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Non-Profit Referral Form

Sharing non-profit discount

We know non-profit organizations rely on each other to share what helps them each fulfill their mission. Event Espresso has hundreds of non-profit organizations be more successful, save money and even generate more revenue for their cause.

You can help another non-profit be more successful by telling them how to get a special discount on Event Espresso.

Fill out the form below and we'll help you send this email to them and copy you on that message. We will not use your friend's information for marketing purposes. This form is simply a convenience for you and your friend to help your non-profit organizations be more successful.


Dear (First Name),

I wanted to share an event registration and ticketing system we use on our website to make our events more successful. The software is called Event Espresso - and they have a special discount for non-profit organizations. We recommend Event Espresso because the software works great for us, they are very affordable and have a great team. I just wanted to be sure you were aware of them and that I'd be happy to talk to you more about it if you'd like.

(your special message, if applicable)


(your first name) (your last name)


  • Your Information

  • Friend's Information

  • Add your own message here.

Event Espresso - Staging Server