Come hang out with us on Tuesday

Our second public Google+ hangout will be next Tuesday, February 12 at 9am MST. You can watch the first episode in the Event Espresso Hangout Archive or download the audio on iTunes. If you have questions or topics you’d like us to discuss on the air, you can fill out our form.

Some topics we might discuss are:

  • Customer Seating Chart showcase
  • Event Espresso developer whose client sold $35k in 48 hours
  • Event Espresso 3.2 progress report
  • 3.1.30 released
  • What’s coming in 3.1.31?
  • Front End Manager beta & attendee mover tool

Our hosts this month will be:

Article Outline

Seth Shoultes @sethshoultes

Seth is the original founder of Event Espresso, a project that began as a way for his wife to have people register for her scrapbooking events. He’s one of the lead developers, spending most of his waking hours working on Event Espresso 3.1 features and bugfixes.

Chris Reynolds @jazzs3quence

Chris is a general handyman around Event Espresso, working the forums, email, custom development and occasional contributions to Event Espresso core and add-on development. Chris is responsible for rewriting much of the Event Espresso Requirements Check plugin and has been with the team for the past 2 years.

Brent Christensen @BrentEspresso

Brent is the lead developer for Event Espresso and has been responsible for leading much of the development going into Event Espresso 3.2 as well as wholesale bugfixes and refactoring in 3.1. He’s in British Columbia, so we’ll forgive him for looking like he’s rolled out of bed right before the hangout because it’s probably true.

During the hangout you’ll be able to send us questions or comments live via twitter with the #EventEspresso hashtag or via IRC (our hangout page will have a IRC embed below the video so you can log in and watch live, or just join #eventespresso on freenode on Tuesday).

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