning you more money, that’s the power of Event Espresso and the new Recurring Events Manager plugin for WordPress.

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Posted in News, Events, Registration, Event Management | No Comments »

Event Espresso - Staging Server