The next Espresso Bar hangout will be March 19


Due to scheduling conflicts and some health issues, we’ve postponed our hangout a week to March 19. Don’t worry, everyone will be fine, we just wanted to make sure our hosts would be 100% and available for another awesome show. We’ll have Darren from the development team on to talk about the new Messages system he’s been working on for 3.2. We’ll also be selecting a customer web site to feature for our Espresso Shots segment (thanks for sending in the suggestions for titles!) as well as talking about the new API and iPad app, our Postmark/Mandrill plugin and our new Event Espresso Pros page and developer resources. We’ll also answer any questions or topic ideas you may have that we think would be good for the show, so fill out the form below if there’s something you’d like us to talk about or if you’d be interested in being a guest host.

You can follow Darren, Chris, Seth and Event Espresso on Twitter, join us on IRC and tune in a week from next Tuesday for our live hangout.

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