Archive for the ‘EE4’ Category

A New Direction For the Event Espresso 4 Support Licenses

Since February when we released EE4 without any add-ons, we’ve realized that many people don’t need add-ons (such as the calendar); all they need is the core plugin. These users also do not want to be required to purchase something they do not need. As such, we’ve changed our method of packaging add-ons with the core plugin. The Event Espresso 4 Personal and Developer Licenses will no longer include add-ons. Add-ons can be purchased separately by anyone with at least a Personal Support License (whether EE3 or EE4 Personal Support License).

What is happening to the EE4 Developer License?

The EE4 Developer License is now an even better value. The EE4 Developer License includes five license keys, AND you can purchase any EE4 add-on ONCE and use it with as many licenses as are on your account. This makes the EE4 Developer License more valuable with each add-on you purchase because you get even more great event registration software at a greater discount.

Where is the EE4 Business License?

In the near future we will offer a “Business License” (might be a different name) that is essentially a package that offers “one of everything” at a significantly discounted rate. This will allow event managers to get access to all our great event registration software for a super price. This support license package is yet to released.

These changes make Event Espresso more affordable and accessible to all event managers and WordPress developers.

Posted in Home Page, News, Addons, Calendar, Licenses, Developers, EE4 | 2 Comments »

Developers Corner:
Theming in Event Espresso 4

What is the best way to customize EE4?

We think the BEST way to theme EE4 really depends on a few factors with the biggest factor being what you want to change. Sometimes all that is needed is a few CSS edits and other times customizations are done via a child theme, or even editing the PHP, HTML, and/or CSS files.

Basically, this means that existing WP theme developers will have an easier time developing customizable event designs for EE4, which in turn can benefit the end user. Developers are encouraged to view the list of currently available theme templates and tags.

Depending on what you want to change and your skill level, here are some options:

Child Themes
We want to make things as simple as we can for the end user, but with all the possible themes in use, there is a limit to how simple we can make it to customize things. The best solution (which is what we’ve taken IMO), is to integrate EE4 in “proper” WP ways that the majority of WP developers will understand. This ultimately benefits the end users who hire theme developers, or theme shops, that support EE4 templates in their themes.

Reassembly of the EE4 templates
Oh wait! Your theme doesn’t support child themes? No problem, simply reassemble all of the EE4 template parts and combine them with your theme’s templates to make one cohesive archive-espresso_events.php (or single-espresso_events.php, etc) file, that integrates perfectly with your theme. The files that contain the template tags that should be loaded automagically, anytime an incoming request is for one of EE’s CPTs (otherwise they can be found in the /core/helpers/ folder).

The Event Espresso specific template parts include:

  • Event Details (description)
  • Event Datetimes
  • Event Tickets
  • Event Venues
  • Event Venue Location
  • Event Venue Detail (excerpt)

Custom Post Types
We think theming Event Espresso will be easier using Custom Post Types (CPTs), because we are now following the WordPress (WP) Theme Development Standards. This makes it easy for WP developers and theme shops to build integrations with their themes and plugins in EE4.

EE4 CPT data includes normal post data including:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Featured Image
  • Commenting
  • Excerpt
  • Custom Fields
  • Slug
  • Author

This data can be queried and displayed in themes along with other post data.

View a list of currently available theme templates and tags.

What option is right for me?

We don’t know the specifics of your website, so it’s up to you to decide where to go from here. We are happy to recommend a few helpful tips:

  1. If your goal is along the lines of “I want the events page to match my theme better” then the answer is usually a CSS solution. Sometimes a few CSS edits are all that are needed, and if you don’t have a child theme set up (or don’t want to) you can install a CSS builder plugin like this one and customize with CSS (it turns out that you can do a lot with CSS changes only).
  2. Just want to change the wording of a few phrases? If so, no need to hack templates, just use Josh’s WP gettext filter.
  3. If you need to add/remove content that’s not already in the event template, then setting up a child theme and working through the templates and using Event Espresso’s WordPress hooks and filters may be the way forward.
  4. Sometimes, if it’s a PHP, HTML, or CSS based solution, you may need to contact a developer familiar with PHP, HTML, and/or CSS to help out. Our support team is also available in the support forums and will recommend the best solution for what you are trying to accomplish.
Are you a WordPress theme developer? Want to see how Event Espresso 4 integrates with your theme? Request access to the Event Espresso Core (4.0+) GitHub repository and get acquainted with the premier event registration system for WordPress.

