If you would like to test drive Event Espresso with the Recurring Events Manager, MailChimp, Members (WP Users Integration), Multiple Event Registration and calendar installed, please complete the application below. If approved, you will be granted access to our test drive site where you can demo Event Espresso for yourself.
If you have questions, please see our Pre-sales Forum.
Application to Test Drive Event Espresso
Note: Completing this application will subscribe you to Event Espresso communication including newsletters, product announcements, and offers. You may unsubscribe from these emails at any time.
About Event Espresso
With Event Espresso you can turn your WordPress website into a full-featured event management system, making it convenient and easy to sell tickets to your events. There is no reason to use an event ticketing service that charges more for every ticket you sell. Event managers are very satisfied with all the features available for this wordpress event ticketing manager and how it makes their events more profitable.