Posted in WordPress Plugins, Tips & Tutorials, Developers, EE4 | No Comments »

Event Espresso 4 (Beta) Officially Released

2014-02-10_00-10-21Event Espresso 4 (Beta) is now available! This is really exciting and there is a lot we’d like to share with you!

How do I get access to EE4?

EE4 is currently available to the public for sale and is released to Event Espresso 3 users for FREE. If you purchase a EE3 Support License you will also have free access to EE4.

You can even launch your own demo site for EE4 in just a few minutes. Click here to get started with your EE4 test drive site!

Attention Bloggers – Wanna get your hands on a free copy of EE4 to review or want to do an interview? Please reach out to us on Twitter, Facebook, or contact us.


How is EE4 different than EE3?

2014-02-10_00-06-40EE4 is very different from EE3 in more ways than we can probably list/describe/remember—so you’re going to want to check it out. In general there are several important changes to the EE4: features, user interface, data structure,  coding method and price.


EE3 and EE4 have different feature sets; some features are available in EE4 that have never been available in EE3:

….and 30+ more!

User Interface

2014-02-10_00-07-23The user interface has been rebuilt to follow the new WordPress 3.8+ standard. We’ve rebuilt all the pages, added new icons, added mobile browser compatibility, optimized notifications and much more. We believe that EE4 is more elegant, easier to use and more powerful all at the same time.

Data Structure

The data structure has changed so that some event data is now custom post types (CPTs). CPTs make event-related data more available to standard WordPress functions and themes. This will make Event Espresso more accessible for both back-end (core) developers and front-end (theme) designers.

Coding Method

The coding method has changed from procedural coding to more heavily object-oriented programming. That means there are more files, but less code to do more advanced things. Experienced developers should appreciate all the work that went into this change. We believe it makes our event registration more powerful and robust, helping make your event registration experience better.

We really think you’ll like what you see—especially as you get used to EE4 and realize all the new types of events it can power. We will continue making improvements in all of these areas and look forward for what is to come.


While “in Beta”, Event Espresso 4 will be discounted significantly (approx. 50%). As the EE4 matures to a “stable” development status, the price will rise. Those who purchase at this discounted rate are still entitled to 12 months of support and upgrades.


Screen Shots

Here are a few screen shots to show off some of the awesome new features!


Why did we spend so much time and money building Event Espresso 4?

We have sought feedback from you, the thousands of event managers and developers who rely on Event Espresso to make their events successful. Your feedback has focused on one general theme. You want Event Espresso to do more and be more stable.

It is difficult to add more features to a system that was initially designed to for a more narrow focus. As we continue to add those new features Event Espresso has become more difficult to use, setup and/or customize. The added features has also made the core code more complex and less reliable, thus the increase in bugs.

As your requirements for Event Espresso have evolved (and continue to evolve), it became clear that parts of the code have gotten too complex and must be refactored in order to support new ideas. The longer we delayed refactoring Event Espresso, and the more code is written for EE3, the more difficult it becomes to refactor Event Espresso to meet your needs today and in the future.

In short, we spent a lot of money and several years building Event Espresso 4 because we wanted to help you and your events be more successful.


Why did it take so long to build Event Espresso 4?

When we started building version 3.2, we didn’t anticipate that it would be such a major change. However, as we started to refactor one system we saw it necessary (and better timing) to refactor other systems. Event Espresso 4 introduces several major changes including:

  • A new user interface
  • A single page checkout
  • A new messages system
  • New transaction management
  • A new pricing management system
  • A new taxes management system
  • Custom post types for events, venues, and contacts
  • Changing our programming approach to object-oriented programming
  • and much more!

All those systems are quite interconnected and complex, so updating it took a lot of time and resources. We’re just as frustrated EE4 took as long to release as you, but we feel this decision will be the best for you in the long-run. We’re confident that we (and other developers) can build really great event registration websites on EE4 for a very long time to come.


What’s coming next in Event Espresso 4?

We view our roadmap in two ways: short(er)-term projects and long(er)-term projects. Our roadmap is subject to change at any time.

Our short(er)-term projects include:

  • Making EE3 add-ons compatible with EE4.
  • Promotion codes.
  • Refactoring gateways.

Our Long(er)-term projects include:

  • Integration with third-party plugins and services.
  • Advanced messages functionality.
  • Advanced registration form functionality.
  • New add-ons.
  • Event themes.
  • Continued code optimization.

As always, you’re invited to participate as developers or sponsors.


What’s the plan for Event Espresso 3?

EE4 beta begins the official process of phasing out EE3. Going forward, we will focus new feature development resources on EE4 and only maintenance resources to EE3. As the EE4 feature set (including add-ons) exceeds those that are currently available with EE3 we will no longer sell or support EE3.

Those who purchase a EE3 support license  also have access to the core EE4 files and we recommend that they evaluate EE4 to see if will meet your needs at this time. We have provided tools to use EE3 data in EE4 which can help you start using EE4 sooner.

The future of event registration and ticketing is with Event Espresso 4 and we hope you’ll join us today for that amazing journey.


Can I Use EE4 instead of EE3?

Depending on your situation you might (or might not) want to replace EE3 with EE4. In general, our recommendation hinges on: what features you require, and whether you want to use your EE3 data in EE4.

Some features are not available in EE4 that are available in EE3:

  • Coupon/Discount codes
  • Wait lists
  • Staff manager
  • Support for EE3 add-ons (see below)
None of the EE3 add-ons are compatible with EE4 at this time (but they are on our short-list). You will need to make the determination about which features your project requires and which Event Espresso version will meet your needs.

Using EE3 Data in EE4

Event Espresso 4 is ready to accept unaltered data that has been prepared by Event Espresso 3.1.36 (or greater). If you’ve not modified your EE3 database structure then you can migrate your data from EE3 to EE4. If you have modified your database structure, the migration scripts may not function properly (see below).

As a good practice, please backup your website database before migrating.

When to migrate EE3 data to EE4:

If you are using  Event Espresso version  3.1.36 (or greater) without customization that changes the data structure (e.g. additional database tables, columns, etc.) you can migrate your database from EE3 to EE4.

As a good practice, please backup your website database before migrating.

When NOT to migrate EE3 data to EE4:

We recommend NOT migrating your EE3 data to EE4 if you: have customized Event Espresso database tables or columns that weren’t included with EE3 OR are using EE3 on a multi-site installation of WordPress.


What is the development status of Event Espresso 4?

After years of development and months of testing, we have finished adding features (to this version) and all major bugs have been resolved. We do expect you to be able to use EE4 as if it were a stable product, with the exception that additional bugs may be identified through more extensive testing with your specific use-case. Please report any suspected bugs to the support forums. For a short period, we will be focused on fixing bugs that are found by users and that can be verified by our support staff, then release patches ASAP. After EE4 is released as a “non-Beta” product we will commence work on our development road map.


Reporting Bugs

We have spent, literally, thousands of hours developing, testing and debugging EE4, but undoubtedly some of you may encounter issues with EE4 while testing it in your given use-case, the plugins and themes you use, etc. Please report any unexpected behavior, error messages, or bugs to the support forums so we can keep all the requests organized and fixed as soon as possible. Please create a new thread for each issue so that it can be addressed specifically. Otherwise it might confused with other issues or missed among a lengthy discussion.

As a good practice, please backup your website database before using EE4 on the same website where you are using EE3 and before migrating.


Questions or Comments? Tell us what you think

Event Espresso 4 is a big step forward in the functionality and power of WordPress events plugins. We really think you’ll like what EE4 is now, what you can do with it now, and what it will become. Launch your own test drive of Event Espresso 4 in minutes and let us know what you’re thinking.

Posted in Beta, Home Page, News, New Versions, WordPress Plugins, EE4 | 45 Comments »

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